
He was 27 years old and worth 2.7 billion, asked Jackie Chan to speak, 1.38 million firecrackers to marry a secretary, and it took only 4 years to go bankrupt

author:Recreation Room Twelve
He was 27 years old and worth 2.7 billion, asked Jackie Chan to speak, 1.38 million firecrackers to marry a secretary, and it took only 4 years to go bankrupt
All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources of information and is detailed at the end of the article
He was 27 years old and worth 2.7 billion, asked Jackie Chan to speak, 1.38 million firecrackers to marry a secretary, and it took only 4 years to go bankrupt

Born in the late 1960s, Hu Zhibiao ushered in the climax of his life at the age of 27. The first electronic product he pushed, Aiduo VCD, instantly exploded all over the country. Those years were his well-known golden period, and he boldly invited the popular Jackie Chan to be the brand spokesperson. In order to celebrate their career success, and also to express their deep love and commitment to their wife Lin Ying, they held a luxurious and grand wedding on their wedding day, which attracted the attention of the whole city. This wedding not only shows the depth of their personal feelings, but also a symbol of their social status.

He was 27 years old and worth 2.7 billion, asked Jackie Chan to speak, 1.38 million firecrackers to marry a secretary, and it took only 4 years to go bankrupt

Behind all this glamour, there is a huge crisis. Due to the economic and social environment at that time, the competition in this industry was very fierce, the price war was fought to the death, the cake in the market became smaller and smaller, and the high profits gradually disappeared. Some low-priced products are even sold at a loss, putting a lot of pressure on the company.

He was 27 years old and worth 2.7 billion, asked Jackie Chan to speak, 1.38 million firecrackers to marry a secretary, and it took only 4 years to go bankrupt

The company's financial situation has deteriorated dramatically, and the problem of out-of-stock and counterfeiting in the industrial chain has also been exposed, showing the difficulties of supply chain management and the company's inadequacy in responding to market changes. They have to make changes or they will be eliminated from the market.

He was 27 years old and worth 2.7 billion, asked Jackie Chan to speak, 1.38 million firecrackers to marry a secretary, and it took only 4 years to go bankrupt

As Aiduo VCD becomes more and more popular in the market, the name Hu Zhibiao is gradually becoming well-known. Of course, as the business gets bigger and bigger, so does his vision. He understands that if the company wants to grow in the long term, it must continue to expand its sales network and increase brand awareness. So, he made a bold decision, which once again sparked heated discussions. He is not just staring at the domestic market, but looking at thousands of households across the country. Moreover, he also chose a special advertising platform - CCTV.

He was 27 years old and worth 2.7 billion, asked Jackie Chan to speak, 1.38 million firecrackers to marry a secretary, and it took only 4 years to go bankrupt

Back in 1997, that special day of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. On that day, the price of Aiduo VCD was set at 1,997 yuan, which is not a random choice, it represents our expectation and pride in Hong Kong's return to the motherland. In order to let more people know about Aiduo VCD, that night, during the prime time of CCTV, there was a picture of Jackie Chan wearing a suit and holding an Aiduo VCD in his hand. Jackie Chan is a generation of martial arts stars, and his endorsement has made many people like Aiduo VCD.

He was 27 years old and worth 2.7 billion, asked Jackie Chan to speak, 1.38 million firecrackers to marry a secretary, and it took only 4 years to go bankrupt

Behind all this glamour, though, there's something deeper. For example, they set off 1.38 million firecrackers on their wedding day, which is not only to celebrate the wedding of the newlyweds, but also to express their blessings for family happiness and social harmony. It is also an affirmation and display of one's career.

He was 27 years old and worth 2.7 billion, asked Jackie Chan to speak, 1.38 million firecrackers to marry a secretary, and it took only 4 years to go bankrupt

At that time, Hu Zhibiao was quite capable and full of confidence, and felt that he could be surprised by the shopping mall and guide the country. However, he didn't expect that after this vigorous wave passed, there was actually a huge existential threat.

During the period when Hu Zhibiao's company was thriving, their business and sales model also encountered unprecedented difficulties. In order to seize the market, they invest a lot of money in advertising, and as a result, the company's profits are getting less and less.

He was 27 years old and worth 2.7 billion, asked Jackie Chan to speak, 1.38 million firecrackers to marry a secretary, and it took only 4 years to go bankrupt

At this time, BBK, a company with a strong sales network, also began to act, and their boss Duan Yongping went all out to reduce the price of VCDs to gain more market share. The market competition is so fierce that every entrepreneur in it can't sleep peacefully; Hu Zhibiao is caught in a contradiction, on one side of his own profit model, on the other side is the demand of the market.

He was 27 years old and worth 2.7 billion, asked Jackie Chan to speak, 1.38 million firecrackers to marry a secretary, and it took only 4 years to go bankrupt

Moreover, there is a problem within the company: the "money-burning" advertising and low-price competition strategy are slowly eating away at the company's profits. In order to seize the market, some low-end products even sell at a loss, and the risks behind them cannot be underestimated. So, is this kind of development route that pursues sales too much and ignores profits in line with the essence of business? This is probably a question that many companies need to think about.

He was 27 years old and worth 2.7 billion, asked Jackie Chan to speak, 1.38 million firecrackers to marry a secretary, and it took only 4 years to go bankrupt

All this does not seem to have taught Hu Zhibiao a profound lesson. At the much-anticipated wedding ceremony, people's eyes were more focused on his enviable successful life and his elegant attitude to life.

He was 27 years old and worth 2.7 billion, asked Jackie Chan to speak, 1.38 million firecrackers to marry a secretary, and it took only 4 years to go bankrupt

Although the excitement of the wedding scene still echoes in the ears, the ruthlessness of the market has quietly arrived. The financial statements reveal that the company's accounts are getting worse and worse, and the risk of breaking the capital chain is gradually emerging. Behind the enthusiasm is a huge pressure, which gradually loses its balance in a noisy environment. The image of Aiduo VCD, which once shone on the billboard, has now begun to fade.

He was 27 years old and worth 2.7 billion, asked Jackie Chan to speak, 1.38 million firecrackers to marry a secretary, and it took only 4 years to go bankrupt

Corporate partner Chen Tiannan saw the hollowness and real crisis behind the prosperity that Hu Zhibiao had carefully built, and his decision to announce the divestment was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. Without financial support, the voices that once brought him endless glory have now turned into wails of pain.

He was 27 years old and worth 2.7 billion, asked Jackie Chan to speak, 1.38 million firecrackers to marry a secretary, and it took only 4 years to go bankrupt

Hu Zhibiao, who was once ambitious, is now feeling anxious, and he looks back to find that his vision has faded. The laughter and laughter of the wedding had now turned into the roars and shouts of the debt collectors, whose voices passed through the heavy doors of the Aido company. The once-glorious company now has to face the harsh reality that creditors have surrounded the once-vibrant corporate headquarters.

He was 27 years old and worth 2.7 billion, asked Jackie Chan to speak, 1.38 million firecrackers to marry a secretary, and it took only 4 years to go bankrupt

Soon after, Hu Zhibiao's wealth empire began to collapse, and the financial fraud and embezzlement behind his lavish life were exposed, and what awaited him was a cold prison life and a deep reflection on his future life path.

He was 27 years old and worth 2.7 billion, asked Jackie Chan to speak, 1.38 million firecrackers to marry a secretary, and it took only 4 years to go bankrupt

After coming out of that terrible prison, he probably learned more about self-control and rational thinking. He deeply regarded those confusions as a valuable lesson, turning them into a source of wisdom in his heart. Although the business empire that once belonged to him is now a thing of the past, leaving only a vague shadow.

He was 27 years old and worth 2.7 billion, asked Jackie Chan to speak, 1.38 million firecrackers to marry a secretary, and it took only 4 years to go bankrupt

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