
What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

author:Eat grapes and love skins
What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

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More than 100 years ago, there were no big hotels, no luxury hotels, only roadside snack bars, and some simple inns.

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

More than 100 years ago, not only were there no high-speed trains, but there were not even cars on the road, and horses, donkeys, and camels were really used to transport goods.

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

More than 100 years ago, the son of a landlord wore different clothes and already wore glasses.

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

The steel plate is used by the teacher to carve the scroll. There is also the mimeographed test paper, which will be printed with the word of an arm in the summer. There are also front and back sides of the ink roll, and I don't like the rough side, but I like the smooth side to write.

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

Toys, at that time, I bought very few toys, and I also played with paper airplanes, punching bags, bouncing marbles, passing slingshots, small muskets, nailing the floor, and running away,...... This is just one of the kinds, playing marbles, match guns, bones throwing sandbags, hopscotch touching monkeys and so on. I can't go back now, only memories. The childhood that we can't go back proves that we are all old.

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

In the past, when the standard of living was not high and the materials were relatively scarce, it was necessary to go to the mountains to hunt pigweed to feed the pigs. When I was a child, the first thing I did after school was to fight pigweed, and I was still feeding the pigs, but I didn't play pigweed, I was fed corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes and the like, and I was fed to the pigs by growing vegetables.

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

The eighteenth: electric whip

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

This is the remains of the famous Confucian Temple. When Qin Shi Huang burned books to pit Confucianism, a large number of ancient books were destroyed, and the descendants of Confucius hid the precious Confucian classics in Lubi and were preserved.

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

In 1961, a man with a dog in Japan was indeed very short

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

"Harvest", "Zhong Shan", "National Excellent Novella Selection",

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

Lantern fruit, when I was a child, I had it in the back garden of my family, the tree did not grow tall, there were thorns, the fruit was green and sour at first, and when it matured, it turned purple and was not sour. It's delicious.

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

Pick the pear, put it in a pot, dig a hole, and put it inside. Cover it with artemisia seeds, then bury it in the soil, cover it for a few days, open it, wow, the fragrant and sweet taste no one can resist, and the delicious one can't describe it. Yamanashi covers the taste, and there is no pear that can compare to it! Yuan jujube is ripe and a hundred times more delicious than kiwifruit. In my mind, the pear is the fruit that tastes best

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

Green tongue, 5 cents a piece, an unpopular old popsicle, after eating, the mouth is full of green

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

The cowardly husband and the domineering wife, the woman is holding a fan in her hand, and she looks domineering and arrogant

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

The chewy bird knot candy is still fresh in my memory.

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

Despite coming from an aristocratic family, they put down their young ladies and actively studied practical techniques at university.

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

I have a gramophone at home, when I was a child, I called it "foreign opera", it may be too early to be manual, no electricity, a crank can be shaken a few times, there is a clockwork device in the machine.

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

Bresson and Martin Frank, 1980, by Andre Kertesz

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

Iodophor cotton swabs

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

Happiness 250

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

Bag This is a classic black bag back then, and now I have the same bag at home, which has long been abandoned in the corner. Every time, my mother would carry this bag to the market or to the street. We were all curious to see if there was anything delicious in the bag.

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

In rural primary schools in mountainous areas, I did not learn English, and I only learned the alphabet ABC in the first year of junior high school, which was the beginning of this textbook. At first, I felt inferior and anxious, and I failed the first exam and got a perfect score in the final exam. I'm catching up with the first batch of use, it looks really kind, although I am a person who loves books and cherishes books, and the book is wrapped in skin, but at the end of the year, the back of the book is still inevitably rotten, especially the lower part of the back of the book, which looks better than the current English textbook.

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

For example, playing the kiln, swinging, kicking the square, singing songs, etc., a happy childhood is spent in play. Where like today's children, only know how to watch TV and do homework.

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

In 1943, in Dunhuang, the grandparents and grandchildren who made a living by selling melons

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

At that time, there were too few goods in the store, but they were all regular products, good quality, and some of the goods had to be purchased with tickets, which is a good memory when I think about it now. Several logo items of the supply and marketing cooperative, without these few things, there is no historical taste. The first kerosene, which was used to light kerosene lamps, and the second was the soy sauce tank and vinegar tank embedded in the cement counter, which were all bulk at that time, and this was the taste of the supply and marketing cooperative! At that time, the salesmen of the supply and marketing cooperatives were the iron rice bowls that everyone envied in the countryside, especially in that era of lack of material conditions, and the salesmen of the supply and marketing cooperatives could buy goods that others could not buy through the back door.

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

I still have a slate at home, and when my brother ran out of it, I continued to use it. In 2018, I cleaned up the old house and turned it out. I'm fifty years old this year.

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

A young soldier of the National Army in a military uniform in 1944

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

A bicycle to raise a pig, pigs have to be handed over, raise two to have a home, my bicycle is permanent, or to find my uncle to buy a relationship.

What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

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What was "old China" like more than 100 years ago? An American tourist took 12 photos

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