
This person refused to sing for Cixi because of one thing, and Cixi laughed when she found out: This thing is easy to do!


During the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, Chinese society underwent tremendous changes, and Peking Opera, as a representative of traditional Chinese opera art, reached unprecedented prosperity during this period. The rise and development of Peking Opera not only enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the people, but also gave birth to a large number of Peking Opera stars, their incomes and social services

During the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, Chinese society underwent tremendous changes, and Peking Opera, as a representative of traditional Chinese opera art, reached unprecedented prosperity during this period. The rise and development of Peking Opera has not only enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the people, but also given birth to a large number of Peking Opera stars, whose income and social status have also risen.

In the late Qing Dynasty, Peking Opera started from tea gardens and theaters in Beijing, and gradually expanded to all parts of the country, becoming one of the most popular forms of opera. The prosperity of Peking Opera is due to many factors. First of all, the late Qing government's emphasis on and support for culture and art provided a good social environment for the development of Peking Opera. Secondly, Peking Opera itself has a unique artistic charm, which integrates a variety of performance forms such as singing, reading, doing, and playing, which can meet the aesthetic needs of different audiences. In addition, a group of outstanding artists in the Peking Opera industry, such as Mei Lanfang and Cheng Shuoru, have also greatly promoted the prosperity of Peking Opera with their exquisite performance skills and persistent pursuit of Peking Opera art.

This person refused to sing for Cixi because of one thing, and Cixi laughed when she found out: This thing is easy to do!

During this period, the income of Peking Opera stars was very considerable. Peking Opera celebrities represented by Wang Guifen and Tan Xinpei had a high appearance fee, even exceeding the annual salary of a Beijing official at that time. These stars have not only been rewarded financially, but also enjoyed great prestige in society. Tickets for their performances are often hard to come by, and audiences spend a lot of money on tickets to see them.

The high income of Peking Opera stars also reflected the importance and respect that society attached to culture and art at that time. In the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, culture and art were regarded as a noble profession, and the social status of artists also increased. Peking Opera stars are not only sought after by the audience on stage, but also respected and loved by people in life. Their success has inspired more people to devote themselves to the art of Peking Opera and contributed to the prosperity and development of Peking Opera.

However, the high income of Peking Opera stars has not been without its challenges. In the social environment at that time, they faced various challenges and difficulties. First of all, the Peking Opera industry is very competitive, and artists need to constantly improve their performance skills to meet the growing aesthetic needs of audiences. Secondly, the private lives of Peking Opera stars are often subject to attention and interference from the outside world, and they need to manage their relationship with society while maintaining their artistic creation. In addition, the social turmoil of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China also brought uncertainty to the lives of Peking Opera stars.

Despite this, Peking Opera stars have won people's respect and admiration for their outstanding artistic achievements. Their success has not only won honor and wealth for themselves, but also made indelible contributions to the development of Peking Opera art. During the late Qing and Republican periods, Peking Opera stars became a banner of Chinese culture, and their artistic achievements and personality charm inspired generations of Chinese.

This person refused to sing for Cixi because of one thing, and Cixi laughed when she found out: This thing is easy to do!

The prosperity of Peking Opera has also led to the development of related industries. Costumes, props, makeup and other industries closely related to Peking Opera performances have developed rapidly. These industries not only provide the necessary material foundation for the performance of Peking Opera, but also contribute to the inheritance and development of Peking Opera art. At the same time, the prosperity of Peking Opera has also promoted cultural exchanges, and many Peking Opera artists have gone abroad to spread the art of Chinese opera to the world.

In general, the Peking Opera industry in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China became an important part of Chinese culture with its unique artistic charm and social influence. The high income of Peking Opera stars is not only an affirmation of their artistic achievements, but also an encouragement and support for the entire Peking Opera industry. During this period, the art of Peking Opera developed unprecedentedly and became a treasure of traditional Chinese culture, leaving a valuable cultural heritage for future generations.

During the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, the popularity of opium was not only a social phenomenon, but also a pastime and a symbol of status for certain social classes. During this period, opium smoking was particularly popular among certain celebrities, who used it as a fashion and even tied it to their personal wealth, fame, and price.

Opium, a substance originally used for medical purposes, gradually evolved into a luxury due to its strong addictive nature. In the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, opium smoking was not only popular among the general public, but also became a fashion among some economically powerful groups. Among these groups, there are some celebrities who smoke opium to show their economic power and social status.

This person refused to sing for Cixi because of one thing, and Cixi laughed when she found out: This thing is easy to do!

In the social context of the time, opium smoking was seen as a luxury lifestyle that only those who could afford it financially. Therefore, in order to show their status and wealth, some celebrities do not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy opium, and even set up a special opium room at home to entertain friends and peers. This behavior was seen at the time as a status symbol and an integral part of their social activities.

With the popularity of opium smoking, it gradually became linked to the fame and appearance price of celebrities. Some celebrities believe that opium smoking can improve their social status and even affect the price of their gigs. In their view, opium smoking is not only a pleasure, but also an investment that can bring them more attention and opportunities. Therefore, some celebrities want to maintain this extravagant lifestyle at all costs.

However, not all of the effects of opium smoking on celebrities are positive. Long-term opium use can cause serious damage to their health and even affect their artistic careers. Some celebrities are addicted to opium, resulting in poor mental state, deterioration in the quality of performances, and eventually lose the love and support of the audience. In addition, opium smoking will also lead to the degradation of social morality, and some celebrities are notorious and even spurned by society because of opium smoking.

Despite this, opium smoking was still seen as a fashion and status symbol at the time. Some celebrities have sacrificed their health and artistic careers in pursuit of this symbol. To a certain extent, this phenomenon reflects a deformed value of the society at that time, that is, the excessive pursuit of material comforts and superficial status symbols, while ignoring the health and moral cultivation of individuals.

This person refused to sing for Cixi because of one thing, and Cixi laughed when she found out: This thing is easy to do!

In general, during the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, opium smoking became a fashion and status symbol among some celebrity groups. Although this phenomenon reflected their economic strength and social status to a certain extent, it also exposed an unhealthy value concept in the society at that time. For celebrities, the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle and noble artistic accomplishment is far more important than the pursuit of temporary luxury and vanity.

This person refused to sing for Cixi because of one thing, and Cixi laughed when she found out: This thing is easy to do!

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