
3-2 shocking reversal! The Chinese team defeated Japan, and the domestic Ronaldo won two yuan, pointing at South Korea!

author:Sportsman's Fun

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3-2 shocking reversal! The Chinese team defeated Japan, and the domestic Ronaldo won two yuan, pointing at South Korea!


In the blood-boiling field, the Chinese team and the Japanese team had a fierce confrontation.

The opening situation was unfavorable, and the Chinese team was not discouraged.

At the critical moment, the domestic Ronaldo stepped forward, relying on his amazing strength and tenacious fighting spirit, and won two yuan.

Achieve a 3 - 2 shocking reversal! The Chinese team successfully defeated Japan, and its morale was greatly boosted, and the sword pointed to the next showdown with the South Korean team!

3-2 shocking reversal! The Chinese team defeated Japan, and the domestic Ronaldo won two yuan, pointing at South Korea!

Preparation journey to create the star of Chinese football tomorrow

In order to better prepare for the competition, the U16 national junior team went to Japan for training.

It is not only a place where cherry blossoms bloom, but also a mecca for youth training in Asian football.

Japan's youth training system is known for its scientific, systematic and effective nature.

Compared to China, they focus more on technical details and tactical understanding than on mere physical confrontation.

3-2 shocking reversal! The Chinese team defeated Japan, and the domestic Ronaldo won two yuan, pointing at South Korea!

During their time in Japan, the U16 national junior team learned advanced training concepts in depth and participated in many warm-up matches.

These experiences not only improved the technical and tactical level of the team, but also made the players deeply appreciate the fierceness and cruelty of international competition.

During this trip to Japan, I was fortunate to invite Kenichi Uemura, a well-known Japanese coach, to give guidance.

Kenichi Uemura's football philosophy emphasizes "smart football".

3-2 shocking reversal! The Chinese team defeated Japan, and the domestic Ronaldo won two yuan, pointing at South Korea!

That is, making the right judgments and choices in the game, rather than relying solely on physical and technical skills.

His unique insights into the current state of youth training in China provide valuable advice for the future development of Chinese football.

Kenichi Uemura believes that improving the player's ability to make decisions on their own is the key to improving the overall level.

This was put into practice in training, and the players began to learn to think on the pitch rather than act blindly.

3-2 shocking reversal! The Chinese team defeated Japan, and the domestic Ronaldo won two yuan, pointing at South Korea!

By constantly adjusting tactics and strengthening communication, the team gradually found its form.

The match against Sinar Mas Osaka High School was particularly crucial, not only showcasing the progress of the U16 national junior team, but also boosting the morale of the whole team.

In this process, the performance of players such as Yang Qiandong and Lai Jiantao is particularly eye-catching.

Not only have they made breakthroughs in terms of technology and physical fitness, but more importantly.

3-2 shocking reversal! The Chinese team defeated Japan, and the domestic Ronaldo won two yuan, pointing at South Korea!

They have made significant progress in their mental quality and teamwork.

Victory in last year's Junior East Asian Cup Tournament and the subsequent warm-up match in Germany.

They are all important milestones in their growth journey, and each competition has made them more mature and more confident.

The real test lies ahead.

3-2 shocking reversal! The Chinese team defeated Japan, and the domestic Ronaldo won two yuan, pointing at South Korea!

In the U17 Asian Cup qualifiers, the U16 national junior team will face strong opponents in Group C - South Korea, Bhutan, Maldives and Bahrain.

Among them, the South Korean team, as a traditional powerhouse in Asian football, is undoubtedly the most challenging opponent.

But the Under-16s are ready and they will be at their best.

Show the style of Chinese youth football.

3-2 shocking reversal! The Chinese team defeated Japan, and the domestic Ronaldo won two yuan, pointing at South Korea!

Every player in the U16 national junior team is the hope for the future of Chinese football.

They are the talent pool of the national team and the communicators of football culture.

Their growth is inseparable from the continuous advancement of China's football reform.

It is inseparable from the improvement of the talent training system, and even more inseparable from the construction of infrastructure.

3-2 shocking reversal! The Chinese team defeated Japan, and the domestic Ronaldo won two yuan, pointing at South Korea!

Only in this way can Chinese football go further on the world stage and achieve a real rise.

The preparation journey of the U16 national junior team is a journey full of sweat and tears, challenges and gains.

Their fighting spirit is the most valuable asset of Chinese football.

3-2 shocking reversal! The Chinese team defeated Japan, and the domestic Ronaldo won two yuan, pointing at South Korea!


After a short break, they did not bask in the glory of the past, but immediately plunged into a new round of intensive training.

The focus of this intensive training is no longer on improving the technical level, but on deepening the psychological quality and tactical awareness.

The coaching team conducted a detailed analysis of each player's performance based on the video footage of the game during the training session in Japan.

Problems are pointed out and individualized improvement plans are developed.

3-2 shocking reversal! The Chinese team defeated Japan, and the domestic Ronaldo won two yuan, pointing at South Korea!

The team members faced the challenge with a more positive attitude.

They understand that every self-transcendence is a solid step towards their dreams.

In order to test the results of the training camp, the U16 national junior team organized a series of warm-up matches in China

The opponents include teams of different ages and styles, and are designed to simulate a variety of situations that may be encountered in the Asian Cup qualifiers.

3-2 shocking reversal! The Chinese team defeated Japan, and the domestic Ronaldo won two yuan, pointing at South Korea!

These games not only tested the team's overall cooperation, but also allowed the players to apply what they learned in actual combat.

The reading ability and adaptability skills of the competition were further improved.

In particular, the U16 national junior team performed well against senior amateur teams.

It shows the unlimited potential of the young generation of footballers.

3-2 shocking reversal! The Chinese team defeated Japan, and the domestic Ronaldo won two yuan, pointing at South Korea!

In modern football, the use of technology is becoming more and more widespread.

The preparation of the Under-16s is also infused with high-tech elements, with the help of data analysis and sports science.

The coaching team is able to more accurately assess the physical condition and competitive status of the players, and adjust the training intensity and recovery plan in time.

In addition, through video analysis software, players can watch replays of the game repeatedly.

3-2 shocking reversal! The Chinese team defeated Japan, and the domestic Ronaldo won two yuan, pointing at South Korea!

Learn from your opponent's tactical characteristics and prepare for the upcoming tournament.

Football is not only a contest of physical strength and skill, but also a manifestation of willpower and team spirit.

The U16 national team is well aware of this, so in addition to their daily training, they also arrange a variety of cultural activities.

Including visiting history museums and participating in public welfare activities, it aims to cultivate the players' sense of social responsibility and team honor.

3-2 shocking reversal! The Chinese team defeated Japan, and the domestic Ronaldo won two yuan, pointing at South Korea!

This all-round education method allows the players to grow up.

Not only to become an excellent athlete, but also to grow into a responsible and caring social citizen.

With the Asian Cup qualifiers approaching, the preparation of the U16 national junior team has entered the sprint stage.

The hearts of the players are full of anticipation and passion.

3-2 shocking reversal! The Chinese team defeated Japan, and the domestic Ronaldo won two yuan, pointing at South Korea!

They know that they are standing at a turning point in the history of Chinese football and have the opportunity to create their own legend.

For them, every training session, every game, is a step towards their dreams.

The story of the U16 national junior team is a story of courage, perseverance and dreams.

It tells us that as long as there is a dream in our hearts, there is a road under our feet.

3-2 shocking reversal! The Chinese team defeated Japan, and the domestic Ronaldo won two yuan, pointing at South Korea!


On the journey of football, the U16 national junior team is like a rising star, exuding dazzling light.

Every step of their growth is a milestone on the way forward for Chinese football.

Let's cheer them on together and look forward to the near future.

This new star can shine more brightly on the world football stage and write a new chapter in the history of Chinese football.

3-2 shocking reversal! The Chinese team defeated Japan, and the domestic Ronaldo won two yuan, pointing at South Korea!
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