
Millions of debts to live in bridge holes, divorce, jail, Avenue of Stars grassroots singers The current situation is too down?

author:Flying crayon Shin-chan

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When it comes to "Avenue of Stars", it is really a talent show that our people used to talk about. It is like a grand carnival, lighting up the beacon of dreams for many grassroots singers and building a bridge to the bright stars.

Millions of debts to live in bridge holes, divorce, jail, Avenue of Stars grassroots singers The current situation is too down?

The journey of life is never a straight road, and "Avenue of Stars" is no exception. Once its splendor was like the brightest star in the night sky, attracting countless eyes. But with the quiet retirement of the veteran host "Lao Bi", this show seems to have lost the support of its soul, and the ratings are like a kite with a broken string, falling straight without warning.

Millions of debts to live in bridge holes, divorce, jail, Avenue of Stars grassroots singers The current situation is too down?

This is really unexpected, like a delicious meal suddenly missing key seasonings, that kind of loss and discomfort, making people's hearts empty. The audience sighed one after another, always feeling that there was a lack of familiar flavor in the show, and the expectation and enthusiasm that had been there gradually dissipated.

Millions of debts to live in bridge holes, divorce, jail, Avenue of Stars grassroots singers The current situation is too down?

The contestants who came out of "Avenue of Stars", their life trajectories are like colorful and twists and turns, some are amazing, and some people can't help but sigh again and again.

Millions of debts to live in bridge holes, divorce, jail, Avenue of Stars grassroots singers The current situation is too down?

Let's talk about the blind Yang Guang first, this buddy's experience was simply a living inspirational legend at first. Blind, he was in a dark world, but with his extremely high talent and persistent love for music, he overcame obstacles all the way and stood out among many contestants and successfully won the annual championship. Not only that, but he also appeared on the incomparably dazzling stage of the Spring Festival Gala and became an inspirational model in the eyes of everyone, shining brightly and eye-catching.

Millions of debts to live in bridge holes, divorce, jail, Avenue of Stars grassroots singers The current situation is too down?

At that time, Yang Guang was a role model in the hearts of countless people, inspiring everyone to move forward bravely and chase their dreams. But who would have thought that fame can sometimes be like a sharp double-edged sword. As his fame grew louder and louder, Yang Guang may have been carried away by the flowers and applause around him, and began to become fluttery.

Millions of debts to live in bridge holes, divorce, jail, Avenue of Stars grassroots singers The current situation is too down?

He is no longer the humble and hard-working Yang Guang, and arrogance and pickiness have gradually become his labels. Such a change disappointed the audience, and industry insiders also complained about him. Gradually, everyone chose to stay away from him, and the support and love that once flocked to him receded like a tide. His career is like a deflated ball, more and more depressed, and the former glory has finally become a thing of the past.

Millions of debts to live in bridge holes, divorce, jail, Avenue of Stars grassroots singers The current situation is too down?

Look at Ah Bao again, when he showed his voice on the stage of "Avenue of Stars", his unique voice instantly captured the hearts of the audience. Coupled with the peasant identity he created, that kind of simplicity and innocence, everyone loved him and couldn't extricate himself. He is like a dazzling meteor, instantly crossing the night sky, popular all over the country, and has become an outstanding representative of grassroots singers.

Millions of debts to live in bridge holes, divorce, jail, Avenue of Stars grassroots singers The current situation is too down?

But fate always likes to play tricks on people, and later news broke that his so-called peasant identity was nothing more than an elaborate lie, and he was not actually the poor and simple peasant. This news is like a bombshell, causing an uproar in the entertainment industry. Fans who had loved and expected him felt cheated, and anger and disappointment quickly spread.

Millions of debts to live in bridge holes, divorce, jail, Avenue of Stars grassroots singers The current situation is too down?

Po's popularity plummeted in an instant, and the once overwhelming performance opportunities became scarce, and his exposure in front of the public was greatly reduced. His name gradually disappeared from the hot topic, leaving only endless emotion and regret among people.

and Liu Xiaodong, who emerged in "Avenue of Stars" with the unique title of "Nose King". Although his singing skills are not outstanding, he is also fortunate to participate in many popular variety shows on CCTV with the help of this show, and his popularity and popularity have increased significantly.

Millions of debts to live in bridge holes, divorce, jail, Avenue of Stars grassroots singers The current situation is too down?

The gears of fate don't seem to favor him all the time. Liu Xiaodong embarked on the road of investment and entrepreneurship with great ambition, eager to break new ground in another field. Unfortunately, it backfired, and his entrepreneurial journey was full of ups and downs and thorns, which eventually ended in failure and heavy debts. The once beautiful scenery has vanished in an instant, and life has become extremely difficult. He had to face the cruelty of reality and re-examine his life.

Millions of debts to live in bridge holes, divorce, jail, Avenue of Stars grassroots singers The current situation is too down?

The most jaw-dropping is Xu Yizhou, who won the love of the audience with his outstanding performance on "Avenue of Stars" and became a household name singer. Who would have thought that such a once-high-profile star was officially notified that he was suspected of participating in underworld activities, and also became the leader of the criminal team. This news was like a thunderbolt from the sky, and everyone's jaws dropped. It is really sad that the originally bright future was cut off by his own hands.

Millions of debts to live in bridge holes, divorce, jail, Avenue of Stars grassroots singers The current situation is too down?

The experience of these players is like a clear mirror, truly reflecting the complexities and difficulties of the entertainment industry. In this seemingly glamorous circle, talent and luck alone are not enough to truly gain a foothold and achieve long-term success. It is also necessary to have a sober and wise mind, as well as good moral cultivation. When fame and fortune come flooding in, temptations and challenges follow. If you can't stick to your original intention and bottom line, it is easy to lose your way in this complicated world and fall into the abyss from which you will never recover.

Millions of debts to live in bridge holes, divorce, jail, Avenue of Stars grassroots singers The current situation is too down?

We, ordinary people, can also understand many profound life philosophies from watching the ups and downs of these stars. Life is like a long journey, whether you are at the peak, enjoying the glory and joy of success, or falling into the trough and bearing the pain and frustration of failure, you need to maintain a firm and down-to-earth heart. We can't lose ourselves because of temporary vanity and interests, and we can't easily bow our heads and give up hope in the face of difficulties.

Millions of debts to live in bridge holes, divorce, jail, Avenue of Stars grassroots singers The current situation is too down?

When we achieve success, we must not get carried away, but always remain humble and calm, understanding that success is not easy to come by and needs to be cherished. And when you encounter failure, don't be discouraged and believe that you have the ability to rise again. Just like a tumbler, no matter how much it is impacted, it can tenaciously get back on its feet.

Millions of debts to live in bridge holes, divorce, jail, Avenue of Stars grassroots singers The current situation is too down?

The stories of these contestants on "Avenue of Stars" teach us a vivid and profound life lesson. The road to the entertainment industry is full of thorns, and if you want to go smoothly and prosper for a long time, you must have solid talents, noble morals, and a strong heart. Otherwise, even if the scenery was once infinite, it was just a flash in the pan. And for each of us, on our own life path, we must also take one step at a time and move forward steadily. Only in this way can you truly reap your own happiness and success, and write a wonderful chapter of life without regrets.

Millions of debts to live in bridge holes, divorce, jail, Avenue of Stars grassroots singers The current situation is too down?

Friends, let us have dreams, be down-to-earth, bravely face every challenge and opportunity in life, and move forward firmly towards a better future!

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