
Sign first and then change, Thompson transaction is completed, 50 million in 3 years, and the advantage of winning the championship has become the key to the choice

author:Freedom of choice

In this turbulent NBA offseason, a sudden news exploded the entire basketball world like thunder - Thompson, the Warriors veteran who fought side by side with Curry and wrote the legend of the "Splash Brothers", bid farewell to Golden State and joined the Dallas Mavericks overnight with a gorgeous turn of signing and then trading! This is not just a simple player trade, but a major reshuffle in the basketball landscape, and one can't help but wonder: what is the force that made the former champion make such a choice? Is it the lure of money? Or is it a call of honor? Let's dive deeper and unravel the mysteries behind this deal.

Sign first and then change, Thompson transaction is completed, 50 million in 3 years, and the advantage of winning the championship has become the key to the choice

When the first news of Thompson's possible departure broke, fans were still immersed in fond memories of the "Splash Brothers" playing side by side, and they couldn't believe that day had come. However, reality is always more up and down than the script. In an almost gentle way, the Warriors not only won Thompson a more lucrative deal by signing and then trading, but also opened a new chapter in his career. This move is undoubtedly a sign of respect and gratitude for Thompson's contributions over the years, and it also makes fans feel emotional, heroes always have a time to leave, but the legend never ends.

In this battle, several teams have shown their cards in an attempt to bring the three-point sharpshooter under their roster. The Magic's brief appearance is more like a warm-up episode for this big drama, and the Lakers' sincerity is full of sincerity, which allows the outside world to see Thompson's market value. James is willing to take a salary cut, just to give this old friend a warm home, such a deep brotherhood is moving. However, in the end, Thompson chose the Mavericks, a decision that undoubtedly surprised everyone and sparked countless speculations and discussions.

Sign first and then change, Thompson transaction is completed, 50 million in 3 years, and the advantage of winning the championship has become the key to the choice

Thompson's choice was not impulsive, but the result of careful consideration. He knows that as a veteran, what he pursues is no longer just high salary and comfort, but the supreme championship glory. The Mavericks, a team with two superstars, Doncic and Irving, undoubtedly provide him with a great stage. Doncic's all-round and Irving's sharpness complement Thompson's inexplicable three-pointers, and the combination of the three is enough to shake the entire league. Thompson is eager to prove his worth here with a new championship trophy and respond to those who are skeptical.

Of course, in addition to the championship prospects, the tax factor is also a factor that Thompson cannot ignore when making his decision. The tax-free haven in Texas makes the Lone Ranger's offer even more enticing. In Los Angeles, where high personal income taxes eat up a significant portion of his income, in Texas, Thompson can enjoy the full fruits of his labor. This kind of economic benefit undoubtedly adds a rational weight to his choice.

Sign first and then change, Thompson transaction is completed, 50 million in 3 years, and the advantage of winning the championship has become the key to the choice

Regarding Thompson's decision, netizens also have a lot of discussions and different opinions. Some admired his courage and wisdom, believing that he had chosen the path that best suited him; There are also people who lament the disintegration of the "Splash Brothers" and lament the impermanence of the basketball world. Some fans joked: "Thompson is going to Texas to enjoy a duty-free meal, and by the way, he will come back with a championship!" These voices have converged into a powerful force of public opinion, making this transaction even more eye-catching.

Sign first and then change, Thompson transaction is completed, 50 million in 3 years, and the advantage of winning the championship has become the key to the choice

With Thompson joining the Mavericks, a new basketball legend is on the horizon in Dallas. This was not only an important turning point in his personal career, but also a reshuffling of the entire NBA landscape. We look forward to Thompson shining in this new environment, working hand in hand with Doncic and Irving to bring more exciting games and memorable moments to fans." At the same time, we should also thank the Warriors and the "Splash Brothers" for their companionship and dedication over the years, and the good memories they left us will forever be engraved in the long history of basketball. Let's look forward to the future basketball world will be more exciting because of these brave players who pursue their dreams!

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