
Wu Zetian is a fortunate monk, why is he excited? The reason for this is simple

author:Take a look and talk about the world

Title: From Nun to Empress: Revealing the Legendary Counterattack Life of Wu Zetian!

In ancient China, it was as difficult for women to stand at the pinnacle of power as it was to ascend to the sky. But there is such a strange woman in history, she not only successfully reached the top, but also created a precedent for women to be emperors in a patriarchal society. She is Wu Zetian, a legendary figure who has turned gorgeously from a nun in Ganye Temple to the empress of the Great Zhou.

Wu Zetian, formerly known as Wu Meiniang, was born in a family of eunuchs. The Wu family made great achievements in the founding of the Tang Dynasty, but unfortunately Wu Meiniang's father died early, and her and her mother's lives were in trouble. Wu Meiniang has shown unusual wisdom and courage since she was a child, which may have laid the groundwork for her future life.

Tang Taizong Li Shimin heard about Wu Meiniang's beauty by chance, so he summoned her to the palace. This year, Wu Meiniang was only 14 years old, but she was unusually mature and calm. Faced with her mother's worries, she comforted her mother in turn, saying that it was a great honor to enter the palace. This calmness and wisdom make people have to admire her extraordinary temperament.

Wu Zetian is a fortunate monk, why is he excited? The reason for this is simple

However, life after entering the palace was not all smooth sailing. Li Shimin didn't summon her often, and Wu Meiniang's days in the palace were uneventful. But it was this obscurity that gave her more opportunities to observe and learn. She knew that if she wanted to gain a foothold in this deep palace, she must have her own means and strategies.

After Li Shimin's death, Wu Meiniang, who had no children, was forced to go to Ganye Temple as a nun. It was supposed to be a bleak ending, but for her, it was a fresh beginning. In Ganye Temple, she did not give up hope, but continued to cultivate her heart and wisdom.

Fate always seems to favor those who don't give up. The appearance of Li Zhi ushered in a turning point in Wu Meiniang's life. Li Zhi and Wu Meiniang had feelings in the palace, and now they are reunited in Ganye Temple, and the old love is rekindled. With the help of Li Zhi, Wu Meiniang returned to the court and embarked on the road of competing for power step by step.

Wu Meiniang, who returned to the palace, relied on her wisdom and skills to successfully get rid of her opponents Xiao Shufei and Queen Wang, and finally ascended to the throne of the queen. She not only won the favor of Li Zhi, but also gradually grasped the power of the court. Li Zhi was frail and sickly, and Wu Meiniang began to participate in the decision-making of national affairs, and her political talent was fully displayed.

Wu Zetian is a fortunate monk, why is he excited? The reason for this is simple

As time passed, Wu Meiniang's position became more and more stable. Finally, in 690, she took that historic step - to become emperor. She changed the name of the country to Zhou, set the capital Luoyang, and became the only female emperor in Chinese history. This move shocked the world and brought her life to the peak.

Wu Zetian, who became the emperor, faced unprecedented challenges. As a female emperor, she had to balance the forces inside and outside the court, while also dealing with the skepticism and pressure of traditional ideas. But Wu Zetian was not defeated by these difficulties, she stabilized the political situation with extraordinary political wisdom and skill, and showed her courage and ability as an empress.

In Wu Zetian's legendary life, there is another episode worth mentioning. That is her relationship with Xue Huaiyi. Xue Huaiyi was originally an ordinary man, but he was favored by Princess Taiping because of his beauty, and then he was dedicated to Wu Zetian. Wu Zetian's favor for Xue Huaiyi is not only a catharsis of her own emotions, but also a symbol of her power as an empress. However, Xue Huaiyi was pampered and arrogant, and eventually suffered from his bad behavior. This vignette also reflects Wu Zetian's complex emotions and harsh methods as an empress from the side.

Wu Zetian is a fortunate monk, why is he excited? The reason for this is simple

Looking back at Wu Zetian's legendary life now, we can't help but feel a lot of emotion. The story of her rise from an obscure nun to empress has inspired countless people to move forward and chase their dreams. She broke the shackles of gender with wisdom and courage and became a good story in history.

In short, Wu Zetian's life is full of legends and reversal plots. With extraordinary wisdom, courage and means, she carved out a world of her own in a patriarchal society. Her story teaches us: nothing is impossible as long as there is a dream and courage!

So the question is: what do you think of the merits and demerits of Wu Zetian, a historical figure? **Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!