
The most terrible phenomenon: the civil service has quietly become polarized

author:Explanation of the human world


What is the polarization of the civil service? Phenomena ranging from income imbalances to unequal career opportunities illustrate the magnitude of the problem. Want to know what the manifestations and causes of differentiation are? Check out the details!

The civil service is polarized

At present, the overall scale of the national civil service is huge, the total number is rising, and the recruitment is basically a unified requirement, as long as the conditions are met, they can take the examination, fair and just selection procedures make these personnel have a fair starting point after entering the system. But as time goes on, issues such as income imbalances and unequal career opportunities have come to the fore, all of which are indicative of the polarization of the civil service.

Differentiation manifestations

1. Imbalance in economic income

For civil servants in a system, the most direct distinction is the level of salary, we can not deny that a person's value and personal efforts are directly proportional, if a person can make outstanding performance in performance, then it is natural to get a high income, but the polarization we are talking about here does not refer to this situation, but the same job, different people get completely different salaries, which is unfavorable for the civil service, may directly lead to some people dissatisfied, reduce work enthusiasm, The attitude when serving the outside world is not friendly, which is very bad for the image of public utilities.

The most terrible phenomenon: the civil service has quietly become polarized

2. Career development opportunities are unfair

After working in the system for a long time, you will find that there are certain rules to follow in the promotion of the original position, such as your age, job level, education, etc., will have an impact on your evaluation results, these factors are not problematic, the problem is that under the same conditions, some people can easily get the qualification for promotion through the assessment, and some people can't even enter the door, what is the reason for this? If we fail to give a fair and equitable explanation, it is easy to create suspicion and have a negative impact on those working within the system.

3. Negative attitude towards work

With the gradual increase in the salary level of front-line workers, some civil servants have begun to develop civil servant sentiments, thinking that they do not get corresponding rewards for working in the office every day, but those front-line workers may not earn as much as themselves, which is obviously an irresponsible attitude, if everyone thinks so, then the whole society will fall into a kind of chaos.

The most terrible phenomenon: the civil service has quietly become polarized

4. Career development opportunities are unfair

For a person who works within the system, what he wants most is to be able to make a difference in the system, and if he doesn't even have this opportunity, then he can't take the initiative to do anything for the country.

Causes of differentiation

In fact, there are many reasons for this phenomenon, such as the problems of the system itself, the lack of transparency in the promotion mechanism, and the imbalance in vocational training. In short, the whole system is developing towards the centralization of the civil service, while ordinary grassroots civil servants are facing various difficulties.

The solution

We know that there are many reasons for this phenomenon, so to solve it, we need to start from many aspects, such as establishing a fair and reasonable income distribution and promotion mechanism, strengthening vocational training and capacity building, and strengthening the supervision and evaluation of work performance. Only in this way can we effectively prevent this phenomenon from continuing to worsen.

The most terrible phenomenon: the civil service has quietly become polarized

In addition, we also need to strengthen the management of the overall quality and quality of civil servants, after all, they are the representatives of the country's image, and if they have a negative attitude and inadequate service in the process of serving the people, then the country's image in the hearts of the people will be greatly damaged.

However, we should not only care about our own people's emotional stability, and the governance of the country and the operation of society are related to the overall situation of the country.


The polarization of the civil service is indeed an issue of concern. The construction of fair and reasonable systems and mechanisms is the solution, and at the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the management of the overall quality and service quality of the civil service. In the process of serving the people, both attitude and service are crucial, after all, the image of the country is shaped by these representatives. What are your thoughts on this topic? Come and leave a message to share!