
The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao did not leave when he arrived, Huang Xiaomingyun red carpet and Liu Yifei were the most embarrassed

author:A little expert in the entertainment industry

The highly anticipated 29th Magnolia Awards ceremony was held in Shanghai. As the most influential annual event in the Chinese TV drama industry, although the results of this year's awards have not yet been announced, the attendance and performance of the on-site stars have become the focus of heated discussions among netizens.

The absentee list sparked speculation

That night, the absence of Yang Zi, Fan Wei and other powerful actors sparked a lot of speculation and discussion. As the top nominees for this year's Magnolia Awards, their unexcused absence disappointed some viewers. "Fan Wei is the favorite for Best Actor, it's a shame not to participate. "Yang Zi has a job arrangement in Paris, and I understand her choice of career, but I still have a little regret. Netizens expressed their opinions.

Another widely discussed is Chen Xiao, who was ridiculed by some netizens for being absent "to avoid becoming a topic of 'bald head walking on the red carpet' again". In the past few years, Chen Xiao's hairstyle at the award ceremony has often become a hot topic among netizens, which makes people laugh.

The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao did not leave when he arrived, Huang Xiaomingyun red carpet and Liu Yifei were the most embarrassed

The appearance of the star has attracted much attention

Even though the absent stars caused some regrets, the actors in attendance also became the focus of attention. Among them, Wang Yang has attracted much attention because of the nomination of the TV series "Wind Chaser". Although there were previous rumors that he might be absent due to the nomination turmoil, he finally appeared in a black suit and behaved quite steadily and professionally. "Wang Yang's performance is very mature and not affected by the outside world. This professional attitude is appreciated. Netizens expressed their satisfaction at his attendance.

Liu Yifei has become a hot topic of discussion because of her pink big skirt dress and recent body changes. Her domineering big skirt style has undoubtedly become a highlight of the scene, but at the same time, her figure changes have attracted attention. "Liu Yifei's skirt is so amazing that it simply covers others. "She seems to be a little more blessed than before, but she is still beautiful. Comments from netizens were mixed.

The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao did not leave when he arrived, Huang Xiaomingyun red carpet and Liu Yifei were the most embarrassed

The powerful actor Fan Xiangyan has received multiple nominations for starring in the TV series "Flowers", and her live performance is also impressive. In an interview, Fan Xiangyan's sincere speech even shed tears on the red carpet on the spot, which aroused widespread praise from netizens. "Seeing Fan's speech, I was moved by her sincerity. "Her acting skills in 'Flowers' are really good and she deserves these nominations. "

Vignettes spice things up

In addition to the wonderful performances of the stars, there were also some interesting vignettes on the scene. The most striking thing is that Wang Ou's high-slit dress is almost gone. Because the skirt design was too bold, Wang Ou carefully pulled the skirt all the way, and the scene was slightly embarrassing. "Isn't her dress design too edgy? The side slits are simply pushing the envelope. "It's really embarrassing to see her keep pulling her skirt. The comments from netizens were quite witty.

The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao did not leave when he arrived, Huang Xiaomingyun red carpet and Liu Yifei were the most embarrassed

Netizens are hotly discussing online

In addition to the heated discussions of the audience, netizens also expressed their opinions and comments on the performance of the stars online. Regarding the absence of celebrities, there are both voices of understanding and support, as well as doubts of incomprehension and disappointment.

In contrast, the appearance and performance of the celebrities attending the event have become the focus of heated discussions among netizens. People have praised and criticized Liu Yifei's big skirt dress and body changes, Wang Yang's steady performance, and Fan Xiangyan's sincere speech.

In general, although the 29th Magnolia Awards lacked the presence of some heavyweight stars, it still added a lot of highlights and topics to the award ceremony through the wonderful performances and some vignettes of the stars present. Whether it is the audience or netizens, everyone is attracted by these wonderful moments, and there are constant heated discussions. We are looking forward to the final winners of this year's Magnolia Awards, and we are also looking forward to an even more exciting ceremony next year.

Although the attendance and performance of the stars at the 29th Magnolia Awards have aroused a lot of heated discussions, as the most authoritative annual event in the Chinese TV drama industry, this year's award selection results are undoubtedly the focus of the most attention. As the award ceremony came to an end, the list of winners was finally announced, and the results sparked a new round of heated discussions among netizens.

The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao did not leave when he arrived, Huang Xiaomingyun red carpet and Liu Yifei were the most embarrassed

The powerful actor Fan Xiangyan won the Best Actress and Best Newcomer awards in one fell swoop with the TV series "Flowers", which can be described as the biggest winner well-deserved. This result is not surprising to everyone, because her outstanding performance in the play has already won unanimous praise from inside and outside the industry. "Fan Xiangyan deserves her name, her acting skills are convincing and touching. Seeing the scene of her tears on the red carpet, I felt her dedication to her career and her cherishing of honor. Netizens celebrated for her.

and the Best Actor was won by Wang Yang for his wonderful performance in "The Wind Chaser". Although there were previous rumors about whether he would be absent, in the end he not only attended the awards ceremony, but also shined. "Wang Yang deserves to win this award, and his interpretation of the role is very good. "As a professional actor, he has shown a high level of professionalism, which is really admirable. Netizens expressed their heartfelt congratulations on his award.

The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao did not leave when he arrived, Huang Xiaomingyun red carpet and Liu Yifei were the most embarrassed

In addition to these two high-profile awards, the list of other winners is equally exciting. The TV series "Forest of the Wilderness" won the Best TV Drama Award, and director Lin Huacheng won the Best Director Award for this work. The play tells the story of the various dilemmas and trials faced by an aboriginal family in the process of urbanization, and the plot is vivid and realistic, with a strong sense of social reflection, so it deserves to win the award.

In terms of other awards, veteran actors Hu Ge and Liu Shishi won the Best Supporting Actor and Actress awards respectively. The superb acting skills of the two in the play are undoubtedly the main reason for the award, and netizens also agreed: "Hu Ge and Liu Shishi are very strong, and although the supporting roles are not many, they play well." "I look forward to the two of them continuing to perform in future works. "

The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao did not leave when he arrived, Huang Xiaomingyun red carpet and Liu Yifei were the most embarrassed

In addition, the Best Screenplay Award and Best Cinematography were won by "Holly Tree" and "Go to the South of the River", respectively. Both plays have an outstanding performance in script writing and visual presentation, and the award is deserved.

In general, although there are some new faces on the list of winners of the 29th Magnolia Awards, the vast majority of the winners are powerful actors or excellent creative teams, which can be said to be worthy of the name. This not only adds new confirmation to the fairness and professionalism of the authoritative award of the Magnolia Award, but also injects new impetus into the Chinese TV drama industry, which will surely promote the industry to continue to develop and create more excellent works.

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