
A 3-year-old "genius conductor" with IQ once appeared on the Spring Festival Gala! It took years to understand that it was a scam

author:Poetic Literature Society
A 3-year-old "genius conductor" with IQ once appeared on the Spring Festival Gala! It took years to understand that it was a scam
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A 3-year-old "genius conductor" with IQ once appeared on the Spring Festival Gala! It took years to understand that it was a scam

In 1997, the Chinese cultural community was shaken by a documentary called "The World of Zhouzhou". In the film, a young man named Zhou Zhou shows amazing musical talent, especially in conducting.

However, Zhouzhou is not an ordinary person, he suffers from trisomy 21 and is only as intelligent as a 3-year-old child.

This incredible contrast caused a national sensation. Zhouzhou quickly became the focus of the media and frequently appeared at major galas. He appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, shared the stage with international superstar Schwarzenegger, and even "conducted" at Carnegie Hall in New York.

For a time, Zhouzhou became a model of self-improvement for the disabled, and was known as a "genius conductor".

A 3-year-old "genius conductor" with IQ once appeared on the Spring Festival Gala! It took years to understand that it was a scam

However, 20 years later, this amazing myth was debunked. It turns out that Zhou Zhou is not really a conductor, but an elaborate social experiment. He was once in the limelight, but now he lives in a cramped rental house, living on a meager handout.

The story of Zhou Zhou, from myth to reality, is not only an allegory about dreams and deception, but also a profound reflection on social responsibility and human nature.

However, fate seems to have played a cruel joke on the family. Just a month later, doctors diagnosed Zhouzhou with trisomy 21, an extremely rare condition with an incidence of only 1 in 5 million.

This news was like a thunderbolt from the sky, instantly shattering the Hu family's beautiful vision.

A 3-year-old "genius conductor" with IQ once appeared on the Spring Festival Gala! It took years to understand that it was a scam

In the face of such a blow, Hu Houpei and his wife did not give up. They took care of the boat with endless love and patience. Even though Zhouzhou is growing at a slower rate than other children, every small step forward leaves parents ecstatic.

They firmly believe that even if they are intellectually limited, Zhouzhou must have their own unique talents.

However, the cruelty of reality is not made tender by the love of parents. In society, Zhouzhou is often bullied and ridiculed. His peers would snatch his toys and show their arrogance and rudeness with impunity.

Once, someone even poured wind oil essence into his water glass. These experiences left Zhou Zhou feeling helpless and frightened, and his parents were deeply saddened.

A 3-year-old "genius conductor" with IQ once appeared on the Spring Festival Gala! It took years to understand that it was a scam

In order to protect his son, Hu Houpei decided to take Zhouzhou to the rehearsal hall of the orchestra where he worked. He hoped that music would be a safe haven for his son, giving him solace and strength.

This decision inadvertently opened a new door for Zhouzhou and introduced him to the world of music.

In the rehearsal hall, Zhouzhou seemed to have found his own world. Despite his limited ability to think logically, he has shown an amazing ability to think visually and imitate.

Every day, he was engrossed in observing the rehearsals, especially the movements of the famous conductor Mr. Zhang Qi.

A 3-year-old "genius conductor" with IQ once appeared on the Spring Festival Gala! It took years to understand that it was a scam

And just like that, the joke of fate began to take an unexpected turn. Zhou Zhou embarks on a dramatic life path that unfolds a story of music, dreams and social reality.

In the rehearsal hall of the Wuhan Symphony Orchestra, Zhouzhou seemed to have found his second home. Despite his limited intellectual development, he showed an amazing talent in the world of music.

Every day, Zhou Zhou watched the orchestra's rehearsals with full attention, especially the famous conductor Mr. Zhang Qi's every move.

By chance, a musician half-jokingly asked Zhouzhou, "Do you want to be a conductor?" To everyone's surprise, Zhouzhou replied without hesitation: "Yes, I am very eager for it!" In the astonished eyes of everyone, Zhou Zhou bravely climbed to the podium and picked up the baton that symbolized authority.

A 3-year-old "genius conductor" with IQ once appeared on the Spring Festival Gala! It took years to understand that it was a scam

What happened next shocked everyone present. Zhou Zhou not only perfectly imitated every conductor of Mr. Zhang Qi's commanding movements, but also integrated the music with his own feelings.

His short arms wield his baton, as if giving birth to a pair of invisible wings, leading the orchestra to the peak of music. Zhouzhou's performance amazed everyone, and they all gave a standing ovation to cheer for this special child.

This scene happened to be captured by Zhang Yiqing, a documentary director of Hubei TV who was passing by. Deeply fascinated, Zhang Yiqing decided to follow Zhouzhou for ten months.

In this way, the documentary "The World of Zhouzhou" was born.

A 3-year-old "genius conductor" with IQ once appeared on the Spring Festival Gala! It took years to understand that it was a scam

With its authentic and touching style, this documentary quickly attracted a lot of attention from society. Zhou Zhou's innocent expression, in stark contrast to his "superb" command skills, left a deep impression on the audience.

People were amazed that this 3-year-old child could grasp the rhythm and emotion of music so accurately.

Zhouzhou's story soon spread throughout the country. The media have reported on the deeds of this "genius conductor", and the praise is endless. People praised Zhou Zhou's insight into the indescribable charm of music, and integrated the baton in his hand into the melody of the music, making the music he conducted more beautiful and moving.

However, in the midst of this admiration, few people noticed a quote from Zhouzhou's father, Hu Houpei: "Zhouzhou is not a natural conductor, he cannot train the orchestra, and he lacks the qualities and experience that a conductor should have."

A 3-year-old "genius conductor" with IQ once appeared on the Spring Festival Gala! It took years to understand that it was a scam

This sentence is like a seed scattered in the wind, planting the foreshadowing of the truth being revealed in the future.

Despite this, Zhouzhou's "talent" has attracted widespread attention. People began to wonder: what kind of miraculous power did God give this mentally deficient child to transform him into a genius conductor? This issue has become a hot topic of discussion, and it has also laid the groundwork for Zhouzhou's future fate.

The broadcast of "Zhouzhou's World" completely changed the trajectory of Zhouzhou's life. On a cold winter night at the end of 1998, Chairman Liu of the China Disabled Persons' Federation came across this documentary on CCTV.

Deeply moved, he immediately contacted Zhouzhou and sincerely invited him to participate in the Spring Festival Gala held in Beijing in 1999. This invitation became an important turning point in Zhouzhou's life.

A 3-year-old "genius conductor" with IQ once appeared on the Spring Festival Gala! It took years to understand that it was a scam

Since then, Zhouzhou has begun to appear frequently on various important occasions. On May 19, 2000, the Great Hall of the People in Beijing was brightly lit, and a grand event with the theme of "Night of Love Ambassadors - Special Olympics China Charity Gala" was held.

Zhou Zhou and Hollywood action superstar Schwarzenegger walked into the hall hand in hand and instantly became the focus of the audience. On the stage, Hong Kong actor Andy Lau hugged Zhou Zhou tightly and sang "You Are My Hope" affectionately, the scene was warm and touching.

Zhouzhou's story has touched countless people, including Schwarzenegger, who is visiting China for the first time. Deeply touched by Zhouzhou's experience, the "Charity Ambassador" generously donated up to US$150,000 to support China's Special Olympics cause.

The media coverage of Zhouzhou is overwhelming, and words such as "genius" and "miracle" keep appearing. People marveled at his musical talent and praised him for his strong will to overcome physical obstacles.

A 3-year-old "genius conductor" with IQ once appeared on the Spring Festival Gala! It took years to understand that it was a scam

Zhou Zhou became an inspirational role model for countless people, and his story was widely told.

However, in the midst of this hustle and bustle, few people noticed the low-key and cautious nature of Zhouzhou's father, Hu Houpei. When asked what he thinks of his son, Hu Houpei always said calmly: "Thank you for your care and companionship for Zhouzhou, and thank you for spending a good time with Zhouzhou."

He was never carried away by the glory in front of him, and maintained a clear understanding of reality.

Despite this, Zhouzhou's fame grew. Rumor has it that he became the first Chinese to conduct at Carnegie Hall in New York in 1983.

A 3-year-old "genius conductor" with IQ once appeared on the Spring Festival Gala! It took years to understand that it was a scam

This news further deepened people's impression of Zhouzhou's "genius" image, making this myth more and more entrenched.

Zhouzhou's story not only awakens people's love for people with disabilities, but also shows the way for countless people to pursue their inner truth and passion. The moment he held hands with Schwarzenegger, it was as if to announce to the world that disability cannot stop a person from creating beauty and miracles.

However, as time went on, the public's attention began to turn to other novelties. Zhouzhou, which was once in the limelight, slowly faded out of people's sight. This young man, once hailed as a "genius conductor", is about to face an unexpected turn.

In 2017, a hot topic from Zhihu was like a bombshell, completely subverting the myth that people had believed in for a long time. "What are Zhouzhou's command skills?" This issue has sparked heated attention and heated debate among more than 1.96 million netizens.

A 3-year-old "genius conductor" with IQ once appeared on the Spring Festival Gala! It took years to understand that it was a scam

Many of the responses sharply questioned Zhouzhou's command ability. This discussion is like a hammer, smashing people's beautiful imagination for many years. Under the pressure of public opinion, Zhouzhou's father, Hu Houpei, stood up again and admitted that his son was not a real conductor and lacked the necessary professionalism and experience.

Hu explained that Zhouzhou was only asked to learn some commanding skills to boost his self-confidence. He reiterates his sentiment from years ago: "Zhou Zhou can't train an orchestra and lacks the qualities of a conductor.

These words unveiled the truth about this "hoax" that had lasted for many years.

After the truth was revealed, all sectors of society began to reflect deeply. It is realized that the over-packaging of the media and the blind worship of the public have combined to weave this beautiful but illusory myth.

A 3-year-old "genius conductor" with IQ once appeared on the Spring Festival Gala! It took years to understand that it was a scam

This incident has sparked reflection on how to properly treat the talents of people with disabilities, as well as a discussion about the social responsibility of the media.

The turmoil has also made people re-examine the double-edged sword effect of public compassion. While the intentions are well-intentioned, excessive attention and praise can cause unnecessary stress and even distort the person's life.

Today, the 42-year-old Zhouzhou lives a life that is very different from the glory it once was. He lives in a cramped rental house provided by the Disabled Art Troupe, struggling to survive on a monthly allowance of only 600 yuan.

The once high-profile "genius conductor" is now just an unknown ordinary person.

A 3-year-old "genius conductor" with IQ once appeared on the Spring Festival Gala! It took years to understand that it was a scam

His 82-year-old father, Hu Houpei, is still taking care of him, even though he himself suffers from diabetes. Faced with the difficulties of life, Hu Houpei still insisted on keeping his son away from commercial operations.

He once resolutely refused the generous conditions offered by the Beijing Orchestra, just so that Zhouzhou could live an ordinary life.

The story of Zhou Zhou, from myth to reality, reflects the change in society's attitude towards special groups. It reminds us that true care is not about blind hype, but about giving equal opportunities and lasting support.

In Zhouzhou's ordinary life, we have seen the persistence of a family and the progress of social inclusion.

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