
A dream encounter at Chaka Salt Lake: a dress, a journey to the soul

author:Riding ants to see elephants
A dream encounter at Chaka Salt Lake: a dress, a journey to the soul

At the top of that distant plateau, there is a place that makes people feel fascinated - Chaka Salt Lake, which is like a secret garden hidden deep in the mountains, and it is so pure that it makes people's hearts move. I, an ordinary traveler, wearing my favorite dress, was like going on a long-lost date and stepping into this dreamy wonderland.

A dream encounter at Chaka Salt Lake: a dress, a journey to the soul

As soon as you step into the salt lake, it feels like you've suddenly stepped into a fairy tale! The surrounding snow-capped mountains are like the background in old photos, so unreal but so shocking. The blue sky and the white clouds are all plunged into the lake, and they can't tell where the sky is and where the lake is, which is so beautiful that it makes people's hearts itch. When the sun shone, the surface of the lake sparkled like silver sprinkled all over the ground, and I couldn't open my eyes.

A dream encounter at Chaka Salt Lake: a dress, a journey to the soul

The dress I was wearing, pale blue, was as fresh as the lake. As soon as the wind blows, the skirt flutters with the wind, and I feel like I'm going to float. I walked on the salt lake, and under my feet was the delicate white salt, soft, like stepping on the clouds, and every step was so brisk, so comfortable.

A dream encounter at Chaka Salt Lake: a dress, a journey to the soul

I held up my camera and snapped and snapped, wanting to keep the beauty of this moment forever. In the camera, I smiled brighter than the flowers, because I knew that such a beautiful scenery and such a mood could be like this once in a lifetime. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, and the smell of salt, grass, and freedom in the air, made people feel refreshed.

A dream encounter at Chaka Salt Lake: a dress, a journey to the soul

Standing under this mirror of the sky, I felt as if I had some kind of wonderful connection to the world. All the troubles, all the sorrows, with this gust of wind, this lake, disappeared without a trace. I just stood quietly, relaxing and cleansing my mind like never before.

A dream encounter at Chaka Salt Lake: a dress, a journey to the soul
A dream encounter at Chaka Salt Lake: a dress, a journey to the soul

As the sun began to sink and the sky was dyed orange, I knew it was time to say goodbye to this wonderland. Although I have 10,000 reluctances in my heart, I know that this beauty has been deeply imprinted in my heart and has become one of the most precious memories in my life. Chaka Salt Lake, you are like a pure land in my heart, no matter where I go, I will think of you, think of that purity and beauty.

A dream encounter at Chaka Salt Lake: a dress, a journey to the soul
A dream encounter at Chaka Salt Lake: a dress, a journey to the soul


A dream encounter at Chaka Salt Lake: a dress, a journey to the soul
A dream encounter at Chaka Salt Lake: a dress, a journey to the soul
A dream encounter at Chaka Salt Lake: a dress, a journey to the soul

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