
An American couple astronaut went to space and had a relationship in space" became the focus of discussion

author:Little fan of fallen leaves

An American couple astronaut went to space and had a relationship in space" became the focus of discussion

Discover the love of space: uncover the mystery of astronauts' "love".

Space has always been the last frontier of human exploration, full of unknowns and challenges. In this boundless interstellar, there are not only countless scientific mysteries, but also shocking stories of human nature. In 1992, two well-known American astronauts had a despicable "relationship" on the space station during a space mission, causing an uproar. This is like a legend of interstellar love, reflecting the complex psychological state of astronauts in extreme environments, and triggering deep thinking about "love in space" from all walks of life.

Why do astronauts also indulge in lust? What is the story behind their actions in space? Let's demystify this controversial "space complex" together.

The "stimulus demand" of astronauts

An American couple astronaut went to space and had a relationship in space" became the focus of discussion

As we all know, space exploration is an exceptionally dangerous and intense job. Astronauts not only have to endure lengthy training and rigorous screening, but they also have to face the enormous pressure of dying lives at all times. Not only do they have to complete complex technical operations in a microgravity environment, but they also have to endure the loneliness and mental torture of being cut off from the earth. In such extreme cases, they will inevitably develop various psychological needs.

American astronaut Paul Weichen is a case in point. When he was about to board the spacecraft Edwards for a space mission, his excitement was palpable. The astronaut can't wait to be "drawn to space" and is eager to break out of the confines of Earth as soon as possible to explore the mysterious world of space. This yearning for the unknown is the strong "need for stimulation" that astronauts will feel.

However, this desire for excitement can also lead them to behave out of line in extreme circumstances. Astronaut Fizio is one of the best, and with his excellent flying skills and courageous spirit, he successfully entered the ranks of American astronauts. However, his conceit and slightly arrogant attitude during the selection process also aroused vigilance and dissatisfaction from the selection committee. They feared that the Italian-born astronaut might not be able to adapt to the strict discipline and teamwork, which would affect the success of the mission.

It can be seen that although astronauts are the elite of the elite, they will inevitably be affected by psychological and emotional factors in the process of space exploration. It is undoubtedly a huge challenge for them to be rational, calm and self-controlled.

An American couple astronaut went to space and had a relationship in space" became the focus of discussion

"Elopement" Space Love

As mentioned earlier, the docking mission between the US spacecraft Edward and the Mir space station in 1992 was a very typical and successful space cooperation. However, just after the successful completion of this mission, there was a heinous "space scandal". It turned out that during the docking process, the two astronauts involved in the mission actually had a "relationship" on the space station.

The "space couple" are Wei Chen and Fizio. They were professional astronauts, but they indulged their lust in space on the spur of the moment. This not only directly violates the professional ethics of the industry, but also arouses strong condemnation and concern from the international community.

As a married man, Wei Chen is supposed to prioritize family and responsibility, but in space he is infatuated with his fellow Fizio. And for this handsome astronaut from Italy, although he has no family ties, he is completely unaware of how inappropriate his behavior is.

An American couple astronaut went to space and had a relationship in space" became the focus of discussion

In the space station, they seem to be in a "paradise" cut off from the Earth, completely freed from the shackles of time, space and morality, and sinking into carnal desires. This kind of "elopement" love in space has undoubtedly greatly damaged the professional image that astronauts should have.

However, a careful analysis of this incident shows that it is not difficult to find the deep-seated reasons behind it. As mentioned earlier, astronauts often have a strong "need for stimulation" in extreme space environments. During long and tedious tasks, they need to find some sort of alternative stimulus to relieve mental stress. And for these two astronauts, they chose each other as the object of their lust.

The reason why Wei Chen and Fizio indulged in this kind of misbehavior is also related to their original personality traits. Although the former is an excellent astronaut, it is difficult to hide his frivolity and conceit. For him, having fun in space undoubtedly satisfies his thirst for thrills. Fizio, on the other hand, showed more of a conceited and rebellious personality. He was defeated repeatedly in the selection process, but he was still full of confidence in himself, and this highly conceited psychology could not be completely suppressed in space after all.

It can be said that the astronauts' "love in space" fully reflects the complex face of human nature in extreme environments. Only by gaining a deep understanding of the desires and motivations of the astronauts can we better understand this embarrassing "scandal".

An American couple astronaut went to space and had a relationship in space" became the focus of discussion

The helplessness of the command center

For this "sex scandal" that happened in space, the ground command center was also at a loss. As the driving force behind the entire space exploration program, they naturally do not want such an incident to be exposed in public. However, in the face of the news that has been "leaked", they are also helpless.

First of all, the docking mission itself is an extremely complex and dangerous operation. If there is a problem at this critical moment, the command center will naturally take emergency measures as soon as possible. They ordered Wei Chen, an astronaut on the "Mir" station, to leave the "Edward" spacecraft immediately and activate the monitoring equipment for real-time observation.

This was undoubtedly reasonable and necessary at the time. After all, every move of an astronaut in space is directly related to the success or failure of the mission, and the command center has the responsibility to closely monitor the entire process. However, it was later discovered that the "misconduct" of the pair of astronauts was the root cause of the incident, and the reaction of the command center undoubtedly appeared to be a little lame.

An American couple astronaut went to space and had a relationship in space" became the focus of discussion

Worse still, after learning the truth, they

Next, after the ground command center learned of the astronauts' "misconduct" in space, they did fall into a helpless and embarrassing situation.

First of all, the incident has already spread within the ISS, forcing the command center to face public opinion pressure. As the driving force behind the entire space program, they naturally do not want such a scandal to be known to the public, which will undoubtedly seriously damage the reputation of the space industry. But at the same time, they will not be able to completely block the information, because the personnel working on the space station have already begun to enthusiastically spread the news.

Second, the command center must consider how to properly handle the incident without harming international cooperation. After all, one of the "space couples" is an American astronaut and the other is an Italian national, and it involves multinational interests. If not handled properly, it is likely to cause a diplomatic storm that could affect future cooperation in space exploration.

An American couple astronaut went to space and had a relationship in space" became the focus of discussion

To make matters worse, the astronauts' behavior has been a serious violation of professional ethics and discipline. As professional astronauts, they are supposed to maintain rational calmness and high self-control at all times, but they end up drowning in carnal desires, which is undoubtedly a huge blow to the image of the industry.

Faced with such a deicate situation, the command center can only weigh the pros and cons and seek a solution that can both protect the reputation of the space industry and calm public opinion. First of all, they will seriously criticize the astronauts' wrongdoing, and at the same time consider whether to dismiss them. But at the same time, they also need to take into account that the incident has been exposed to the public eye and could trigger even greater negative consequences if not handled properly.

Ultimately, the command center opted for a strategic approach. They neither severely punished the pair of astronauts, nor completely covered up the matter. Instead, they characterized the incident as "a minor problem with the space docking mission" and said they would investigate the details. This will not only ease the pressure of public opinion, but will not bring too big obstacles to space cooperation.

An American couple astronaut went to space and had a relationship in space" became the focus of discussion

It can be said that in the face of this despicable "space scandal", the command center is indeed in a dilemma. They had to choose between protecting the reputation of the space industry and quelling the storm of public opinion, and finally sought a stopgap measure. This undoubtedly reflects the complex realities faced by space exploration in the process of development.

Rethinking the "Space Complex".

Through an in-depth analysis of this "space love" incident, it is not difficult to find that the behavior of astronauts in extreme environments actually stems from their complex psychological needs.

An American couple astronaut went to space and had a relationship in space" became the focus of discussion

On the one hand, they are eager to find excitement and challenges in space, and satisfy their desire to explore the unknown. In their day-to-day work, they must always be highly focused and agile, and this tension can bring them an indescribable sense of satisfaction in itself. However, in the case of long and tedious tasks, this sense of stimulation is often replaced by tedious daily tasks, resulting in a strong "need for stimulation".

On the other hand, they are under tremendous pressure, both physically and mentally. The microgravity environment, isolation from the earth, and the dangers that can occur at any time can take a heavy toll on their psyche. In this case, they need to find a way to vent their emotions, and the physical relationship between them becomes the most direct and effective option.

It can be said that this "space complex" incident reflects the complex human nature of astronauts in extreme environments. On the one hand, they shoulder the sacred mission of exploring the unknown, but at the same time, they are inevitably driven by various desires and emotions. This ambivalence was finally vividly displayed in Wei Chen and Fizio's "Space Love".

An American couple astronaut went to space and had a relationship in space" became the focus of discussion

For such an incident, we can neither simply morally condemn the astronauts, nor ignore the deeper reasons behind it. Instead, we need to look at what they are doing in space with more tolerance and understanding. Only by gaining a deeper understanding of the inner world of astronauts can we better understand the unique challenges facing space exploration and find more thoughtful responses to them.

The enlightenment of this incident is not only limited to the aerospace field, but can also be extended to other professions in extreme environments. Whether you're a deep-sea diver, a polar explorer, or a special forces combatant, they also need to find an outlet for their emotions while facing great stress and loneliness. Therefore, when promoting various extreme exploration undertakings, we should not only pay attention to technological breakthroughs, but also pay attention to the attention and protection of employees' mental health.

In short, this controversial "space complex" incident undoubtedly provides us with a unique perspective to deeply understand the complex presentation of human nature in extreme environments. Only by constantly reflecting on and drawing lessons from these lessons can we lay a more solid foundation for the future of human space exploration.

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