
"Dink Star in the Entertainment Industry: Is It True Love or Is There Another Hidden Secret? 》

"Dink Star in the Entertainment Industry: Is It True Love or Is There Another Hidden Secret? 》

Introduction: "Childless Love in the Entertainment Industry: Exploring the Secret of Different Happiness"

In the bizarre world of the entertainment industry, there is a group of celebrity couples who have no children, but they still live a good life and are full of happiness. Let's talk about their story today.

"Dink Star in the Entertainment Industry: Is It True Love or Is There Another Hidden Secret? 》

Let's talk about Liang Danni and Feng Yuanzheng first. Feng Yuanzheng went to the same school that year, and was frightened by the crying of a two-month-old little doll, which was terrible, and directly made him decide not to have children and live a dink life. He discussed it with Liang Danni for several years, and Liang Danni finally agreed. After 29 years of marriage, they also had the idea of having children, but Liang Danni was 48 years old at that time and had to give up. But this does not affect their relationship at all, it is as sweet as a young couple in love.

"Dink Star in the Entertainment Industry: Is It True Love or Is There Another Hidden Secret? 》

Look at Wan Qiwen and Chen Shisan, it was really a lightning love marriage. After only 7 days of acquaintance, they walked into the marriage hall hand in hand, which is faster than riding a rocket. More than 20 years later, what if you don't have children? People are still affectionate and loving, and their feelings are so good that people are envious and jealous.

"Dink Star in the Entertainment Industry: Is It True Love or Is There Another Hidden Secret? 》

Shu Qi and Feng Delun also have a lot of stories. Having known each other for 27 years and married for 10 years, Shu Qi pursues freedom, and her body is often plagued by allergies, so she doesn't want children for the time being. But this does not prevent their relationship from continuing to heat up, and it is still as sweet as ever.

"Dink Star in the Entertainment Industry: Is It True Love or Is There Another Hidden Secret? 》

Yongmei and Luan Shu have been married for almost twenty years, and they chose Dink to stick to their inner freedom. Yongmei is developing better and better in her acting career, Luan Shu has always supported her behind her, and she has lived a chic and comfortable life.

"Dink Star in the Entertainment Industry: Is It True Love or Is There Another Hidden Secret? 》

The experiences of Chow Yun-fat and Chan Huilian make people lament the impermanence of fate. Chen Huilian's child unfortunately died when she was about to give birth, which brought a huge blow to her. Chow Yun-fat felt sorry for his wife and decided not to have children anymore and guarded her wholeheartedly.

"Dink Star in the Entertainment Industry: Is It True Love or Is There Another Hidden Secret? 》

Chen Songling suffered an ovarian tumor when she was young, lost her fertility after surgery, and suffered from depression. But fortunately, she met Zhang Duo and ushered in a happy life.

"Dink Star in the Entertainment Industry: Is It True Love or Is There Another Hidden Secret? 》

Sammi Cheng and Xu Zhian reached a Dink consensus when they got married, Xu Zhian expressed his attitude many times in public, resolutely not wanting children, and the two thought about the world of two, relaxed and comfortable.

"Dink Star in the Entertainment Industry: Is It True Love or Is There Another Hidden Secret? 》

Before Meng Jiahui and Ekin Cheng got married, Meng Jiahui proposed not to have children after marriage, Ekin Cheng felt that life was too bitter and did not want his children to suffer, so the two hit it off and lived a good life.

"Dink Star in the Entertainment Industry: Is It True Love or Is There Another Hidden Secret? 》

It is not easy for Han Wenwen and Zhu Xiaotian to be a couple, Zhu Xiaotian suffers from fibromyalgia and is afraid of inheriting it to his children, so he chooses not to have children. But Zhu Xiaotian spoiled Han Wenwen like a princess.

"Dink Star in the Entertainment Industry: Is It True Love or Is There Another Hidden Secret? 》

Chen Zihan and Dai Xiangyu have been married for many years and have a stable relationship. Chen Zihan feels very happy now, does not need children, and does not want to take risks considering age and health.

"Dink Star in the Entertainment Industry: Is It True Love or Is There Another Hidden Secret? 》

Zhou Huimin and Ni Zhen have always adhered to Dink's belief, Zhou Huimin believes that the true companionship of two people is the key to marriage, and it does not matter whether they have children or not.

"Dink Star in the Entertainment Industry: Is It True Love or Is There Another Hidden Secret? 》

Carina Lau and Tony Leung have been married for many years and do not want children, Tony Leung is worried that he will not be able to give his children a good life because of the shadow of his childhood, so the two accompany each other and enjoy the world of the two.

"Dink Star in the Entertainment Industry: Is It True Love or Is There Another Hidden Secret? 》

Ye Tong followed Chen Guoxi at the age of 18, and gave up the peak of his career to get married for him, and chose Dink because of Chen Guoxi. But Chen Guoxi was not honest in middle age, and Ye Tong also missed the opportunity to give birth.

"Dink Star in the Entertainment Industry: Is It True Love or Is There Another Hidden Secret? 》

Guo Aiming and Liu Qingyun have been married for many years and have no children, but they are warmly accompanied and live a good life.

"Dink Star in the Entertainment Industry: Is It True Love or Is There Another Hidden Secret? 》

Take a look at these celebrity couples, some are scared, some are free, some are physical, and some are distressed lovers. But whatever the reason, not having children doesn't affect their happiness. This tells us that children are not a necessity for marriage, but the most important thing is to truly love, understand and accompany each other.

"Dink Star in the Entertainment Industry: Is It True Love or Is There Another Hidden Secret? 》

We ordinary people always think that if you get married, you have to have children, and if you don't have children, you won't have a good life. But look at these stars, aren't they doing well without children? So, don't set too many boxes for your life, how happy you are, as long as the two are happy together, it really doesn't matter if you have children or not. Life is your own, the definition of happiness is up to you, don't care what others think, what you think is good is really good. Just like these celebrity couples, be brave enough to go your own way and let others say go!

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