
Abe is gone, what does it have to do with me?

author:Tea after dinner 2

Abe is gone, what does it have to do with me?

Abe's death: a new beginning in Japanese politics

Looking back at history, Shinzo Abe is undoubtedly one of the most influential Japanese politicians since the 20th century. He served twice for eight years, during which time he worked to propel Japan on a path to greater strength and independence. Although some of his practices have caused concern in neighboring countries, he has indeed made an indelible contribution to the country's development from the perspective of Japan's national interests.

Abe is gone, what does it have to do with me?

Abe's death will undoubtedly have a far-reaching impact on Japan's political situation and international pattern. The "Abenism" that he has dominated for a long time will also face new challenges, and a new chapter will be opened in Japanese politics.

First, Abe has been working to revise the constitution and expand Japan's military power, trying to break free from the shackles of the post-World War II "pacifist constitution" and pursue national interests with greater autonomy. This pursuit of autonomy has not only won the support of domestic conservatives, but also aroused the vigilance of China, South Korea and other neighboring countries. With Abe's departure, it remains to be seen whether Japan will shift in defense and foreign policy in the future.

Abe is gone, what does it have to do with me?

Second, the legacy of Abenomics is also worth watching. His monetary easing, fiscal stimulus, and structural reforms have led to Japan's economic recovery to a certain extent. However, as the global economic situation continues to deteriorate, Japan's economic outlook remains precarious. Whether the future successor will be able to continue Abe's reform path and meet new challenges will be crucial.

Moreover, Abe's attitude towards Sino-Japanese relations during his lifetime was also controversial. Although he détente in his last few years, Sino-Japanese relations have not been fully repaired during his administration. How the new Japanese leader handles Sino-Japanese relations well will affect the changes in the regional pattern.

Abe is gone, what does it have to do with me?

Finally, Abe's sudden death will inevitably trigger a new round of power play in Japanese politics. In a chaotic political environment, the question of who will emerge from the crowd, stabilize the situation, and where Japan will lead is still open.

Overall, Shinzo Abe's death has undoubtedly brought great variables to Japan's political landscape. The end of an era means the arrival of a new era. Japan's future direction will need to be promoted by new political leaders, as well as the understanding and cooperation of neighboring countries. This is undoubtedly a completely new challenge.

Abe is gone, what does it have to do with me?

Abe's death makes the future of Japanese politics unpredictable

Abe is gone, what does it have to do with me?

The death of Shinzo Abe has undoubtedly opened a new chapter in Japanese politics. As the longest-serving prime minister of the post-war period, the series of reforms he promoted will be a challenge that his successor will have to face.

Abe is gone, what does it have to do with me?

One of the most notable is the constitutional changes that Abe has been trying to promote. He never gave up his ambition to revise the "pacifist constitution" in an attempt to free Japan from the post-war shackles and regain a stronger military. This demand has undoubtedly received an enthusiastic response from conservatives, but it has also raised concerns in neighboring countries. It remains to be seen whether Abe's death means that this process will come to an end, or whether there will be a new politician to take over the business.

Abe is gone, what does it have to do with me?

At the same time, Abe's "Abenomics" has also attracted much attention. Through large-scale monetary easing and fiscal stimulus, he has indeed stimulated the recovery of the Japanese economy to a certain extent. However, as the global economic situation continues to deteriorate, it remains to be seen whether this model can bring sustainable development to Japan. Whether or not future leaders can continue and improve this policy system will also affect the prospects of the Japanese economy.

Abe is gone, what does it have to do with me?

Of course, Abe's stance on foreign policy has also attracted widespread attention. He used to take a tough stance on Sino-Japanese relations, and there were many frictions with neighboring countries. Although there has been some relaxation in the later period, there are still rifts in the relations between China and Japan. How the new Japanese leader repairs relations with China has become a top priority. After all, the stability of the regional pattern requires mutual understanding and cooperation among East Asian countries.

Abe is gone, what does it have to do with me?

Overall, the death of Shinzo Abe marks the end of an era. The political foundation he laid will certainly be a major challenge for the new Japanese leader. The future trend of Japan's political arena will not only affect Japan itself, but will also affect the situation in East Asia as a whole. There will still be a fierce battle to see who will be able to hold their ground and lead Japan in which direction.