
Macron lost the bet, and now the consequences are serious


French parliamentary elections: The National Alliance won a big victory, and the Macron camp lost a big way


Recently, the French National Assembly held a round of elections, which attracted global attention, because the results of the elections will directly affect the future direction of France, and may also have far-reaching consequences for the European and international landscape. In this election, the far-right party National Alliance achieved unexpected success, while the party of the current President Macron suffered a major setback, such an election result undoubtedly brought great changes to the situation in France, and also caused heated discussions and worries from all parties.

1. The election results are in: the National Alliance has won a big victory

In the French National Assembly elections, the National Alliance was unexpectedly a huge success, with the party winning 34.2% of the vote in the first round, which was far more than any other party, and it also caused a huge shock. At a time when people were surprised by the success of the National Alliance, Macron's Republican Forward Party suffered a major setback, with only 21.5% of the vote and came in third, a result that dealt a major blow to Macron's camp, which had hoped for victory, and made Macron's road to re-election confusing.

Macron lost the bet, and now the consequences are serious

Second, the change in the mentality of voters

After the results of the election, an in-depth analysis of the voter turnout in the election finally found that the voter turnout in this election exceeded 65%, which is the highest in more than 40 years, and also reflects the great change in the mentality of the French people.

Macron lost the bet, and now the consequences are serious

Why is there such a high turnout? This is not unrelated to the turmoil in France, which is now facing challenges and difficulties from all sides, and there are huge differences among the people on the solutions to these problems, they hope to express their demands and attitudes through elections, and also hope to change the direction of the country's development through their own choices, which is why the voter turnout in this election will be so high.

3. Macron's challenge

Macron is naturally very anxious and worried about such an election result, because he originally hoped to consolidate his ruling position through this election and lay a solid foundation for his re-election road, but what he did not expect was that his Republican Forward Party suffered such a big setback, which undoubtedly cast a shadow on his re-election road.

Macron lost the bet, and now the consequences are serious

After the election results, Macron made an urgent speech, calling on voters to oppose the far right in the second round of the election, and also hoped to reverse the election situation through his own efforts, but his appeal did not have much effect, because the current French people have lost trust in him, and also have a huge question about his governing approach, believing that he cannot solve the problems facing the country, and it is not easy for his party to succeed in the second round of elections.

Fourth, the rise of the far right

The rise of the far-right National Rally has also brought a huge shock, and the party's leader, Le Pen, has achieved amazing success in the first round of the election, winning more votes than all other parties combined.

Macron lost the bet, and now the consequences are serious

Why is there such a success? This is inextricably linked to the long-standing advocacy of the National Alliance, which has always advocated France First and opposed globalization and immigration policies, but now France is facing enormous pressure from immigrants and refugees, and the country's economic and social problems are becoming more and more prominent, and more and more people are beginning to support the far right and agree with their ideas that this is the only way to truly solve the problems facing the country.

V. Impact of the election results

Regardless of the final election results, such an electoral situation has undoubtedly brought great uncertainty to the situation in France, and also cast a shadow on Macron's path to power, and the challenges and pressures faced by the National Alliance and other parties are enormous, because what France needs now is real reform and solutions, not slogans and empty promises.

Macron lost the bet, and now the consequences are serious

In addition, such an election result may also have a profound impact on Europe and the international landscape, an impact on the European integration process, the rise of the far right may trigger similar tendencies in other countries, bring great challenges to the European integration process, and also exacerbate the differences and contradictions between European countries, and have an impact on European and American relations, Macron's defeat may exacerbate the uncertainty of European and American relations, and also bring certain difficulties to the resolution of transnational issues, such as policy differences on issues such as Russia and Ukraine.

Macron lost the bet, and now the consequences are serious

In addition, the turmoil in France may also have a certain impact on the global financial market, trigger panic among investors, and increase the risk premium in Europe, which undoubtedly brings certain instability to the global economic pattern and makes the leaders of various countries full of worries and challenges about the future.


Through the election of the French National Assembly, we can not only see the turbulence of the situation in France and the changes in the mentality of the people, but also the contest and game of various forces, and no matter what the final election result is, all political parties should listen carefully to the people's opinions, and should also take due responsibility for the future development of the country, and promote the process of reform and democracy, so as to truly solve the problems faced by the country and bring a better life and future to the people.

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