
How amazing is Li Cunqiao? He personally brought out the five emperors, and the five emperors fought side by side in a rare spectacle for thousands of years

author:Talk about the history of potatoes

Li Cunmiao is a magical figure, he personally brought out five emperors, and these five emperors once fought side by side. In the turbulent period of five dynasties and ten kingdoms, it is really jaw-dropping that such a rare spectacle for thousands of years appeared. They had defeated the Houliang army in the Battle of Desheng, and they could be described as brave and fearless. But how exactly is this battle fought? How did these five emperors fight together under Li Cunqing? In the end, how will each of them expand their territory and dominate the other? Many questions remain to be answered.

1. The Battle of the Five Emperors at the beginning of the meeting

In 907, after Zhu Wen destroyed the Tang Dynasty, the Later Liang was established, and Li Keyong, as the widow of Li Tang, was incompatible with it. Soon after Keyong died, his son Li Cunqiao inherited the mantle and fought against Zhu Wen and his descendants for ten years. The descendants of the Zhu family are absurd and mediocre, and finally the Later Liang country is in danger.

In 921, in the eighteenth year of Tianyou, Wang Rong was assassinated by Zhenzhou Jiedu, and his adopted son Zhang Wenli murdered his relatives and servants, and wanted to take advantage of the chaos to take refuge in Li Cunqiao to protect himself, but Li refused. In order to protect himself, Zhang Wenli pretended to be attached to Li Cunqiao on the one hand, and fornicated with Houliang and Liao on the other. Li Cunmiao was furious, determined to get rid of this spy who was in the way.

In October of that year, Li Cunqiao conquered Zhenzhou, and Later Liang discovered his plan, so he decided to take the opportunity to attack Li Zaidesheng's base area. When Li Cunmiao learned that the enemy was coming, he immediately sent the generals Li Siyuan and Fu Cunxian to lead the left and right armies, and they were horns with the Chinese army stationed there.

The battle reached the faint twilight, and Li Cunqiao charged into battle with the brave generals Shi Jingjiao and Li Congke, and the Houliang army was defeated and retreated. Shi Jingjiao made great achievements, was strong and persistent, and killed countless enemies. For a while, he was hugged by several horsemen, and his servant Liu Zhiyuan arrived in time and escaped death.

Li Cunqiao arranged a tight formation, and all the generals fought together, and finally won more with less, and broke the Hou Liang army. At the end of the battle, the corpses were all over the field, and the baggage weapons were all discarded, which was miserable. After the history of the Liang army, tens of thousands of casualties were recorded, which was actually a major tragedy in the melee of the five generations of warlords.

How amazing is Li Cunqiao? He personally brought out the five emperors, and the five emperors fought side by side in a rare spectacle for thousands of years

2. A bloody and bloody battle

At dusk, the war clouds gradually rose. Li Cunmiao's brave generals will do their best to show their life's martial arts. Li Congke of the right army was wearing heavy armor, swinging forward, facing the Houliang iron cavalry; The left army Fu Cun tried to stabilize the horse, stick to the position, and cut off the way back. Li Cunqiao of the Chinese army personally led the elite, bravely killed the enemy, and rushed straight to the Houliang camp.

The brave master Shi Jingjiao is even more brave, holding the halberd and fighting a bloody way. There are a number of cavalry rear beam soldiers flocking to, overwhelming. Shi Jingjiao retreated to the defense, the only javelin stored in his waist, and waved several shots in a row, all of which were captured by the opponent, but in the end, the enemy was outnumbered.

At this time, as soon as the young soldiers stepped forward, holding the tiger's tail, they were the first to sway, and in an instant, they had solved the siege of Shi Jingjiao. This soldier is Shi Jingjiao's entourage Liu Zhiyuan, who has always been fearless on the battlefield and brave and good at fighting.

The two fought side by side, and the walls were clear. I saw Liu Zhiyuan's fast hands, snatching a riding whip with his backhand, he was the most proficient in the past exercises, and a whip could go around eighteen plates, which was really amazing. All the knights were frightened, and the long-congested encirclement was broken up.

Shi Jingjiao took advantage of the gap and marched into the camp of Houliang. At that time, the yellow dust was all over the sky, and the sound of shouting and killing was endless. The corpses and mutilated limbs on the side of the road were all caused by Shi Jingjiao's repeated opening of the road. When he arrived at the Liang camp, Li Cunmiao had already led a large army to break into it, and the Liang army was in chaos.

Shi Jingjiao and Li Cunqiao met from afar, and the two drove forward side by side, invincible. A general reminded Li Cunmiao before the battle: "His Royal Highness the Prince, the main force of Houliang has been exhausted today, and it is advisable to pursue it with victory!" With that, he raised his stirrups and rushed forward. Li Cunqiao also jumped forward, and behind him, rows of elites followed, with swords in hand, dignified and mighty.

How amazing is Li Cunqiao? He personally brought out the five emperors, and the five emperors fought side by side in a rare spectacle for thousands of years

3. Undercurrents of power change

The battle of Desheng, although it defeated the main force of Houliang, was not the final word. Although the Zhu dynasty has reached the end of its power, the struggle for power is cloudy.

Since Zhu Wen usurped the Tang Dynasty, the Later Liang Dynasty has been in turmoil. The descendants of the Zhu family are mediocre and corrupt, lack the wisdom to control the overall situation, and arrogance and lasciviousness are the norm. The princes compete with each other for succession, and the heirs even kill their fathers and seize the heirs. Towards the wild, up and down are not connected, and internal and external troubles follow one after another.

Desheng was in full swing, and Zhu Youzhen, the late emperor of the Later Liang Dynasty, was beaten into prison by the crown prince Zhu Congliang, and was proclaimed the emperor. Li Cunmiao did not recognize the new dynasty, and still used the Tang name Tianyu year name to confront it.

The past is vivid, and the Zhu rebellion has not stopped for ten years since Zhu Wen. First Zhu Congji and Zhu Congkai killed each other, and then Zhu Congliang imprisoned his brother, and finally Zhu Congqian was deposed, and the Later Liang was turbulent for many years.

Not long after Zhu Congliang ascended the throne, he was attacked by Li Cunqiao and forced to run away. Li Cunmiao took advantage of the situation to defeat the Zhu army, drove straight in, and occupied Guanzhong. The following year, Zhu Congliang was unable to continue, so he had to move the capital to Wenzhou.

The world is in turmoil, and its collapse is a foregone conclusion. At this time, Li Cunmiao had been embraced as the crown prince, and he had more than ten state pastures, and his strength could not be underestimated. At the right time, the situation was difficult, and Zhu Congliang had no choice but to send an envoy to sue for peace. In the following years, although the rear beam was barely maintained, it was worn out all day long.

How amazing is Li Cunqiao? He personally brought out the five emperors, and the five emperors fought side by side in a rare spectacle for thousands of years

Seeing that there will be new changes in the situation, Li Cunqiao has been planning for a long time. In the winter of 923, he crossed the Yellow River to the east and established himself as the emperor, with the country name Datong, known as the Later Tang Dynasty in history. Thus, a new dynasty was opened.

4. Brotherhood is deep and eventually separated

The five emperors worked together to turn the tide. They started from Li Cunqiao, they are like flesh and blood, and they have gone through the vicissitudes of life hand in hand.

After the Battle of Desheng, Li Cunmiao established his five sons as the crown prince and was canonized as kings respectively. The eldest son Li Tao was the crown prince of the Later Tang Dynasty, the second son Li Xian was the king of De, the third son Li Shaoli was the king of Cang, the fourth son Li Ji was the king of Wei, and the fifth son Li Cunsu was the king of Wei. The five sons are extraordinary and brave, and they all have a lot of achievements.

The army was drawn out, and the five kings fought side by side with their father. Flags are unfurled, horseshoe sand. Directly attacking the heart of the endangered Houliang, the kings rose up to capture the important towns in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, and conquered one after another. Within a few months, dozens of cities had been ceded to them.

The father and son have made great achievements and are unstoppable. Since then, each has been in charge of the army, and each has one side for the business. In his early years, Li Cunmiao let his five sons garrison the mountains and rivers and guard the upper reaches of the Yellow River. And Li Tao, as the prince, was mostly under his father's command and commanded the army.

King Li Xian of Germany was stationed in Shangqi (present-day northern Shaanxi), King Li Shaoli of Cangli was stationed in the area of Yongliang (present-day Wuwei, Gansu), and King Li Ji of Wei was stationed in Fenzhou (present-day Fenyang, Shanxi). Li Cunsu, the king of Ji, stationed troops in Jinyang (now Taiyuan, Shanxi) and his father sat in the Central Plains.

How amazing is Li Cunqiao? He personally brought out the five emperors, and the five emperors fought side by side in a rare spectacle for thousands of years

At the beginning of the Datong Kingdom, the five kings joined hands to resist the enemy, who expected that soon after the founding of the country, the brothers were confused by power and had their own ambitions. After several internal frictions, it eventually fell apart.

After the same year, the German king Li Cheng betrayed his father and brother and established himself as the Jin Dynasty. And Li Shaoli, the king of Cang, crossed the Yellow River to the north and chased Lu to the north, and also called himself the king of Yan. Before leaving, the two said goodbye to their brothers. At that time, Li Cunsu, the king of Ji, was still young, and he saw his eldest brother go away, and he blessed him a lot.

5. The princes will live in the grass and scroll

Dynasties change, heroes come out in abundance. If the merit is high, it will be suspicious. Under the command of the Five Emperors, there are really many outstanding ones.

Shi Jingjiao is Li Cunqiao's confidant and important minister, and he bravely crowned the three armies. In the battle of Desheng, he stepped forward, killed the enemy bloodily, and turned the tide of the battle with all his might. The courage of that day is truly unforgettable. However, in his heyday, he was suspicious of Li Cunqiao and was framed and deposed. The life has experienced many vicissitudes until the late season.

Liu Zhiyuan is also a brave general, and he is Shi Jingjiao's entourage. He won the battle in Desheng, was not chaotic in the face of danger, acted vigilantly, and relieved Jingjiao's burning danger. He made the tiger Yue skillful, especially the long rope whip method as a unique skill, which can make the whip rope circling and flying, and deter the enemy. Since then, he has repeatedly performed miraculous feats and is deeply appreciated.

Among Li Cunmiao's five sons, Li Zhaoxuan is an upright personality and has excellent martial arts. He fought in the Hogo campaign, bravely crowned the sons, and competed for the emperor's favor. However, he was finally confused by the lock of fame and profit, and he rebelled against his father and his teacher, and never returned.

How amazing is Li Cunqiao? He personally brought out the five emperors, and the five emperors fought side by side in a rare spectacle for thousands of years

Li Shaoli, the king of Cang, is also a general, and he is brave. He has a violent personality and is good at setting up in front of the battle. Whenever you encounter a heavy siege, you must be the first to take risks, and you will be in danger wherever you want, and you will break the cauldron and sink the boat, and you will line up to kill. Later, he was also confused by fame and fortune, betrayed his father, died in Hebei, and never returned.

The founding teacher of Zhongxing, although there are many talents, it is a pity that there are many suspicions about the bane of life. Later, the struggle for power and profit, bloody and tragic, can be repeated. The brothers are in the wall, and the children and grandchildren are separated by their uncles. Three dynasties and nine generations, vicissitudes of life, several ups and downs. Heroes and heroes, none of them have a complete body.