
Looking at the situation of Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan 5 years later, I found that they were not "all the way"

author:Creative space
Looking at the situation of Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan 5 years later, I found that they were not "all the way"

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In the summer of 2019, in a "Chen Qing Ling", the gears of the fate of the two teenagers began to turn

In the summer of 2019, it seemed to be hotter than in previous years, and there was a restless atmosphere in the air, at this time, a TV series called "Chen Qingling" was born, like a rainstorm in the afternoon, with a cool sense of comfort swept across the country, this drama not only made the audience feel the long-lost martial arts feelings, but more importantly, it pushed the two young actors Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan to the peak of their careers

At that time, one was the idol Wang Yibo, who became famous at a young age and experienced stage training, and the other was Xiao Zhan, a newcomer who became a monk halfway and stood out with his unique temperament, the roles they created in the play, one is the cold and arrogant Lan Wangji, and the other is the enthusiastic and unrestrained Wei Wuxian, forming a stark contrast, but they have a wonderful chemical reaction in the collision with each other, this sense of contrast is not only reflected in the characters, but also reflected in the temperament and development path of the two actors themselves

"Bo Jun Yi Xiao" turned out to be the undercurrent surging under the top halo

The popularity of "Chen Qingling" has pushed the CP of "Bo Jun Yi Xiao" to the peak, the audience is intoxicated with their brotherhood in the play, and the interaction between the two outside the play has also become a topic of conversation among fans, and social media is full of their photos, videos and fan creations, as if the whole world is surrounded by "Bo Jun Yi Xiao".

Just like the turbulent waves hidden under the calm sea, under the seemingly harmonious appearance, the different personalities and development concepts between the two have begun to emerge, Wang Yibo, a teenager who has received professional training since he was 14 years old, has always maintained his awe of the stage and high requirements for himself, he has a clear plan for his life, and has made extraordinary efforts for it, and Xiao Zhan, who is not an actor from a professional class, has experienced a career that has nothing to do with art before entering the showbiz, His popularity has a certain amount of chance, which also makes him full of expectations and confusion about the future

In 2020, the Storm 227 event became a watershed moment

If 2019 is a year for the two to work together, then 2020 has become a turning point in their fate, a sudden "227 incident" pushed Xiao Zhan to the forefront of public opinion, and also cast a shadow on the future of "Bo Jun and Xiao".

Looking at the situation of Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan 5 years later, I found that they were not "all the way"

As the central figure of the incident, Xiao Zhan experienced unprecedented pressure and challenges, endorsements were boycotted, works were taken off the shelves, and the flowers and applause turned into doubts and abuse, he was like a flat boat trapped in a storm, and he didn't know where to go

Wang Yibo: Steady and steady diversified development

Compared with Xiao Zhan's predicament, Wang Yibo is extraordinarily calm in 2020, he devotes more energy to the creation of works and personal growth, and proves his strength with practical actions

During the year, he starred in the TV series "A Song of Ice and Fire", the movie "No Name", and participated in the variety show "This! is the recording of "Street Dance", in different fields, he has shown his talent and efforts, especially in "A Song of Ice and Fire", he played a grassroots worker who silently contributed to the Winter Olympics, this role formed a huge contrast with his previous idol image, but also let the audience see his possibilities as an actor

Xiao Zhan: Go against the wind to seek a breakthrough

After the 227 incident, Xiao Zhan's career once came to a standstill, in the face of huge pressure and doubts, he did not choose to escape, but chose to prove himself with his works, he participated in the drama "Dream Like a Dream", and honed his acting skills on the stage; He starred in the TV series "The Rest of Your Life, Please Advise Me", trying different types of roles; He also actively participates in public welfare activities and gives back to the society with practical actions

Although the controversy still exists, Xiao Zhan's efforts and changes have gradually been seen, he is no longer the idol who only relies on traffic and appearance, but a powerful actor who is working hard to transform

Different choices parallel life trajectories

After 2021, Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan's life trajectories are like two parallel lines, developing in different directions, Wang Yibo has gradually become the mainstay of the entertainment industry with his outstanding strength and stable development, and the TV series "The Wind Rises in Luoyang" and "Ice, Rain and Fire" starring him have achieved good ratings, and the movie "Peacekeeping Anti-riot Team" is also about to be released, and he has also made remarkable achievements in hip-hop, motorcycles and other fields, becoming a veritable "all-round idol"

Looking at the situation of Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan 5 years later, I found that they were not "all the way"

After experiencing the turmoil, Xiao Zhan paid more attention to the quality of his works and his own improvement, and the TV series "Douluo Continent" and "Ace Troops" starring him have been recognized by the audience, showing his increasingly mature acting skills, and he also began to try more behind-the-scenes work, participating in script creation and production, showing a deeper understanding and pursuit of the film and television industry

Fan culture and personal development: two sides of a double-edged sword

Looking back on the development process of Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan, it is not difficult to find that fan culture is not only a booster of their success, but also a challenge they need to face

In the era of traffic, the fanatical pursuit of fans can quickly improve the popularity and commercial value of artists, but at the same time, it is also easy to breed some irrational behaviors, which has a negative impact on the artists themselves

The future can be expected to be exciting

Today, Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan have gone through different stages of their lives, and they have made remarkable achievements in their careers, but their stories are far from over, and the road ahead is still full of unknowns and challenges

We look forward to them creating greater brilliance in their respective fields, and wishing them more firm and calm in the future

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