
When the well-known "lantern damage assessment" landlord returned, he encountered 4 unexpected situations

author:Xiaoyi essay

When the well-known "lantern damage assessment" landlord returned, he encountered four unexpected situations:

When the well-known "lantern damage assessment" landlord returned, he encountered 4 unexpected situations

1. Psychological pressure: In the face of public accusations and the pressure of public opinion, Guo Moulin suffered great suffering and uneasiness in his heart. Guo Moulin may initially think that this was just a private matter between him and the tenant, but after the incident was exposed online, it attracted national attention, which caught him off guard.

2. Legal liability: Guo Moulin demanded far more than reasonable compensation from the tenant through improper means, such as deliberately exaggerating the degree of damage to the house and fabricating false losses, then he may be suspected of extortion. The house rented by Guo Moulin has potential safety hazards or does not meet the relevant building standards, and is characterized as an illegal building and faces the risk of demolition.

3. Credit damage: In the local rental market and related fields, Guo Moulin's credit has been seriously damaged, and Guo Moulin's house is unattended. Due to the potential impact of the incident on the surrounding neighbors, the relationship between the neighbors deteriorated and they were isolated in the community.

4. Children affected: Guo's behavior may have a negative impact on children's work and studies. Children may be affected by their father's negative events, which will affect their social and learning environment.

When the well-known "lantern damage assessment" landlord returned, he encountered 4 unexpected situations

Event recap

A woman in Yushan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, said that when she quit the rent, the landlord carried a high-wattage "searchlight" to inspect the whole house without dead ends, marked minor bumps with yellow label paper, and listed a list of 10,000 yuan in compensation, which was simply jaw-dropping.

The tenant Chen only rented the house, and some minor losses after normal use should have been borne by the landlord. However, the landlord is holding a professional "searchlight" and putting on a prepared posture, and the scope of his claim and the way of pricing are extremely unreasonable.

For example, for the damage of two exterior wall tiles (it is generally impossible for tenants to damage the exterior wall tiles), the landlord actually issued a high claim: 17 yuan for two tiles, 300 yuan for wages, 50 yuan for corresponding materials, a total of 367 yuan, and also put forward requirements such as changing the door (1,800 yuan) and replacing the shower (880 yuan). Such a lion opens his mouth!

When the well-known "lantern damage assessment" landlord returned, he encountered 4 unexpected situations

The reason why the "lantern damage assessment" incident has aroused public outrage is that it has hit the pain points of many renters. In today's rental market, similar chaos is not uncommon. Some unscrupulous landlords have gone out of their way to withhold their deposits, making tenants miserable.

The landlord in this incident, the practice of "lantern damage assessment" simply regarded the tenant as a "cash cow".

When the well-known "lantern damage assessment" landlord returned, he encountered 4 unexpected situations

Despite coordination between the local village committee and the neighborhood office, the initial outcome did not satisfy the public. The core question of public concern is: the problem of illegal construction of housing? Does the landlord's "lantern damage assessment" constitute blackmail? Judging from the landlord's inspection methods and the amount of the claim, there is an obvious suspicion of intentional blackmail and extortion.

The law must keep the bottom line and not allow landlords to behave unchecked.

Conduct a thorough investigation of the circumstances of the incident and give a clear account to the public. Whether the landlord is suspected of violating the law or committing a crime should be identified and dealt with in accordance with laws and regulations, and it cannot be muddy.

When the well-known "lantern damage assessment" landlord returned, he encountered 4 unexpected situations

"Lantern damage assessment" should not become a means of wanton blackmail by landlords, but should become an opportunity to regulate the rental market. Only through the constraints of the law, the supervision of the department and the supervision of the public can the housing rental market be more fair, just and transparent, so that the rights and interests of tenants and landlords can be effectively protected.

When the well-known "lantern damage assessment" landlord returned, he encountered 4 unexpected situations