
I don't earn much money, I can't get my wife's approval, I haven't had a baby for 7 years after marriage, and now I'm a boss and has 3 babies

author:Interviews with real people


I don't earn much money, I can't get my wife's approval, I haven't had a baby for 7 years after marriage, and now I'm a boss and has 3 babies

This is the 4,134th real story we have told

I am Duan Peizhen, a native of Surabaya County, Shandong, and I am 40 years old this year.

Inspired by my second sister to work in Japan, I also came to Japan to work. But I only had a Chinese background, and I was not good at words, I worked as a worker and waiter, and finally gained a foothold by collecting waste products and starting a business.

Today, I have opened a renewable resource recycling company in Japan, with an annual turnover of 1 million yuan, and I have my wife and three children with me.

May my hard work experience inspire people who are confused.

I don't earn much money, I can't get my wife's approval, I haven't had a baby for 7 years after marriage, and now I'm a boss and has 3 babies

(I'm in Nagoya, Japan)

I have four siblings in my family, and I am the fourth oldest and the only son in my family.

My hometown is in Surabaya County, Shandong, which is a famous spring township. There is not only the allusion that Confucius did not drink the stolen spring water, but also the palace built by Emperor Qianlong after visiting the spring forest 9 times, and there are delicious fires and pancakes.

My mother is a housewife, and my father is in the building materials business, and he supports the whole family of six by himself.

When I was a child, my family was poor, and my classmates ate white flour flatbread, but I still eat cornmeal pancakes. I didn't want to be looked down upon by my classmates, so I often hid in a place where no one was there to eat, and I once ate stomach acid.

I was expected by my parents since I was a child, but because of strict discipline, I developed an introverted, shy and stubborn personality.

I had a lot of fun with the boys, but when I talked to the girls, I blushed, and I was even more overwhelmed when I met the girls I liked.

My introverted personality didn't change until I was 14 years old. In order to improve my social skills, my father asked me to go to my aunt's house to deliver stew, but I was shy and stubborn, and no matter how much he reasoned with me, he just wouldn't go. I thought my dad would go with me, but I didn't expect to be beaten badly.

I don't earn much money, I can't get my wife's approval, I haven't had a baby for 7 years after marriage, and now I'm a boss and has 3 babies

(My second visit to Japan)

Although I am an introvert, I like sports very much, and I was admitted to the sports school in junior high school and studied sanda for three years. Although my professional ability passed, I had no choice but to give up because Sanda requires a high level of comprehensive ability from athletes and my family had no money to continue my education.

Since then, I have secretly made up my mind that I must make more money so that my family can live a decent life.

In order to earn money to support my family, after graduating from junior high school, I came to Beijing to work. Beijing is the heart of the motherland, and for the first time, I saw a world different from Surabaya County, and I was determined to make a breakthrough there.

After coming to Beijing, I went to work as a waiter at a well-known fast-food chain, near Lugou Bridge.

At first, I was very unfamiliar with the work process, but I was conscientious and motivated, and not only did I adapt to the work quickly, but I also won the trust of my boss and was in charge of the purchasing work in the store.

I was busy inside and out, but I was able to take advantage of the opportunity to go out to buy and visit the beautiful city of Beijing.

Whenever I finish the procurement work, I will take a leisurely time, ride a tricycle, load a full of vegetables and fruits, and visit the beautiful scenery of Lugou Bridge. Ginkgo Avenue and Lugou Xiaoyue made me forget the sadness of leaving my hometown for the time being.

I don't earn much money, I can't get my wife's approval, I haven't had a baby for 7 years after marriage, and now I'm a boss and has 3 babies

(I was visiting Nagoya, Japan)

I'm very comfortable with this job, but I've also encountered some bad things.

Once, a colleague in Inner Mongolia was crazy about drinking at me, and I saw that he had drunk too much, so I stepped forward to help him sober up. Unexpectedly, he threw a punch at me, and I hurriedly dodged and dodged the punch.

I didn't know that he became even more violent, while his words were confused, and at the same time, he punched and kicked me, and I took out three years of sanda kung fu to quickly control him. After he woke up, he realized his faux pas and took the initiative to apologize to me.

After this incident, I told myself that when I was away from home, I would not bully others, and I would never be bullied by others.

Although I had beautiful scenery as a companion, my monthly income at that time was about 800 yuan, and as the only prime-aged labor force in my family, I could not afford to support my family.

Beijing is so big, but I am so small, I want to make money, so I went to Qingdao and Jinan to look for opportunities, but the income still did not change.

Just when I was at a loss, the news of going to Hokkaido, Japan to work as a fisherman, caught my attention. At that time, the second sister had already gone to the Hokkaido fishing ground to do shell processing, and earned 40,000 yuan in 8 months, which directly ignited my desire to go to Japan and make money to support my family.

I don't earn much money, I can't get my wife's approval, I haven't had a baby for 7 years after marriage, and now I'm a boss and has 3 babies

(My Japanese colleagues and I)

I quickly got in touch with a local labor agency in Surabaya, but I only had a Chinese level, and if I wanted to work in Japan, I had to study for three years first.

I attended the interview with more than 20 people and was lucky enough to pass the 7:1 interview. After paying the tuition fee of 38,000 yuan, I participated in the language and physical training organized by the training institution, and started my career as a trainee three months later.

Before I came to Japan, my impression of Japan was the modern history in my junior high school history textbook. When I arrived in Japan, I found that the health environment here is very good and the people are friendly.

I believe that hard work can make up for my shortcomings, and in order to successfully pass the language barrier, I took the initiative to chat with my classmates in Japanese to exercise my social skills, but I also made a lot of jokes.

My Japanese learning was quite smooth, but I was seriously dissatisfied with the water and soil, not only did I have a nosebleed for half a year, I lost 30 pounds, and I also suffered from hay fever.

I don't earn much money, I can't get my wife's approval, I haven't had a baby for 7 years after marriage, and now I'm a boss and has 3 babies

(My wife and I are in Miyagi, Japan)

At that time, the pressure to start a family also followed. My parents asked relatives and friends to introduce me to someone. She is 2 years older than me, and we are from the same family, but my relationship is slow to progress due to my introverted personality.

So, my parents asked me to write a letter to her to express my feelings, but I only had the first Chinese, the content of the letter was not in words, the logic was confused, and she rejected it many times.

This family business is about to be made yellow by me, my parents are anxious, and I am helpless.

During the Spring Festival of 2003, my parents went to my father-in-law's house to pay New Year's greetings and show their sincerity on my behalf. Under the persuasion of my father-in-law, the girl finally agreed to be engaged to me, and soon got married.

But after I got married, she still didn't approve of me, and went to Japan to work alone. Because I don't make much money and can't afford to support my family, I haven't had children.

In 2008, I completed my trainee studies and joined a food factory as an OEM with a monthly salary of 140,000 yen, equivalent to about 8,000 yuan.

I work 8 hours a day with one day off a week. Although the work was hard, I got along well with my boss and colleagues, and not only did I often have dinner during the New Year's holidays, but I also received a year-end bonus of 80,000 yen from my boss.

My hard work paid off, and for the first time, my wife recognized me.

I don't earn much money, I can't get my wife's approval, I haven't had a baby for 7 years after marriage, and now I'm a boss and has 3 babies

(My eldest daughter and I are in Jining, Shandong)

In 2010, I was able to support my family with an income and my eldest daughter was born. Only then did the wife realize that she did not choose the wrong person, because whether a man is reliable or not does not depend on his material conditions, but on whether he is sincere and self-motivated.

In order to go to Japan with my wife to earn money, I entrusted my eldest daughter to my parents. My daughter was not by my side since she was a child, but her parents took good care of her, not only cultivating her good habits of diligence and thrift, but also developing regular living habits, so that my wife and I can work in Japan with peace of mind.

We worked in Japan for three years, during which time we kept in touch with our daughter by phone and video. Whenever I hear my daughter on the other end of the phone, saying that she misses her father, I feel a warm current in my heart, but when I hang up the phone, I can't stop crying.

It has been said, "Where there is a job, there is no home, and where there is a home, there is no job." No matter how you choose, it's a pity, if you don't have a heavy burden, who will be displaced. ”

After 5 years of co-packing, I quit my job and went to work as a waiter in a bar and a 24-hour supermarket, and then as an unloader in a courier company.

Although the income of these jobs is not high, it gives me the opportunity to deal with different customer groups, perceive different life situations, and find opportunities to make money.

I don't earn much money, I can't get my wife's approval, I haven't had a baby for 7 years after marriage, and now I'm a boss and has 3 babies

(I was visiting Nagoya, Japan)

Once, I opened a video software, and found a Northeast man who was collecting waste from someone nearby, and he was surrounded by a variety of objects, sharing his experience of collecting waste with netizens.

His enthusiastic explanation immediately caught my attention, and I took the initiative to add him as a friend to ask about collecting waste, and he bluntly said that collecting waste in Japan is very profitable.

With a half-believing attitude, I met with this northeastern man offline and went with him to collect waste to see how it went.

Unexpectedly, this unintentional move started my entrepreneurial journey.

Collecting waste is one of the hottest industries to start a business in Japan, but the Japanese love face and are reluctant to pick up waste, which gives overseas workers like me the opportunity.

Collecting waste is very dirty and tiring, and when I first started, I just smiled and nodded to customers because of my thin skin, not only did I recycle a small amount of waste, but I only made enough money for a lunch.

If you don't have a mind that is smarter than others, you can only work harder than others. In order to make more money, I got up early and stayed late, walked the streets and alleys, worked more than 8 hours a day, and my fingers and palms were ground out with blood blisters.

I don't earn much money, I can't get my wife's approval, I haven't had a baby for 7 years after marriage, and now I'm a boss and has 3 babies

(My wife and I are in Japan)

Seeing me working hard, my wife was very distressed and anxious, because seeing that other people's husbands made money, but her own husband couldn't earn it, it was inevitable that her heart was unbalanced. The advantage of collecting waste is that you can make money by doing it, and you can't make money if you don't do it, and the cost is very low. Thinking of this, my wife also began to support my choice.

The biggest advantage of collecting waste in Japan is that I can take the items from the customer's home and take them to the yard without having to pay them. However, the prerequisite is that you must pass the Japanese language customs and obtain an antiquities permit.

In the past three years, I have become more and more cheerful and talkative because of the contact with a large number of customers, and the business has become smoother and smoother. I have recycled more than 6 million yen of classic cars, as well as famous ancient calligraphy and paintings.

But sometimes it is up to the weather to collect waste, because some of the waste is left unattended in the mountains. Although the items were readily available, in the event of extreme weather, the transporter could not be started and all work came to a standstill.

I don't earn much money, I can't get my wife's approval, I haven't had a baby for 7 years after marriage, and now I'm a boss and has 3 babies

(My second visit to Miyagi, Japan)

Once, a customer asked me to go to the mountains to recycle a diesel car worth 80,000 yen. I was full of joy, but I didn't expect that as soon as I got there, the clouds were thick and the rain was coming.

I quickly closed the windows and used the hook to lift the car onto the car, trying to get the car away before the heavy rain came. Unexpectedly, the heavy rain poured down, and the wheels of the transport truck fell into the ground and could not be started. After the rain stopped, I spent 420,000 yen repairing my car.

The largest customer base for recycling waste in Japan is the elderly. Through my contact with many elderly customers, I intuitively feel that Japan's aging population is serious.

Some family companies have no one to inherit, and many things can still be used, but they can only be recycled.

Once, I went to an old lady's house to collect waste, and I thought she would hand over the waste to me to transport as usual, but I didn't expect that she would ask me for help in addition to giving me waste. Because she had a discarded iron pipe, which was accidentally inserted into the ground by her brother, and she couldn't pull it out.

The old lady was very anxious, and when I saw that she was old and frail, I did not hesitate to come forward to help. It was 12 noon, the scorching sun was in the sky, and I took more than 3 hours to practice sanda, and finally pulled out the iron pipe.

I don't earn much money, I can't get my wife's approval, I haven't had a baby for 7 years after marriage, and now I'm a boss and has 3 babies

(Family photo of me, my wife and two daughters)

I was sweating profusely and panting and sat on the sidelines to rest. The old lady bought me fruit and lunch, and took out 3,000 yen as a thank you, and when I saw the satisfied smile on the old man's face, my exhaustion was fleeting.

Although I only have a Chinese degree, with sincere service and good reputation, I have established a renewable resource recycling company in Japan, with an annual turnover of more than 1 million yuan.

Waste is a renewable resource, especially in Japan, where the eco-friendly industry is developed. In order to let more compatriots know about the situation of waste collection in Japan, I opened accounts on two short video platforms to share my daily waste collection with netizens. Let netizens see how I have made the seemingly inconspicuous waste collection impressive.

While collecting scrap, I also work part-time as a purchasing agent, and I have purchased watches, fishing gear, and tools.

After years of hard work, my life gradually improved, and my wife and I had a son and a daughter in Japan. Life is very busy. Not long ago, I brought my eldest daughter to Japan to study, and my family of five was reunited in Japan.

I don't earn much money, I can't get my wife's approval, I haven't had a baby for 7 years after marriage, and now I'm a boss and has 3 babies

(My wife and two children)

I'm not good at words, but I believe that those who work hard are never bad luck. In the future, I want to educate my three children well, do a good job in the recycling of renewable resources, open a Japanese restaurant, and put the experience I have learned from doing food processing into my own store, so that my wife and children can live a more decent life.

The society is very realistic, and life is not easy, but people cannot stay in place forever, but must be down-to-earth, step by step, and rely on their own hands to fight for what they want.

People who can get out of the rainy season are not because they have umbrellas, but because they are not afraid of wind and rain. May you, like me, be able to get whatever you want, and turn your path into a smooth one.

I don't earn much money, I can't get my wife's approval, I haven't had a baby for 7 years after marriage, and now I'm a boss and has 3 babies

(Welcome to pay attention to the protagonist's account: Brother Zhen collects waste in Japan)

[Dictation: Brother Zhen]

[Written by: Aunt Pa Tai]

[Editor: Drunk Hongyan]

We can't experience different lives, but we can feel different life trajectories here, every photo here is a bit of life, every story is a real life, if you also like it, please click to follow! @真实人物采访

(*This article is based on the oral statements of the parties, and the authenticity is the responsibility of the oral narrator.) Friendly reminder from this account: Please identify the relevant risks by yourself, and do not blindly follow the trend to make impulsive decisions. )