
Ma Weidu's follow-up to layoffs: The departing employees broke the news, and Lao Ma once suggested that the problem could not be solved by resignation

author:Endeavor Xiao Qin Entertainment

The most valuable person is a good mouth, not a good face, this is one of the classic quotations of Lao Ma.

Ma Weidu's follow-up to layoffs: The departing employees broke the news, and Lao Ma once suggested that the problem could not be solved by resignation

This sentence is also true, a person's value is not based on appearance, but on whether he has real talent and learning.

But recently, Lao Ma's company suffered a sudden layoff turmoil, and it was without employee consultation and without any compensation, which is really a bit surprising.

Ma Weidu's follow-up to layoffs: The departing employees broke the news, and Lao Ma once suggested that the problem could not be solved by resignation

1. Public opinion events:

Recently, because of the unauthorized layoff of the company's Guanfu Culture, Lao Ma has become a hot search again, but this time, the people who pay attention to him are not because of how powerful his collection skills are.

It turns out that Guanfu Culture has recently fallen into a storm of layoffs, which is nothing in itself, and now there are layoffs in various industries.

Ma Weidu's follow-up to layoffs: The departing employees broke the news, and Lao Ma once suggested that the problem could not be solved by resignation

However, when Guanfu Culture laid off employees, it did not consult with employees, and did not give any compensation to employees, which is really unbelievable.

Since it is a layoff turmoil, it will naturally cause dissatisfaction among employees, and they have applied for arbitration and demanded financial compensation from Guanfu Culture.

Ma Weidu's follow-up to layoffs: The departing employees broke the news, and Lao Ma once suggested that the problem could not be solved by resignation

Unexpectedly, Guanfu Culture was not touched by this practice of employees, but began to force employees to withdraw the arbitration through various means.

Even the threat of continuing to pay wages is really unacceptable.

Some people in the circle, after seeing such a situation, began to question Lao Ma in various ways.

Ma Weidu's follow-up to layoffs: The departing employees broke the news, and Lao Ma once suggested that the problem could not be solved by resignation

2. Outside speculation:

There is a lot of speculation about the unauthorized layoffs of Guanfu Culture, and many people have begun to sort out some of Lao Ma's behavior patterns.

Ma Weidu's follow-up to layoffs: The departing employees broke the news, and Lao Ma once suggested that the problem could not be solved by resignation

Some people believe that a large part of the reason why Guanfu Culture has such a layoff storm is related to some of Lao Ma's collection concepts.

Judging from some previous behavior patterns, Lao Ma has always had a relatively "generous" collection concept, and he is very fond of collecting.

Ma Weidu's follow-up to layoffs: The departing employees broke the news, and Lao Ma once suggested that the problem could not be solved by resignation

Some people believe that Lao Ma's behavior pattern has actually violated the bottom line of some "laws".

And because of these reasons, Guanfu Culture has been very difficult in some aspects, so it will choose to reduce some expenses through layoffs.

Perhaps, Lao Ma's collection concept has put Guanfu culture under great pressure.

Ma Weidu's follow-up to layoffs: The departing employees broke the news, and Lao Ma once suggested that the problem could not be solved by resignation

In addition, there are also some people who believe that some of Lao Ma's concepts have begun to have some deviations, and they are very difficult to understand.

Judging from some previous experiences, Lao Ma does have some "paranoia" in some family trivialities.

He even fired his own nanny because of a bag of peanuts, and it was for this reason that the point of view of the "spiritual poor" was raised.

Ma Weidu's follow-up to layoffs: The departing employees broke the news, and Lao Ma once suggested that the problem could not be solved by resignation

Such remarks are really difficult to understand and difficult to agree with.

Therefore, some people believe that Lao Ma does have some places that need to be "reflected" and "adjusted".

Otherwise, it is very likely to bring some bad influence to himself and the people around him.

Ma Weidu's follow-up to layoffs: The departing employees broke the news, and Lao Ma once suggested that the problem could not be solved by resignation

3. Enlightenment of the event:

Judging from the layoffs of Guanfu Culture, it actually taught us a very profound "life lesson".

First of all, no matter what kind of problem it is, I hope that everyone must learn to "communicate", and "sufficiently" communicate.

Only through communication can we "distinguish between right and wrong" and find the best solution.

Ma Weidu's follow-up to layoffs: The departing employees broke the news, and Lao Ma once suggested that the problem could not be solved by resignation

Secondly, I also hope that everyone can have a "tolerant" heart, do not "criticize" others at will, and do not label others with all kinds of labels.

Everyone has his own unique side and his own "growth trajectory".

Ma Weidu's follow-up to layoffs: The departing employees broke the news, and Lao Ma once suggested that the problem could not be solved by resignation

Finally, I also hope that everyone can always "remind" themselves, maintain a "humble" heart, always learn, and always "reflect" on some of their behaviors.

Only in this way can we become better and better, and we can also embark on the "life path" we want.

Recently, because of the unauthorized layoff of Guanfu Culture, Lao Ma has once again become a hot topic of discussion.

Ma Weidu's follow-up to layoffs: The departing employees broke the news, and Lao Ma once suggested that the problem could not be solved by resignation

Perhaps, such a public opinion incident is also a very big "wake-up call" for him.

I believe that in the future, he will be able to draw some "enlightenment" from it, and he will also be able to make some "adjustments" to some of his own behavior patterns.

At the same time, I also hope that everyone can do some "thinking" and "touch" through such an event.

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