
"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature

author:Little Red watches the movie


"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature
"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature
Sources: All information stated in this article is based on reliable information, and is summarized at the end of this article

Chi You, a terrifying name, he is not only a well-known god of war, but also a brutal ruler, and finally died with a big disintegration.

But after a thousand years, in this land of China, there were people secretly worshipping Chiyou, and Chiyou changed his notoriety and became an ancestor respected by everyone.

"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature

What's going on here? Is Chiyou really as brutal as rumored?

"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature

Chi is especially famous, and it has a lot of origins

Chiyou is the number one opponent of the Yellow Emperor when he competes for the world, at that time Chiyou is brave and good at fighting, winning a hundred battles, and is known as the god of war, but often walking by the river, how can there be no wet shoes, and finally Chiyou was defeated by the Yellow Emperor.

Even the name Chiyou is also the name given by the Yellow Emperor as the victor to the loser, and the meaning of the word Chi is not a good word from beginning to end, according to records, on the oracle bone inscription, Chi has the meaning of gnawing fingers and reptiles.

"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature

And the word You, it has the meaning of warning, the two words are connected together, there is ignorance, even the winner looks down on the loser, there is a great sense of provocation, as the winner, the Yellow Emperor has the right to despise the loser.

Since then, the name Chiyou has been handed down, and it is precisely because of this name that later generations have a bad impression of Chiyou, and even regard Chiyou as a villain.

"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature

It can also be seen from some historical records that the world's records of Chiyou are mostly violent, unscrupulous for the sake of rights, indiscriminate killing of innocents, and even in some mythological colors, Chiyou is compared to demons and monsters.

But is Chiyou really what the legend says? Or is there something else going on?

"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature

Villains, how is the truth

In people's cognition, Chi You has always been considered a villain, but analyzing the historical records of the Qin Dynasty can find a more interesting phenomenon.

Qin Shi Huang is an important figure in the unification of China, but when he performs the worship ceremony, he never worships the Yellow Emperor, the ancestor of China, but is always regarded as a villain, and is deeply worshiped by Qin Shi Huang.

"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature

Qin Shi Huang once did not hesitate to go to Mount Tai, and it was to build a temple and carve stone inscriptions, but Qin Shi Huang worshiped Chiyou and others, and Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, also established Chiyou Temple.

Obviously, Chiyou is a villain who eats people and does not spit out bones, why he is worshiped by the emperor, the reason behind it is not so simple.

"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature

We all know that the Yellow Emperor has always been a kind and wise monarch in historical records, but a different description was found in the Mawangdui Han Tomb.

At the beginning, Chi You, as a thorn in the eye of the Yellow Emperor, finally worked hard to capture Chi You, the leader of the Jiuli tribe, and in order to relieve the hatred in his heart, he directly stripped his skin and made it a target.

"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature

Not only that, but he also cut off Chiyou's hair, threw away his chest, took out his stomach to fill the ball, let people kick, and finally chopped Chiyou's bones and meat into meat sauce and put it in bitter vegetable sauce for people to eat.

For this reason, the Yellow Emperor also issued an order, that is, once anyone who disobeys is found, it will be the same as Chi You's fate, and as for the subordinates who once fought with Chi You, they will all become slaves.

"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature

The Yellow Emperor's actions are obviously very different from the image in people's perception, in fact, for the monarchs of previous dynasties, whoever has the right has the opportunity to tamper with history.

So from another point of view, how many of those descriptions of Chi You are true and how many are false? And through people's continuous exploration of history, they finally found some answers after many years.

"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature

As the leader of the Jiuli tribe, Chiyou once lived in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, and then went south to the Central Plains, and it was at this time that the dispute with the Yellow Emperor officially began.

In the end, after Chi You was killed by the Yellow Emperor, the Jiuli tribe led by Chi You was also divided, although in the historical records Chi You did no evil, but in his descendant records, Chi You was not so.

"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature

In the records of his descendants, Chiyou was a weapon wizard who not only made metal, but also forged many weapons, such as knives, axes, and so on.

In addition to fighting and killing on the battlefield, Chiyou is not just a reckless man who can fight, during the period when Chiyou led the tribe, he also led the tribe to grow grains together, so that the tribe had enough food and clothing.

"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature

Since then, Chiyou has also set his sights on pottery products, and has created many distinctive pottery products as tools and utensils used in ancient times.

It is not difficult to find that Chiyou is not as brutal as the legend goes, and even for his people, he is a good enough leader that his descendants are still worshipping Chiyou until now.

"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature

So where are Chiyou's descendants now? And what do they call Chiyou, whom they regard as their ancestors?

"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature

The real name has been recorded for a long time

As mentioned above, the derogatory name Chiyou was actually given by the Yellow Emperor, in fact, Chiyou had his own name when he was the leader of the original tribe.

Today's Miao people have always regarded Chiyou as their ancestors, in the legend of the Miao people, Chiyou surname Jiang, the real name is actually Yigu, also known as Li greed, it is reported that every year in October of the lunar calendar, the Miao people will hold a grand memorial ceremony for Chiyou.

"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature

And in the Miao language, the descendants of these Chiyou are called Chiyou Zugong, and in historical records, Chiyou is also the only one who can be called the king with Fuxi.

Legend has it that famous mythological characters such as Kuafu and Shennong are all from the Chiyou family, and from Chiyou's surname, it can be inferred that Chiyou is most likely from the same as Emperor Yan.

"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature

It's just that after that, Emperor Yan and the Yellow Emperor teamed up to defeat Chiyou, deliberately weakened Chiyou's existence, and also gave Chiyou a derogatory name.

Although in the subsequent historical records, Chiyou is mostly the recorded cruelty, bloodthirsty, and evil, but the descendants of Chiyou and the Miao people have always remembered the great achievements made by Chiyou.

"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature

Based on the history written by the Yellow Emperor alone, it is unfair to make an objective evaluation of Chiyou, and from many historical records, we also know that Chiyou is not as popular as it is in circulation.

For Chi You, in fact, the merits outweigh the demerits, after all, in that era, conquest was a forced choice, and the reason why Chi You left such a reputation was only because of his defeat to the Yellow Emperor.

"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature

In fact, it can also be seen from historical records that it is not just Chi You's description that is too one-sided.

Going back thousands of years, if it was the Yellow Emperor who was defeated at the beginning, I am afraid that in the current historical documents, it will be another record.


Where did the descendants of Chiyou go after the defeat? He once moved to the area of Qufu, Shandong Province - China News Network

The history of the Yellow Emperor is known as the "ancestor of humanity" He once made clothes, built boats and cars, and made music and rhythms-China News Network

Chiyou mob said or misunderstood that he was Emperor Yan in the sacrificial ceremony of the Han Dynasty - China News Network

"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature
"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature
"Chiyou" is a derogatory title given to him by the Yellow Emperor? His real name is recorded in Miao literature