
"The strange case of the disappearance of the goose flock: the man lost 700,000 yuan overnight, and after half a year, he turned around and made 10 million?"

author:Liu Shui shared things

Editor: Liu Koushui shared things

"The strange case of the disappearance of the goose flock: the man lost 700,000 yuan overnight, and after half a year, he turned around and made 10 million?"

In the vast land of Heilongjiang, there is an inconspicuous small village, but the story here is like a wonderful drama, which makes people have endless memories.

Zhang Xin, an ordinary rural man, with the dream of changing his fate, in 2014, he resolutely invested all his savings of one million yuan in the goose breeding business. This is not only a big gamble on the economy, but also a challenge to the limit of one's own ability. As the saying goes, "people go to high places, and water flows to low places", Zhang Xin's leap is undoubtedly towards the peak of life. However, life is often not smooth sailing, and what kind of ups and downs will Zhang Xin's goose raising road face?

"The strange case of the disappearance of the goose flock: the man lost 700,000 yuan overnight, and after half a year, he turned around and made 10 million?"

Zhang Xin's road to raising geese has been full of hardships and difficulties from the beginning. He poured all his heart and soul into these little goose seedlings like he cared for his own children. Every day in the darkness before dawn, his figure has already begun to be busy in the goose house, feeding, cleaning, and doing everything himself. Zhang Xinxin has a dream, that is, to become the leader of the goose industry in his hometown. He was determined to make a big deal and achieve his ambitions. He immediately took action and began to plan to establish his own goose breeding base, determined to become "the first person to breed Ili geese".

"The strange case of the disappearance of the goose flock: the man lost 700,000 yuan overnight, and after half a year, he turned around and made 10 million?"

In order to achieve this goal, Zhang Xin did not hesitate to invest all the only 500,000 yuan in hand in the construction of the goose farm. But soon, he encountered his first problem – lack of funds. Breeding Yili geese not only requires a large initial investment, but also requires financial support for subsequent seedling purchases and staff recruitment. Zhang Xin's 500,000 yuan is only enough to buy basic breeding facilities, and he feels unprecedented pressure in the face of the next funding gap.

"The strange case of the disappearance of the goose flock: the man lost 700,000 yuan overnight, and after half a year, he turned around and made 10 million?"

Just when Zhang Xin was anxious about the financial problem, he thought of his friend Xu Jinsheng. Xu Jinsheng has been operating in his hometown for many years, is a successful businessman, and is also a trusted partner of Zhang Xin. At the critical moment, Zhang Xin decided to ask Xu Jinsheng for help.

Zhang Xin immediately dialed Xu Jinsheng's phone, and the two were talking on the phone, and Zhang Xin then invited Xu Jinsheng to meet. After the meeting, Zhang Xin gave Xu Jinsheng a detailed introduction to his entrepreneurial plan to breed Yili geese. Xu Jinsheng is very familiar with Zhang Xin's business acumen and keen business insight, and expressed his support for Zhang Xin's plan and promised to help.

"The strange case of the disappearance of the goose flock: the man lost 700,000 yuan overnight, and after half a year, he turned around and made 10 million?"

After learning about Zhang Xin's predicament, Xu Jinsheng did not hesitate to transfer one million funds to Zhang Xin's account and helped him solve the financial problem. With this fund, Zhang Xin began to carefully select the site, and finally took a fancy to a depression of more than 1,000 acres and successfully contracted it.

"The strange case of the disappearance of the goose flock: the man lost 700,000 yuan overnight, and after half a year, he turned around and made 10 million?"

At the same time, Zhang Xin also negotiated with the supplier of Yili goose several times, and finally purchased 6,000 goose seedlings at a price of 60 yuan each. For Xu Jinsheng's generous assistance, Zhang was full of gratitude, which strengthened his determination to do a good job in the goose farm.

After receiving Xu Jinsheng's investment, Zhang Xin began to prepare for breeding. He learned that the most suitable environment for poultry farming is low-lying land, and that the vast low-lying areas of the Northeast are ideal for raising poultry. This provides unique conditions for Zhang Xin's goose breeding business.

"The strange case of the disappearance of the goose flock: the man lost 700,000 yuan overnight, and after half a year, he turned around and made 10 million?"

He did not hesitate to borrow hundreds of thousands of yuan and rented a piece of grassland with abundant water and grass. Watching the geese grow stronger day by day, the joy in Zhang Xin's confidence is indescribable, as if he has seen the harvest scene when the geese are sold in the spring.

However, just when he was full of hope, a sudden disaster struck. One late autumn night, the disturbance of a flock of geese threw the flock into chaos, and what was even more incredible was that the Ili geese he had carefully raised flew away one by one and disappeared into the night sky with the flock of geese. Zhang Xin's heart sank to the bottom as the geese flew away. Overnight, his flock plummeted from more than 6,000 geese to less than 3,000, with a loss of more than 700,000 yuan, which was undoubtedly a double blow to his confidence and economy.

"The strange case of the disappearance of the goose flock: the man lost 700,000 yuan overnight, and after half a year, he turned around and made 10 million?"

Faced with such a predicament, Zhang Xin did not give up. Experts advised him to cut off the goose's feathers or feed them more in autumn to make them fat to prevent similar incidents from happening again. But Zhang Xin was reluctant to cut off the goose's feathers, so he chose the latter and took care of the rest of the geese more carefully. The days passed, and in the spring of the following year, when Zhang Xin was still worried about his future livelihood, a miracle happened. One day, he heard the sound of geese chirping in the distance, and when he looked up, a large "dark cloud" appeared in the sky, and it was actually a flock of geese flying towards the farm. Not only have these runaway geese returned, but there were more of them than they had left, having multiplied during the winter in the south and now returning to their birthplaces.

"The strange case of the disappearance of the goose flock: the man lost 700,000 yuan overnight, and after half a year, he turned around and made 10 million?"

This unexpected surprise made Zhang Xin ecstatic. What surprised him even more was that these geese, which had undergone a long migration, had a more delicious meat than before, and soon became popular in the market. Zhang Xin's Ili goose became famous, and orders flew in like snowflakes. In just half a year, he not only paid off all his debts, but also made a profit of tens of millions of yuan. His goose-raising base has become a well-known "Internet celebrity" check-in place, which not only drives the development of local tourism, but also helps many villagers embark on the road to prosperity.

"The strange case of the disappearance of the goose flock: the man lost 700,000 yuan overnight, and after half a year, he turned around and made 10 million?"

Zhang Xin's story is like an inspirational movie, full of twists and turns. From initial setbacks to eventual success, his experience has taught us that sometimes, life gives us more than just a challenge, but an opportunity to grow. As Zhang Xin said: "The initial setback has become a turning point for me. These geese have taught me that sometimes you have to learn to let go and give life freedom, and they may bring even greater surprises. This is not only a deep understanding of the goose breeding business, but also a unique insight into the philosophy of life.

"The strange case of the disappearance of the goose flock: the man lost 700,000 yuan overnight, and after half a year, he turned around and made 10 million?"

In this story, we see the power of perseverance and courage, as well as the beauty of letting go and freedom.

Zhang Xin's story is like a clear stream, nourishing every soul that longs for success. It tells us that no matter what life gives us, as long as we remain optimistic and brave to face it, we will definitely be able to find our own piece of the sky. And this sky not only belongs to Zhang Xin, but also to everyone who works hard. Let's take Zhang Xin as an example, bravely chase our dreams, and go on firmly, no matter whether it is wind and rain or sunshine ahead!


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