
No matter who borrows money from you, you will win by answering these 3 sentences, and you will not offend anyone

author:Huang Rong self-media

Whoever borrows money from you, just answer these three sentences and you will win, and you will not offend anyone

No matter who borrows money from you, you will win by answering these 3 sentences, and you will not offend anyone

In our lives, there are always some people who are low-voiced and kind when they borrow money, but when it comes time to repay the money, they are particularly unreasonable and always procrastinate, making the borrowed person feel disappointed and regretful. Therefore, as soon as many people hear the word borrowing money, how disgusted and nervous they are in their hearts.

Then today I will tell you, don't worry when you encounter this situation, if you don't want to borrow, but you are afraid of offending people and hurting the feelings between both parties, then as long as you answer these 3 sentences, you will not offend others and protect yourself. So which ones are they? I have summarized the following 3 sentences, and this last one is especially important to you.

No matter who borrows money from you, you will win by answering these 3 sentences, and you will not offend anyone

First of all, you need to discuss with your partner

If you are already married, when someone borrows money from you, you can directly put the responsibility on your partner, and say that you need to go home and discuss it with your lover, and wait for your lover to agree before lending you money, such an answer not only does not offend people, but also avoids embarrassment and conflict caused by direct refusal.

Assuming that you are not married yet, you can say that my salary has been handed over to my parents for safekeeping, and I will ask my parents to decide whether to lend it to you or not.

No matter who borrows money from you, you will win by answering these 3 sentences, and you will not offend anyone

Second, I am also short on my own money

If it's the kind of person who has a bad character or doesn't do a good job borrowing money from you, you can say, I'm also very tight on money right now, and I've been planning some projects of my own lately, and I need a lot of money, and I've borrowed some money myself. But I can help you see if there's an alternative. This sentence makes it clear that he is willing to provide help and advice to the other party, avoiding unnecessary trouble of direct rejection.

A few years ago, my father lent money to a friend who was not doing his job, and the friend said that he wanted 10,000 yuan for urgent use, because my family was also in difficulty at that time, so my father borrowed 10,000 yuan in cash from my relatives to him. Because it was given cash, we have no other evidence to prove that he borrowed my father's money, and now the person who borrowed the money has blocked my father's mobile phone number and used someone else's mobile phone to call him, as long as he hears my father's voice, he hangs up the phone, and we can't find anyone else.

No matter who borrows money from you, you will win by answering these 3 sentences, and you will not offend anyone

Third, understand what the borrowed money is for

Different people borrow money for different purposes, some people do borrow money because they are facing urgent difficulties, some people borrow money because they want to overdraft their spending, and some people borrow money without intending to pay it back.

Therefore, when someone borrows money from you, you must first understand the purpose of the other party's loan, if you don't want to borrow, you can give him some suggestions, or you try to find someone else to borrow to see, or see if you can borrow from the bank, I will also help you come up with ideas or think of other ways. This not only avoids outright rejection, but also provides a solution to the other party and maintains the harmony between the two parties.

Friends in front of the screen, have you remembered the above 3 sentences? Do you have any other options for refusing to borrow money? You are welcome to discuss in the comment area, and we will see you in the next issue! #头条创作挑战赛#