
3-0! The European Cup is back in the door! Three consecutive saves in the penalty shootout saved the world's 6th, Ronaldo lost points + cried bitterly

author:Wulai Ball
3-0! The European Cup is back in the door! Three consecutive saves in the penalty shootout saved the world's 6th, Ronaldo lost points + cried bitterly

On July 2, Beijing time, in the 1/8 finals of the European Cup, the Portuguese team faced the Slovenian team, and a fierce duel was launched at the Leon Stadium. World No.6 Portugal had a strong opening streak and dominated the tempo and attacking chances of the game. Cristiano Ronaldo's direct free-kick grazed the crossbar and made his opponents feel threatened.

In the game, Slovenia showed their iron-clad defensive prowess, frequently interrupting Portugal's passing lanes and even the occasional foul to stop the opposition's attacking rhythm. This solid defensive system is not just a simple defense, but also a clever counter-attacking tactic against the opponent. Although Slovenia did not counter-attack much, each one posed a direct threat to Portugal's goal.

In the second half of the game, Portugal tried to reorganize their attack, but in front of Slovenia's ironclad defence, multiple threats failed to translate into goals. At the same time, Slovenia almost took a one-on-one chance, but unfortunately failed to take advantage of it to send the ball into the back of the net, which made the direction of the game even more confusing.

On social media, netizens were full of praise and amazement at the Slovenian team's defensive performance: "Slovenia's defense is like an iron bucket, and all offenses are walking on thin ice!" "These comments are not only a recognition of the team's defensive ability, but also show the admiration of the fans for the iron spirit they showed on the field.

3-0! The European Cup is back in the door! Three consecutive saves in the penalty shootout saved the world's 6th, Ronaldo lost points + cried bitterly

Other netizens expressed concern about the poor attack of the Portuguese team: "Portugal's attack is obviously not as strong as expected, and it is helpless in the face of Slovenia's solid defense. "This focus is not only about the outcome of the game, but also a reflection of the expectations and disappointments of the fans about the strength of the team they support.

As we went into extra-time, Portugal's Jota was brought on by the coach for the obvious purpose: to strengthen the attack. The youngster showed excellent breakthrough and passing ability in previous matches and became an ace for Portugal in this pinch.

Cristiano Ronaldo stood in front of the penalty spot, and the whole stadium was enveloped in tension. There was no expression on his face, but there was a determination and determination in his eyes. All eyes on the pitch were on him, because it was one goal that would decide the course of the game.

With the referee's whistle, Ronaldo took steady steps and was determined to strike a blow. His shot was fast and accurate, and the ball flew into the bottom left corner of the goal. However, just as the ball was about to go into the net, Oblak made an earth-shattering save and blocked Ronaldo's penalty with his body!

3-0! The European Cup is back in the door! Three consecutive saves in the penalty shootout saved the world's 6th, Ronaldo lost points + cried bitterly

This scene is almost like the plot of a movie, everything on the field seems to be frozen in this moment. Ronaldo knelt on the ground, covering his face with his hands, and the loss and regret in his heart were overflowing. He tried hard many times, but this time he failed to help the team win the game, which is undoubtedly an unbearable blow for a professional footballer.

But the teammates did not hesitate to rush forward and lift the lost captain from the ground. Pepe walked up to Ronaldo and patted him on the back in an attempt to comfort him. There weren't many words between them, but the tacit understanding and support didn't need to be expressed.

Behind this scene, netizens are also hotly discussing on social platforms. Some expressed admiration for Oblak's save: "Oblak is so strong, it's just a bulwark behind the goal!" "This compliment is not only a recognition of the technique, but also a recognition of the performance of the Slovenian goalkeeper in key moments.

Other netizens expressed their support and understanding for Ronaldo: "Ronaldo has always been our hero, and conceding a goal today will not change his greatness. Come on, Cristiano Ronaldo, we're behind you all the time! "These words are filled with reverence for the star and support for his life's journey, showing the passion and emotional commitment of the fans.

As the game went to penalties, Costa became the savior of Portugal. He saved Slovenia's penalty kicks time and time again, not only solidifying the goal, but also bringing the team a glimmer of victory. The tense atmosphere and dramatic turn of the whole game made this European Championship 1/8 final a scene that cannot be ignored in football history.

In this game, Cristiano Ronaldo showed his attacking acuity, but also missed a penalty at a crucial moment, showing the heroic twilight of his career. Oblak, on the other hand, became the patron saint of the Slovenian team, earning the team precious time and opportunity after saving the crucial goal.

3-0! The European Cup is back in the door! Three consecutive saves in the penalty shootout saved the world's 6th, Ronaldo lost points + cried bitterly

The game is not only a contest of skills and tactics, but also a manifestation of mood swings. Cristiano Ronaldo was in a mood swing after conceding a point, while the Slovenian team responded to various challenges with calmness, showing their tactical and mental tenacity.

This game not only showed us the passion and fighting power on the field, but also showed the dramatic turn and human side of football. Slovenia's iron-clad defence and Portugal's attacking tweaks have added more to the competition and we look forward to seeing more exciting performances in the next games.

Back in December 2012, Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi joined FIFA's "11 for Health" program, which aims to educate young people about the importance of healthy living and prevent various diseases such as anti-drug knowledge, HIV/AIDS, malaria and obesity.

As soon as the news was announced, it immediately caused heated discussions on social media. Many fans have expressed their support and praise for the plan: "Seeing stars such as Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi participating in such meaningful activities, I feel that they are not only heroes on the pitch, but also role models for society. These remarks reflect the encouragement and recognition of their idols' participation in charity activities, and their contributions off the pitch are equally respectable.

3-0! The European Cup is back in the door! Three consecutive saves in the penalty shootout saved the world's 6th, Ronaldo lost points + cried bitterly

Others analyzed the impact of the initiative from a more practical perspective: "This way of promoting healthy living through football education is very effective, especially for those teenagers, who are more receptive to the message of their favorite stars." These comments highlight the intuitiveness and practicality of the "11 for Health" program through sports health education, which is considered to be a new type of health promotion with infectious and educational significance.

The involvement of Cristiano Ronaldo and other stars is not only a contribution to spreading health information, but also a positive role model for young people. "Seeing them not only care about the results, but also care about social welfare, makes me like and support them even more." These points of view show that the participation of football stars in public welfare activities is not only for fame or image, but also out of awareness and responsibility for social responsibility.

To sum up, the participation of stars such as Ronaldo and Messi in FIFA's "11 for Health" program is not only to promote health education and prevent diseases, but also to set a good public welfare image and example in society. This initiative to promote a healthy lifestyle through football has undoubtedly brought positive influence and inspiration to the health education of young people around the world.

3-0! The European Cup is back in the door! Three consecutive saves in the penalty shootout saved the world's 6th, Ronaldo lost points + cried bitterly

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