
The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......

author:Fun facts about life


In recent years, the domestic drama market has attracted much attention, and various types of dramas have emerged in an endless stream, meeting the audience's demand for diverse themes. In these dramas, the theme of the adaptation has always been controversial, because the audience has their own emotional identity with the original work, and they also have high expectations for the presentation of the adaptation. The latest domestic drama that has attracted much attention is "The Story of Rose", which is adapted from the novel of the same name by the well-known writer Yishu, starring Liu Yifei and Peng Guanying. After the show was launched, not only did the plot arouse heated discussions among the audience, but some controversial elements in the play also became a topic of conversation among everyone.

The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......

1. "The Story of the Rose": A Discussion of Love in a Modern Context

The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......

1.1 Setting: Emotional challenges in modern urban life

As a modern urban drama, "The Story of Rose" is mainly set in contemporary Beijing, presenting a series of colorful characters and emotional stories through the presentation of modern urban life. In this context, the heroine of the play, Rose, has become the perspective character of the whole story, and the audience can feel the independent choice and strong growth of modern women in relationships through her growth and experience.

1.2 Character building: a real and three-dimensional image of modern women

The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......

In the play, the portrayal of the role of Rose has attracted much attention, she is no longer an "infatuated woman" in the traditional sense, but continues to grow and be strong in various emotional challenges, she has her own career pursuits, and she also has a clear concept of love, and can bravely face various emotional choices. This kind of shaping made Rose a "modern goddess" in the hearts of the audience, and also triggered a heated discussion among the audience about her emotional choices.

The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......
The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......

1.3 Theme Discussion: Interpretation of the relationship between love and growth

In the whole process of plot development, love and growth have become the theme elements throughout, and the crew explores the persistence and growth of modern women in love through the process of roses in love, and also presents a positive emotional concept, so that the audience can reflect and be inspired in the process of enjoying the series.

The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......
The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......

2. Controversy 1: Liu Yifei starred in Rose, with a large scale and a superb performance

2.1 Role positioning: Liu Yifei challenges modern urban dramas

The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......

In the play, Liu Yifei's role as a rose can be said to be very "modern", she is no longer the fairy image in the previous costume dramas, but through a series of wonderful acting skills, she has successfully created a real and three-dimensional image of modern women, whether it is workplace success or emotional entanglement, she has a very deep understanding and grasp.

2.2 Highlights of the performance: large scale and excellent performance

During the broadcast of the series, the audience also gave a very high evaluation of Liu Yifei's performance, especially in some emotional scenes and monologue scenes, her performance scale is very large, which can perfectly show the inner world of the character, which makes people can't help but be moved after watching it, and this performance has also become a highlight in the series.

2.3 Intimate drama controversy: The scale is too large to cause controversy

In addition to the monologue scene, the intimate scenes in the play have also become a hot topic of discussion among the audience, because in the plot, intimate scenes between roses and other male characters are not uncommon, and such a plot arrangement has also caused some controversy.

The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......
The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......

3. Controversy 2: The screenwriter added modern elements and lacked authenticity

3.1 Drama adaptation: how to balance the original book with the tastes of modern audiences

The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......

In addition to the controversy of the intimate scene, in the process of adapting the series, the audience also has their own opinions on the plot setting and character building, because "The Story of the Rose" is adapted from Yishu's novel of the same name, and the emotional story in the original book has always been loved by readers, so the audience has high expectations for the adaptation of the series.

The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......
The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......

3.2 Modern elements added: workplace success, emotional entanglement

In the process of adaptation, the screenwriting team added a lot of modern elements that meet the tastes of the current audience, such as workplace success, emotional entanglement, etc., and wanted to make the original somewhat outdated emotional story resonate with contemporary audiences through such a setting, which also caused some controversy, and some viewers thought that the series had deviated from the original intention of the original work in the process of adding modern elements, lacking some authenticity and grounding.

The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......

3.3 Reflection on plot setting: how to better adapt classic works

In the process of adapting classic works, how to retain the essence of the original work while meeting the aesthetic needs of contemporary audiences is a challenge that needs to be balanced, and I hope that in the future drama creation, such problems can be better dealt with and more excellent adaptations can be presented to the audience.

4. Controversy 3: Male roles are stereotyped and lack complexity

The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......

4.1 Character building: Male images are accused of being stereotyped

In addition to the controversy over modern elements, the characters in the play have also become the focus of discussion among the audience, especially the portrayal of male characters, and the audience found that in the entire plot, whether it is Rose's emotional object or the male characters around them, they are all portrayed into very stereotypical images, some are workplace executives, and some are gentle and considerate, such a setting makes people feel a little "outdated" and lacks some complexity of life.

The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......

4.2 Gender stereotypes: Reflect on stereotypes of men

The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......

In the audience's reflection, they think that behind such stereotypes, it may also reflect the inherent impression of the screenwriter of male characters, they believe that men should be successful and stable representatives, and this concept is also a reflection on gender stereotypes, hoping that in the future drama creation, there can be more different types of male images, presenting the audience with more diverse character charm.

The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......
The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......

V. Conclusion:

Through "The Story of Rose", the audience can feel the emotional challenges and growth process of modern urban life, and can also get some inspiration and reflection from it, in the production process of the series, there are indeed some controversial elements, such as the handling of intimate scenes and the addition of modern elements, I hope that in the future drama creation, such problems can be better handled, to present more excellent works to the audience, and also look forward to the audience can have more in-depth discussions and exchanges, and discuss the meaning and value behind the drama together

The goddess ascended to the sky, and the scale was so large that she was complained......