
The Chinese team won the championship! The whole team left a place for Zhang Zhijie and took his jersey to the podium, and everyone cried!

author:Xiao Yuan looks at the world

The field is hot, and we are determined to win

Friends, have you heard? The final of the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships is simply explosive! The Chinese team played against the South Korean team, and the scene was so tense that it was breathless.

The Chinese team won the championship! The whole team left a place for Zhang Zhijie and took his jersey to the podium, and everyone cried!

Men's doubles Hu Keyuan and Lin Xiangyi, that is called a fierce one, after two games, easily won the opener. Although Xu Wenjing of the women's singles did not have a smooth start, she was a master who did not admit defeat, and she turned the tables directly in the second game, but unfortunately the last game was still a little hot.

The Chinese team won the championship! The whole team left a place for Zhang Zhijie and took his jersey to the podium, and everyone cried!

At this time, Wang Zijun stood up and won two games in a row, directly filling the momentum! In the end, the women's doubles Chen Fan Shuyan and Liu Jiayue were steady, ending the battle 2-0, our Chinese team, after six years, the Asian youth team championship is in hand again!

The Chinese team won the championship! The whole team left a place for Zhang Zhijie and took his jersey to the podium, and everyone cried!

The joy of victory is mixed with a hint of sadness

But ah, behind this glory, our hearts are actually heavy. Why? Because of our teammate Zhang Zhijie, he will never be able to see this moment of victory with his own eyes. On the day of the final, we made a special place for him and the jersey was hung there, as if he was still with us. When the players received the award, their eyes were shining with tears, with his jersey, that love, deep!

The Chinese team won the championship! The whole team left a place for Zhang Zhijie and took his jersey to the podium, and everyone cried!

Zhang Zhijie, your spirit will always shine

Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old teenager, left before his dream was fully unfolded. But his spirit, like the stars in the sky, has always illuminated us. From the group stage to the finals, our Chinese badminton team has done its best with every ball, because of him, because we know that we have to fight for him and fight for our dreams!

The Chinese team won the championship! The whole team left a place for Zhang Zhijie and took his jersey to the podium, and everyone cried!

Warmth and contemplation in the world of sports

Zhang Zhijie's departure made too many people sad. The World Badminton Federation, the Asian Badminton Federation, and our Chinese Badminton Association have all spoken out, and the masters of various countries are also missing him. This incident also made our sports community start to think about how to better protect these young lives and make them safer on the road to chasing their dreams. The Indonesian Badminton Association also proposed to change the rules so that the medical team can go on the field faster to save people, which is a heartwarming idea.

The Chinese team won the championship! The whole team left a place for Zhang Zhijie and took his jersey to the podium, and everyone cried!

With love, keep flying

The victory of the Chinese team is not only to win the game, but also to inherit the spirit of Zhang Zhijie.

The Chinese team won the championship! The whole team left a place for Zhang Zhijie and took his jersey to the podium, and everyone cried!

With his dreams, they continue to run on the field in pursuit of higher glory.

The Chinese team won the championship! The whole team left a place for Zhang Zhijie and took his jersey to the podium, and everyone cried!

This victory also allows us to see the warmth and strength of sports, and in the face of difficulties, we can unite as one and move forward bravely.

The Chinese team won the championship! The whole team left a place for Zhang Zhijie and took his jersey to the podium, and everyone cried!

Zhang Zhijie, you must have seen it in the sky, right? We'll keep going!

The Chinese team won the championship! The whole team left a place for Zhang Zhijie and took his jersey to the podium, and everyone cried!

We are the champions! I hope you can see that we will always move forward with your hope!

Well, everyone, what do you think, and if you have any ideas, please leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

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