
The man was doing a funeral, but the cemetery was occupied by a big snake, Taoist: It's helping you

author:Smoke and sand in half the city

Hey, in the small village south of Gada, there is a buddy named Li Ergou. This Li Ergou, he is usually very honest and sincere, and he is good to everyone, but he has a little back in his life. A few days ago, his wife was seriously ill and died, which made Li Ergou feel like something. When his mother was alive, although the family was not very rich, the two of them depended on each other, and their small life was quite nourishing. As soon as this old lady left, Li Ergou's heart was empty, and he felt that he was in decline.

In order to make the old lady walk decently, Li Ergou ran around and borrowed a lot of debt. finally made the funeral decent, picked a good day, and carried the old lady's coffin to the cemetery. But on the day of the burial, the sky was not beautiful, the clouds were thick, the wind was blowing like a ghost crying wolf, and I felt that something unclean was circling around.

Li Ergou and a few villagers carried the coffin to the cemetery. As soon as they reached the edge of the cemetery, they saw a large snake coiled on the grave, the body of the snake was as thick as a bucket, and its eyes were as wide as brass bells, staring at them directly. This can scare everyone a lot, we here, the snake thing, very evil, especially this kind of big guy, is a symbol of bad luck.

The man was doing a funeral, but the cemetery was occupied by a big snake, Taoist: It's helping you

Li Ergou's heart was also tight, but he thought, today is the big day of the old lady's burial, there can't be anything wrong, and he has to be hard-headed. When the serpent saw them approaching, it suddenly "swished" and rushed towards them with its bloody mouth wide open. At this moment, everyone panicked, and as soon as the coffin was thrown, they ran away. Although Li Ergou was also frightened, he thought that he couldn't just throw the old lady's coffin here, so he just stood still.

The big snake pounced, and then turned its head and pounced on Li Ergou. Li Ergou was so frightened that his soul was about to fly, but he still held on and didn't run. At this moment, a person dressed as a Taoist priest suddenly appeared, holding a peachwood sword in his hand and chanting words in his mouth. The Taoist priest swung his sword at the big snake, and the big snake stopped attacking it. The Taoist priest walked up to Li Ergou, looked at him, and then said, "This snake is not here to harm you, it is here to help you." ”

When Li Ergou heard this, his heart was even more confused. This big snake is obviously going to attack them, why did he help it? The Taoist priest explained: "This snake is the patron saint of the cemetery, and when you see that your mother's coffin is about to be buried, come and have a look." Seeing that your mother is a good person, I want to guard her grave and not let people destroy it. When Li Ergou heard this, he understood in his heart, and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to the Taoist priest to thank him for saving his life. The Taoist priest waved his hand and said, "Don't thank me, if you want to thank this big snake." However, you have to take good care of this big snake in the future, don't mess around. Li Ergou nodded like pounded garlic and agreed happily. Oh, this Taoist is really good at talking, he said to Li Ergou: "Look, your mother's grave is guarded by a big python, and our family will be able to have a smooth sail in the future." But don't forget, doing good deeds and accumulating virtue is the last word, don't forget your heart because you are lucky. When Li Ergou heard this, he knocked his head loudly again, and he was grateful. As soon as the Taoist spoke, he turned around and left, leaving Li Ergou alone in front of the grave, with mixed feelings in his heart.

The man was doing a funeral, but the cemetery was occupied by a big snake, Taoist: It's helping you

Li Ergou watched the back of the Taoist go farther and farther, and he was called overturning the river and the sea in his heart. How could he have thought that his own mother's grave could attract such a big python, let alone that this big python could bring good luck to their family. Since then, Li Ergou has run to the cemetery every three or five days, worshipping his mother, and bringing some food to the python by the way. The python seemed to recognize him, and every time it saw him, it stopped attacking. Li Ergou, because he often does good deeds, and with the protection of the python, the luck of the family is really getting better and better day by day. He first paid off all the debts he owed, and later married a virtuous daughter-in-law and gave birth to a big fat boy. The family lives a harmonious and beautiful life, and they are happy.

As for the big python, it has been guarding the cemetery, guarding the peace and happiness of Li Ergou's family. When the people in the village mentioned this, they couldn't help but say, "Oh mom, this is really big news in our village!" That python is really a god! "This is a true story of what happened in our mess. Do you think this is God? Is it to blame? But it just happened! Therefore, as human beings, we still have to do good deeds, accumulate virtue, and have good thoughts, so that we can be like Li Ergou and get the favor of good luck and happiness.

Later, the matter of Li Ergou's family spread in the village, and everyone said that this python was a mascot and was sent by God to protect the Li family. Li Ergou himself thought that this thing was quite magical, but he knew in his heart that this good luck did not fall from the sky, and he had to rely on himself and his family to manage it well.

The man was doing a funeral, but the cemetery was occupied by a big snake, Taoist: It's helping you

One day, a businessman from other places came to the village and wanted to find a place in the village to build a winery. This businessman traveled from south to north, saw a lot of things, and took a fancy to the land next to Li Ergou's house at a glance. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the scenery is beautiful, which is a good place to build a winery. The businessman found Li Ergou and wanted to discuss with him about buying land. When Li Ergou heard this, he muttered in his heart. This land is his family's ancestral property, and his ancestors have lived here for generations, if he sells it, won't it be broken? But if you don't sell it, the money you get will be wasted. Li Ergou was struggling, and the merchant said again: "Brother Li, you see that if my winery is built, it can drive the economy of the village and let everyone live a good life." As a member of the village, you have to think about it! As soon as Li Ergou heard this, he hesitated. He thought to himself: yes, if the distillery is built, everyone in the village will be able to get some light, and I will be able to make some money. If this land is sold, what will happen to my mother's grave and the serpent that guards it? Just as I was pondering, the serpent unexpectedly appeared. It wrapped itself around the door of Li Ergou's house, spitting out the letter, and staring at the merchant with a determined gaze. When the merchant caught a glimpse of this behemoth, his face turned pale instantly, and he hurriedly waved his hand: "That's it, I don't want this land!" As soon as the words fell, he hurried away. When Li Ergou saw this scene, his heart suddenly understood. The serpent seemed to have made a choice for him in silence! He pondered for a moment, and felt that although money was good, it should not be used to destroy the foundation of the family, so he decisively drove the merchant away. This incident quickly spread in the village, and the villagers praised Li Ergou as a loving and righteous person, and even the big snake was willing to help. Hearing these praises, Li Ergou felt very relieved. He believes that the serpent is not only the guardian of the family cemetery, but also the noble person in his life. Since then, Li Ergou has cherished this indissoluble bond with the big snake even more. Every day, he would visit the serpent in the cemetery and bring food and water. The serpent also seemed to recognize him, and every time they met, he stopped attacking, but waged his tail in a gesture of friendship.

Time flies, and autumn has arrived in the blink of an eye. On this day, Li Ergou went to the cemetery to visit the big snake as usual. When he reached the edge of the cemetery, he suddenly noticed that the serpent was wrapped around a golden object. When he got closer, it turned out to be a gold chain! Li Ergou was curious: How could this big snake wear a gold chain? He reached out and touched the gold chain, but it fell off of its own accord and fell into his palm. He examined the gold chain in his hand and found that it was highly crafted, and that it was carved with a lifelike dragon. He thought to himself: This gold chain is not an ordinary thing! When he returned home, he approached the village elders for identification, and they all said that the gold chain was a treasure that would bring good luck and wealth. Hearing this, Li Ergou's heart blossomed. He thought to himself: This big snake is really my lucky star, not only guarding my family's cemetery, but also giving me such a precious treasure. I have to thank it well! So, Li Ergou went to the cemetery again, put the gold chain in front of the big snake, and said, "Big snake, I remember your kindness. This gold chain is a gift from you, right? Thank you from the bottom of my heart! The serpent seemed to understand him, and wagged his tail to show acceptance of his thanks. Since then, the relationship between Li Ergou and Big Snake has become more intimate, they care for each other and support each other, just like a family. And Li Ergou's life is becoming more and more prosperous. He opened a small store and sold daily necessities, tobacco and alcohol, and the business was prosperous. The villagers say that it is the good luck and wealth brought by the serpent. Year after year, the life of Li Ergou's family has become more and more nourishing. We have a buddy named Li Ergou in Nagada, Northeast China, who is really a legend. Not only did he pay off his debts, but he also built a new house and bought a new car, which spread throughout the village. The people in the village were so red that they came to him and asked him how he had made his fortune. Li Ergou always replied to them happily: "What's the secret?" It's just to do more good deeds and accumulate some virtue! Don't forget, thanks to the serpent! When the people in the village heard this, they all laughed happily and said that they wanted to learn this from Li Ergou.

Since then, our small village has become more harmonious. The big snake has also become the patron saint and mascot of the villagers. As soon as it was mentioned, people said, "Oh my, this is a miracle in our village!" "The days fly by, and the good luck of Li Ergou's family seems to be endless. His commissary was doing a booming business, and he had expanded his storefront and added a lot of new gadgets, so that even the people in the city were willing to come and visit us. People in the village love to go to his store to buy things during the New Year's holidays, saying that they want to be happy.

The man was doing a funeral, but the cemetery was occupied by a big snake, Taoist: It's helping you

But the good times didn't last long, one day, a group of uninvited guests came to the village, claiming to be from the geological exploration team, saying that they were coming here to build a big project. When Li Ergou heard this, he "chuckled" in his heart, he was afraid that these people would move to his mother's grave and the snake's nest. Sure enough, as soon as the exploration team arrived at the edge of the cemetery, they pointed and said that the terrain was good, and what kind of facilities were suitable for construction. When Li Ergou heard this, he was anxious, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, saying that there was his mother's grave here, and he couldn't move it. When the people of the exploration team heard this, their faces changed, and they said that they didn't care about this matter, they were just here to investigate.

As soon as Li Ergou saw this posture, he went to the village chief. The village chief was a person who understood, and knew that this matter could not be messed with, so he went to discuss it with the exploration team. But the people in the exploration team were very tough, saying that this was a decision from above, and they were just carrying it out. When Li Ergou heard this, his heart was half cold. He thought about it at home for the night, and finally decided to go to the big snake for help. He can trust that the big snake can protect his family for so many years, and he will definitely be able to help him solve this problem.

Early the next morning, Li Ergou went to the cemetery. He knelt down in front of the serpent and told the serpent everything that had happened. After listening to this, the big snake seemed to understand Li Ergou's intentions, and it raised its head and spit out the letter, as if it was thinking. After a while, the serpent suddenly writhed and swam deeper into the graveyard. Seeing this, Li Ergou hurriedly followed. I saw the serpent swim into a bush of grass, and use its tail to pull away from the grass, revealing a hole. Li Ergou took a closer look and found that there was a dilapidated ancient book hidden in the hole. He picked up the ancient book and looked at it, and it turned out to be an ancient book about feng shui and earth leylines. Turning the page of the book, Li Ergou really worked hard, pondering word by word. It didn't take long for his head to have a flash of inspiration and find a way to solve the problem - set up a feng shui array around the cemetery, which not only protects the cemetery, but also protects the serpent's nest. He followed the tricks in the ancient book and got the feng shui array right. As soon as the formation was formed, the cemetery was covered with a layer of hazy light and mist, and the people of the exploration team looked at it, their eyes were straight, how could they have thought that there was such a scene in this cemetery.

The man was doing a funeral, but the cemetery was occupied by a big snake, Taoist: It's helping you

As soon as the village chief saw this posture, he immediately understood Li Ergou's thoughts. He approached the exploration team and told them that the cemetery was guarded by the gods and that it was impossible to move the ground. When the exploration team heard this, they no longer insisted, packed up and left, looking for another place. Li Ergou, this kid, used his ingenuity and the help of the big snake to protect the cemetery and the big snake's territory.

The villagers in the village admired Li Ergou so much that they all said that he was a man who was affectionate, righteous, brave and resourceful. As for the big snake, it seems to understand that Li Ergou has done a lot for it, so it often appears in the village now, no longer the fierce appearance, and has become much more docile, and the people in the village say that this is the big snake is grateful to Li Ergou.

Since then, Li Ergou and the Great Snake have become the heroes and guardian saints of the village. Together, the two of them guard this small village, which is full of harmony and tranquility. The good fortune of Li Ergou's family was also out of control, and the family lived a happy life. This is a story in our Northeast, which tells us: be a good person and do good deeds, God will always take care of us; Those who have evil intentions and do evil will be punished sooner or later. Therefore, as human beings, we still have to do our duty and do more good deeds, which is the right way!