
633 points, he came to report the good news

author:Xiao Guo emotional

In recent days

The results of the 2024 college entrance examination will be released one after another

Hu Muyu, an examinee at Golden Dongfang High School, also checked his scores

It received a high score of 633 points

Far more than expected

Hu Muyu couldn't hide the excitement in his heart

He couldn't wait to be on his phone

Wrote a "Annunciation Letter"

Entrusted the teacher to send it to the traffic police uncle

Will be this just-reaped joy

Share it with those who have helped him

Uncles of traffic police officers who took the college entrance examination

633 points, he came to report the good news

Hu Muyu wrote a good news letter to the traffic police Shu Huang

Due to the inconvenience of Hu Muyu's hands, the writing speed is slower than that of ordinary people, according to the college entrance examination policy, Hu Muyu's college entrance examination Each test subject can be extended by half an hour, and other students will end the exam at 11 o'clock in the morning, and Hu Muyu will end the exam at 11:30


Hu Muyu couldn't get on the bus to send the exam back to school, he could only take a taxi to and from the school and the examination room by himself, and in this way, not only did he not have a break at noon, but he might not be able to catch up with the afternoon exam Hu Muyu also had the idea of bothering himself and not bothering others, and he had already prepared himself to go back and forth between the school and the examination room

633 points, he came to report the good news

Hu Muyu took a group photo with the auxiliary police of the people's guard

After learning of Hu Muyu's situation, the Yichang public security traffic police immediately contacted the school teacher and Hu Muyu himself in order to ensure that Hu Muyu could take the exam smoothly and be foolproof

I promised Hu Muyu that he said:

"During your college entrance examination, we will send you to the examination room every day, and after each test, we will escort you back to school, and we will wait for you outside the test center, and you can take the exam with peace of mind

We are your full-time drivers, come on! "

In this way, according to the agreement, during the three days of the college entrance examination, the Yichang Public Security Traffic Police provided Hu Muyu with a "one-to-one" delivery service for the college entrance examination, and was escorted by Han Lei on the first day of the college entrance examination

Day 2 and Day 3

was escorted by police officer Zhu Yang

Every day at 7 o'clock

Police officers Han Lei or Zhu Yang arrived on time

Hu Muyu's school -- Golden Dongfang High School

Pick up Hu Muyu and go to Yiling Middle School for the exam

Every day at noon or in the evening

The police waited outside the test center in advance

After the exam is over

Immediately escort Hu Muyu back to Golden Dongfang High School

633 points, he came to report the good news

On the way to the examination room, Hu Muyu was reviewing knowledge points

On the way to the test

In order to relieve Hu Muyu's tension and anxiety

Police officers Han Lei and Zhu Yang

Will look for something

Chat with Hu Muyu

Or tell something funny

For Hu Muyu

Create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere for taking exams

"Thank you so much for helping me"

On June 9, the college entrance examination ended

Hu Muyu said excitedly to the policeman Zhu Yang

Before leaving

In order to let Hu Muyu relax and release pressure, Zhu Yang gave Hu Muyu a traffic police bear

At the same time, I hope that this little bear will bring him good luck and get into the university of his dreams

633 points, he came to report the good news

The people's auxiliary police sent a traffic police bear to Hu Muyu

Although Hu Muyu's hands are a little inconvenient

However, these did not become

A stumbling block on his way to chasing his dreams

He was self-reliant

No special accommodations were applied

In order to be able to arrive at the classroom on time to study

He wakes up half an hour early every day to wash up

He cherishes his time like gold

In order to have more time to study

He tried not to go back to his hometown in Changyang on weekends

Ranked at the top of multiple exams

He even won the first place in the school

Hu Muyu also took the initiative to apply for the position of squad leader

and in multiple class activities

Actively organize and plan

Received unanimous praise from the students

633 points, he came to report the good news

After the exam, Hu Muyu took a group photo with the teacher and the traffic police

The gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement

The result of your own efforts

Hu Muyu: You deserve it

Good news from you

Uncle traffic police is also sincerely happy for you

I wish you all the best for your future university life


Shine brightly

May you always keep your original intention

On the road of life in the future

It doesn't matter if the road ahead is smooth or thorny

We have to take one step at a time and move forward steadily