
Zhang Zhijie's uncle spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized when she heard the news

author:Aunt Sauce movie
Zhang Zhijie's uncle spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized when she heard the news
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Written by Kyu

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Recently, such an incident made everyone very sad, 17-year-old national badminton player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, he suddenly fainted in the process of participating in the competition, and then died after the rescue failed.

Seeing this news, everyone felt sorry that the other party was only 17 years old, which was the age at the beginning of youth, but he left like this.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized when she heard the news

After the incident, the family could not hide their grief, the sister posted a question about the problem of untimely rescue, and the uncle-in-law also came out to speak out, saying that the child's mother had fallen ill when she heard the news.

Zhang Zhijie's death undoubtedly dealt a big blow to this originally happy family.

It is reported that at the time of the accident, he was still playing hard, and he was still receiving the opponent's ball one second, and the next second he fell to the ground and convulsed.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized when she heard the news

However, in the face of such a situation, the people present did not run over immediately, but were stunned for a while before someone went over to check the situation.

People are already convulsing, there must be something wrong, and it is impossible to hesitate in this situation.

What's even more outrageous is that when someone surrounds them, their first reaction is not to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but to carry the other party on a stretcher and send them to the ambulance.

To know this situation, the most important thing to grasp is time, and the best time is those few minutes, and it can still drag on like this.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized when she heard the news

It's no wonder that many netizens questioned, including Zhang Zhijie's sister, her good brother went to participate in the competition, and it was really hard to accept that she left suddenly.

And she was also watching the live broadcast at the time, because she saw her brother faint to the ground.

Even after falling to the ground and convulsing, the younger brother was still conscious, and even struggled hard to get up.

Who doesn't feel sad to watch, he was in front of the live broadcast, watching his relatives fall to the ground, and the people around him were still slow to react, and it took a while for someone to come over.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized when she heard the news

She is also just anxious off-screen, but she can't do anything in the face of such a long distance!

After the incident, a reporter also contacted Zhang Zhijie's uncle to understand the situation, and in his eyes, the other party has always been a good boy.

Very well-behaved and sensible, knows how to be grateful, and will buy gifts for my mother and sister when I encounter festivals or something.

The father died very early, and it was not easy for the mother to pull the two children, and after learning about the mother's difficulty, Zhang Zhijie was also very sensible.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized when she heard the news

When he was a child, he loved badminton very much, and he practiced very hard, so it can be said that badminton is really a career he loves.

When his childhood friend mentioned him, he also sighed, and when he asked what his dream was, he firmly said that he wanted to play badminton!

But before he could make a big splash, he had no chance, and sadly, he had just received a notice to be sent to college.

If he follows the normal trajectory of his life, his future life will be more exciting, and he will bloom with the color of life in his flamboyant youth.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized when she heard the news

Regarding his physical condition, his uncle also said that he had never heard of any heart disease, and he was usually in good health.

Regarding everyone's doubts, my uncle also thought that it was indeed a little late, and the best time was only a few minutes, but at that time, their focus was actually on shifting to the child.

After the incident, no one in the family could accept the bad news, and my sister had already flown to Indonesia to deal with the matter.

And Zhang Zhijie's mother was very difficult to accept for a while after hearing the news, and asked which parent could accept it.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized when she heard the news

Because he fainted and was hospitalized because of too much sadness, it was really unfulfilling, there was no father in this family, and now there is no only son.

What should the mother and daughter do next, the blow is too big, and I finally look forward to the child growing up and becoming a talent, but now it is this scene.

Now that it's happened, I hope my sister and mom can cheer up! Life goes on!

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Zhang Zhijie's uncle spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized when she heard the news
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