
Lu Kewen's Weibo essay: Young people in Japan and South Korea are not as bitter as the domestic media say!

author:Eun En is good at knowing·· 89 Comments


A university professor named Kevin Lu, after his visit to Japan, found that, contrary to popular belief in Japan, young people in Japan do not work as crazy as the traditional impression is, but have more time to enjoy life.

As soon as this article was released, it immediately aroused heated discussions among the majority of netizens, and everyone expressed their surprise at this phenomenon and began to guess the reason. After all, everyone has the impression that work in Japan has always been very stressful, and the overtime culture in South Korea is well known to the world, but I didn't expect the situation to change so much.

Lu Kewen's Weibo essay: Young people in Japan and South Korea are not as bitter as the domestic media say!

So, why is this happening? What is the state of life for young people in Japan and Korea? What kind of inspiration can they bring to us? Let's take a look.

First, young people in Japan don't work as much overtime and spend more time enjoying life

Lu Kewen mentioned that the main reason why he became interested in this topic was because he found some interesting phenomena during his expedition to Japan. He originally thought that when he was in Japan, he would see a lot of white-collar workers working overtime, or women who were stay-at-home wives, but he didn't expect the situation in reality.

In his observations, whether in the bustling metropolis of Tokyo or in some smaller cities, you can see many young people, who not only have time to participate in various activities after work, but also choose to travel, study, and even start their own businesses. And, even on weekday nights, it's rare to see people working overtime, and it's more likely to have dinner with friends, attend social events, or go to the gym to relax.

Lu Kewen's Weibo essay: Young people in Japan and South Korea are not as bitter as the domestic media say!

He had the impression that the work culture in Japan had always been very strict and everyone was very serious about their work, but he didn't expect the situation to change so much. In his observations, such a phenomenon is not an isolated case, but a universal phenomenon, which is enough to give him some new conjectures about some of his domestic cognitions.

Second, young people in South Korea do not work less overtime than those in China, but fall into another extreme state

In addition to his observations on the situation in Japan, Lu also mentioned some information about South Korea. He said that today's young people in South Korea are not inspired by Japan's example, but have fallen into a state of the other extreme.

Lu Kewen's Weibo essay: Young people in Japan and South Korea are not as bitter as the domestic media say!

In his observations, young people in South Korea still choose to work overtime frantically, and there are even many cases of physical and mental health problems due to excessive work pressure. In this case, he does not think that young people in South Korea are enjoying life, but that they are in a state of self-abandonment.

In this regard, he also expressed some of his worries, believing that young people have gone from one extreme to another, and there may be some deep-seated social problems that need to be paid attention to and conjectured.

3. How should we view such a phenomenon?

I believe that after reading Lu Kewen's article, many people have a great resonance with this phenomenon and begin to guess. After all, in this society with great competitive pressure, young people at home and abroad will be affected by all kinds of influences, and they will have their own different understandings and choices about life.

Lu Kewen's Weibo essay: Young people in Japan and South Korea are not as bitter as the domestic media say!

And how should we look at this phenomenon? We should realize that individual subjective feelings are easily limited, and we should not simply generalize the whole society based on our own opinions, but also understand the whole picture.

Young people in different countries and regions have a lot of impacts on their living conditions, including social and cultural influences, economic development influences, and personal growth experiences, so we should also have a tolerant heart to understand and respect everyone's choices.

We should not blindly affirm or deny the living conditions of young people, but should guess from multiple angles, analyze the reasons, see what kind of social phenomena and development changes are reflected behind their choices, and what kind of help and inspiration we can bring to them.

Lu Kewen's Weibo essay: Young people in Japan and South Korea are not as bitter as the domestic media say!


Through this article by Lu Kewen, I believe that everyone has a deeper understanding of young people in Japan and South Korea, and has begun to have more conjectures about their living conditions. After all, every country, every group of young people, faces different challenges and choices, and this diversity is a major feature of our social development.

I hope that in the future, we can pay more attention to everyone around us, listen to their stories, understand their choices, and believe that no matter what the future path, everyone can find their own happiness and achievement.