
Withdraw from Japanese citizenship! The "Triple Crown" naturalized China official announcement

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Withdraw from Japanese citizenship! The "Triple Crown" naturalized China official announcement

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The dream of football as a teenager quietly sprouted on the streets of Hong Kong

Unlike other children, Chen Jinyi's childhood memories, in addition to the sparkling waves of the Xiangjiang River, as well as the old leather ball that accompanied him to run and jump, the small football, carrying the happiness of running in the cramped streets and alleys, also buried his inseparable feelings for football, perhaps even he did not expect that this small football would eventually lead him to the green field of professionalism and become a shining star in Hong Kong football

Withdraw from Japanese citizenship! The "Triple Crown" naturalized China official announcement

Chen Jinyi's love for football is not a child's play, but from the desire of the heart, he always watched the football game on TV, studied the movements and tactical coordination of each player, and his little head was full of infinite reverie about football, at the age of 10, he finally got his wish to set foot on the formal football training ground and began the journey of chasing his dreams

Sweat and water the football dream with persistence and hard work

When he first entered the training ground, Chen Jinyi was greeted not by flowers and applause, but by hard training day after day, high-intensity physical training made him sweat, and complex tactical explanations dazzled him

Withdraw from Japanese citizenship! The "Triple Crown" naturalized China official announcement

Falls and failures are commonplace on the training ground, and he has missed opportunities at crucial moments of the game because of nervousness, and he has also lost in front of strong opponents, and each setback has not broken him, but has made him more resilient, constantly reflecting on his shortcomings, training hard, and trying to improve his technical and tactical level

Rising to prominence, he is a rising star in Hong Kong football

God rewards hard work, Chen Jinyi's efforts have finally paid off, in one game after another, he has shown amazing talent and strength, agile speed, skillful foot skills, accurate shooting, making him the brightest star on the field, his outstanding performance, not only won the recognition of fans, but also attracted the attention of many Hong Kong teams, have thrown olive branches to him

Withdraw from Japanese citizenship! The "Triple Crown" naturalized China official announcement

After joining the Hong Kong team, Chan faced an even greater challenge, where he needed to compete with the elite football from all over the world, and the competition was extremely fierce, but he did not back down, but turned the pressure into motivation, trained harder, humbly learned from his teammates, and constantly improved his skills and tactics

The 15-year-old Glory Championship Trophy is the best reward for sweat

At the age of 15, Chen Jinyi ushered in the first peak of his football career, in an important game, his team and the opponent fell into a hard battle, at the critical moment, he stepped forward, with keen insight and excellent individual ability, broke the opponent's goal, brought a valuable victory for the team, at that moment, the whole field boiled, the young Chen Jinyi, became the team's hero

Withdraw from Japanese citizenship! The "Triple Crown" naturalized China official announcement

This heavy championship trophy is the best reward for his hard work over the years, and it also strengthens his determination to chase his football dream, the road to competitive sports has never been easy, and injuries have become an obstacle in his way

In the face of injuries, he used strength and optimism to dispel the gloom

In an important promotion match, Chen Jinyi was unfortunately injured, watching his teammates fight the field, and he could only sit on the sidelines, he was anxious, but he was not crushed by the injury, but actively cooperated with the treatment, and used this time to seriously reflect on himself, learn more football knowledge, and improve tactical understanding

Withdraw from Japanese citizenship! The "Triple Crown" naturalized China official announcement

After returning from injury, Chen Jinyi became more mature and steady, he led the team all the way through obstacles, and finally stood on the top podium of the Hong Kong Super League, this championship is not only a recognition of the team's strength, but also the best proof that he will overcome injuries and never give up

Sticking to his original intention, he chose to contribute to Hong Kong football

After making a name for himself in Hong Kong football, Chan also received an invitation from a Japanese team, and faced with a better development opportunity, he fell into a dilemma: on the one hand, a broader stage and a higher level of competition, on the other hand, the hometown where he grew up and his deep love for Hong Kong football

Withdraw from Japanese citizenship! The "Triple Crown" naturalized China official announcement

In the end, Chen Jinyi made a decision that surprised everyone, he chose to stay in Hong Kong and contribute to Hong Kong football, he hopes to use his own practical actions to help Hong Kong football develop and grow, so that more Hong Kong children can fall in love with football and realize their football dreams

Different voices remain the same love and persistence

For Chen Jinyi's decision, the outside world has mixed reviews, some people support him to stay in Hong Kong for development, thinking that he is a hopeful star of Hong Kong football; Some people feel sorry for him and feel that he should go to a bigger stage to show his talent

Withdraw from Japanese citizenship! The "Triple Crown" naturalized China official announcement

In the face of doubts and incomprehension from the outside world, Chen Jinyi has always maintained his original intention, he firmly believes that no matter where he is, as long as he has a dream in his heart and makes unremitting efforts for it, he will be able to create his own brilliance, and he will continue to use his own efforts and sweat to write a new chapter for Hong Kong football

Continue to write the future of Hong Kong football with youth and enthusiasm

Today, Chan has become the mainstay of Hong Kong football, not only contributing wonderful performances on the field, but also actively participating in the promotion of youth football, hoping to use his influence to bring more Hong Kong youth to participate in football

Withdraw from Japanese citizenship! The "Triple Crown" naturalized China official announcement

The story of Chen Jinyi is a microcosm of Hong Kong football, which tells us that even if we are in a small place, even if we are facing many difficulties, as long as we have dreams in our hearts and make unremitting efforts for them, we will be able to create miracles and realize our self-worth.

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