
The green card is blown! Two large countries of immigrants began to rush people: Chinese have returned to China "anti-run"!

author:Yu Ting


Hey friends, have you noticed that the current "immigrant-friendly countries" Canada and Australia have begun to tighten their immigration policies? This is no small matter, and it is undoubtedly a big challenge for those who dream of "a rounder moon in a foreign country". Back then, China's economy was developing rapidly, and overseas immigrants were as hot as stock speculation, and everyone wanted to go abroad to see it. But now, as soon as the immigration policy is tightened, this craze seems to have been poured cold water and began to "cool down". More and more people have begun to reconsider whether to immigrate or not, and some people even choose to return to China for development after being "excluded" from abroad. Today, let's talk about the reasons behind this, as well as how the increasing development opportunities in China attract everyone to return to China.

The green card is blown! Two large countries of immigrants began to rush people: Chinese have returned to China "anti-run"!

I. Tightening Migration Policies: A Duality Between the Global Economy and Domestic Demographics

Did you know? Canada and Australia, two former "havens for immigrants", are now starting to say "no" to immigrants. This is not a spur-of-the-moment impulse, but a combination of the global economic situation and demographic changes in the country. On the one hand, the global economy is unstable, and these countries have to think carefully about immigration, after all, the large number of immigrants will increase the economic and social pressures. On the other hand, the country's demographics are changing, and they need to manage migration more finely to ensure that the population is balanced and sustainable.

The green card is blown! Two large countries of immigrants began to rush people: Chinese have returned to China "anti-run"!

Specifically, the adjustment of immigration policies in these countries can be real, raising immigration thresholds, reducing immigration quotas, and strengthening immigration supervision...... After a series of measures, it is becoming more and more difficult to get a "green card". The data shows that in recent years, the approval rate of immigration applications in Canada and Australia has declined, and many prospective immigrants are even at risk of being "deported". For those who were planning to emigrate overseas, this was a bolt from the blue!

The green card is blown! Two large countries of immigrants began to rush people: Chinese have returned to China "anti-run"!

Second, there are more opportunities for domestic development: returning to China can also break through

In the face of the tightening of immigration policies and the exclusion of foreign countries, more and more people are beginning to hesitate. However, they find that there are more and more opportunities in China, and they can also break through by staying in China. I'm not talking nonsense, facts speak louder than words.

In recent years, China has made great strides in terms of economic strength, scientific and technological innovation, education and social welfare. These advances not only make the country more competitive, but also provide us with more opportunities for development as individuals. Especially in some emerging fields, such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, new energy, etc., the domestic development speed is at the forefront of the world. This is a good opportunity for those with relevant professional backgrounds and skills to show their strengths.

The green card is blown! Two large countries of immigrants began to rush people: Chinese have returned to China "anti-run"!

Moreover, some cities in China are also actively introducing supportive policies to attract and retain talents. For example, some cities provide policy support such as rental subsidies and preferential hukou to make it cheaper for young people to live in cities. The implementation of these policies has undoubtedly enhanced the attractiveness of domestic talents, so that more and more people choose to return to China for development.

3. Look at immigration rationally: choose the path that suits you

When it comes to immigration, we have to look at it rationally. Don't blindly think that foreign countries are necessarily better than domestic ones, this is a big mistake. In fact, both domestic and foreign countries have their own development opportunities and challenges. Therefore, we should objectively evaluate our own conditions and the real situation of the destination country, and then make a prudent choice based on our own career development planning and life pursuit.

The green card is blown! Two large countries of immigrants began to rush people: Chinese have returned to China "anti-run"!

There are many factors to consider when making an immigration decision. In addition to the immigration policy of the destination country, you also need to consider factors such as your language ability, professional skills, cultural background and family situation. Only after a thorough assessment of these factors can we make more informed decisions.

The green card is blown! Two large countries of immigrants began to rush people: Chinese have returned to China "anti-run"!

Of course, whether we choose to stay at home or emigrate overseas, we need to keep working hard and improving our abilities. After all, "striking iron still needs its own hardness", as long as we continue to learn and progress, no matter where we are, we can get the life we want.


The tightening of immigration policies and the increase in domestic development opportunities have undoubtedly brought new challenges and opportunities to those planning to migrate. In the face of this situation, we need to look at the issue of immigration more rationally and make prudent choices based on our own conditions and actual conditions. At the same time, we must also see the progress and achievements made in various fields in China, as well as the broad space for development provided by these advances. Hopefully, this article will provoke you to think more deeply about immigration and domestic development opportunities, and provide some useful references for them to make informed decisions. After all, "all roads lead to Rome", and choosing the right path for you is the most important thing!

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