
The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it

author:Kind Alpine A2w17QB
The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it


It tells the children's whimsical thinking and interesting behaviors in the exam, as well as the invigilator's discovery and perception. Although the children are somewhat "eccentric", they show the qualities of honesty, innocence and kindness. Their imagination and unique way of thinking make people feel warm, and it makes one wonder if adults should learn more from children's uninhibited insolence. This article will take you through the unique world of children, let's see how children face exams with an innocent attitude!

The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it
The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it
The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it

Children's whimsical thinking

Children's whimsical thinking always makes people laugh. However, this kind of imagination and unique way of thinking is also a portrayal of their innocence. Especially in school exams, children often show a variety of "wonderful" ways of answering questions, which makes teachers cry and laugh.

The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it
The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it

The invigilator's findings

An invigilator in the first grade of primary school was surprised to find that although the children did not answer the questions seriously and questioned the source of the exam papers, they did not cheat. This touched her deeply and made her more understanding and tolerant of the children's manners.

The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it
The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it

Fun behavior for kids

It is reported that in this final exam of the first grade, the children showed a variety of "funny" behaviors. After some children took the exam paper, they threw it on the table and said with disdain: "I don't want to take the exam!" "Some children play so high that they forget to answer the questions seriously.

The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it
The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it

What's more, there are children who cry out about pain and tiredness from time to time during the answering process, and even ask the teacher: "What is this topic?" I never studied! "It seems that test scores don't matter anymore.

The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it

Children's creativity and imagination

But what is surprising is that despite the "eccentric" behavior of the children, they are all very honest. No one plagiarized their classmates' answers, and no one came up with props such as "Magic Pen Ma Liang".

The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it

In contrast, the innocent, innocent and kind qualities that the children show in the exams are heartwarming.

The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it

As the invigilator said, "Although the children are a little weird, they are all really good children." ”

The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it

In a way, this kind of "weird" behavior of children in exams is not surprising. After all, they are real children, with wild imagination and unique ways of thinking.

The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it

Compared with those adults who stick to the rules and look at the same thing, children are obviously more "rebellious" and "self-indulgent". They don't want to be bound by rigid rules, but want to show their deep love and wildness.

The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it
The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it

The possibilities are endless for kids

As teachers and parents, we also need to guide and regulate children's behavior appropriately. After all, there are some rules and disciplines that must be followed in study and life.

The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it

But at the same time, we might as well learn more from the innocence and uninhibited nature of children. Perhaps it is this attitude and spirit that allows us to rediscover the innocence and happiness of our childhood.

The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it

Let's send our most sincere wishes to the children! May they always maintain that childlike heart, and always maintain that wild imagination. Because it's these that fill them with endless possibilities.

The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it


The children's whimsical thinking is always a laugh, and the innocence and unique qualities they display are also heartwarming. Perhaps we should also learn to let go of ourselves and maintain a childlike heart in our pursuit of maturity and rules. Let us send our most sincere wishes to the children, and may they always maintain that wild imagination and create more infinite possibilities

The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it
The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it

The "penultimate test paper" of primary school students became popular, and the teacher: This child's IQ is too high, I can't teach it