
Mr. Wang was scared of the sky, but he didn't dare to scare Wang Shanshan, one thing fell to one thing, and Wang Sicong stopped talking recently

author:Trapped Beasts


Wang Sicong's exposure has always attracted much attention, especially when it was recently revealed that he has a biological daughter. What is the reason for his silence about exposure? Huang Yiming continues to expose information related to Wang Sicong, is there any other purpose? Want to know more about the insider? Hurry up and read down!

Wang Sicong's exposure is no stranger to everyone.

Once he appeared in the public eye as a "first-person design".

Intimidating people and spreading scandals with various female celebrities is an important way for him to gain attention.

In this year, gossip on the Internet that Wang Sicong has a biological daughter.

After this topic was exposed, many people were curious, is this true or false?

And when this incident gradually fermented, it was found that Wang Sicong didn't seem to care.

Until now, Wang Sicong has not responded.

The reason why Wang Sicong doesn't care is actually a deep reason behind it.

Why is Wang Sicong silent about the exposure?

When Wang Sicong appeared in the public eye, the first impression was the "showing off wealth" behavior of the rich second generation.

So he was scolded back by countless people on the Internet.

So Wang Sicong knew that "scaring people" can also be famous.

He has a short temper and opens up the mode when he doesn't agree with him.

Slowly, he really appeared in the public eye through the act of scolding people.

No matter who the other party is, as long as you dare to turn on the "scare mode", then you will definitely be slapped by its madness.

Although Wang Sicong's behavior is very excessive, it has indeed won the love of many people.

Mr. Wang was scared of the sky, but he didn't dare to scare Wang Shanshan, one thing fell to one thing, and Wang Sicong stopped talking recently

Therefore, he is "becoming popular" step by step, and he also knows very well that the more things are questioned and complained about, the more attention can be aroused.

So he never minded that, as long as someone came to "help", then the rest of the thing would easily succeed.

Why did Huang Yiming expose Wang Sicong's biological daughter now?

But Wang Sicong never came forward to respond?

In fact, it all has to do with his character.

Wang Sicong may have been silent about the exposure for two reasons.

The first is that I don't want to give the event more heat and hype.

After all, he has been "popular" in the network for a long time.

Everyone knows who he is, and if he responds, things will get even more complicated.

Maybe there will be a third or fourth Wang Sicong in the public eye.

And the background and story of the appearance of these people are most likely made up.

After all, there is too much untrue information on the Internet.

Wang Sicong is very aware of the relationship between himself and his family members, and does not have his own daughter.

It's just that he was used by Huang Yiming at the beginning.

If you do it yourself, it may make this matter even more complicated.

That's why he chose Shen Huang.

The second reason is to think that the event does not have much of an impact on you.

In fact, when he was used, he was already mentally prepared.

It's just that his circle of friends has been affected.

It is true that it has been complained about in various ways on the Internet, but as time goes by, everyone understands the truth.

Mr. Wang was scared of the sky, but he didn't dare to scare Wang Shanshan, one thing fell to one thing, and Wang Sicong stopped talking recently

Therefore, this incident did not cause substantial harm to himself, and he knew very well that everyone knew it in their hearts.

That's why he kept silent about it.

Huang Yiming asked Wang Sicong for money

From the beginning to the present, Huang Yiming has continued to expose information related to Wang Sicong.

And Wang Sicong still maintained a silent attitude, and I have to say that Huang Yiming is still very meticulous.

If you haven't experienced this incident firsthand, you may think that Wang Sicong really has a biological daughter.

But judging from the chat records exposed by Huang Yiming, he asked Wang Sicong for money but did not get a response.

He also said that he was very disgusted with other people's hands.

It was even mentioned that if it can't solve the problem, it can only be solved in this way.

Judging from Huang Yiming's words, it seems that he did not directly ask Wang Sicong for money, but only mentioned this matter.

And it can also be seen in the chat record that he mentioned that he wanted to see Wang Sicong.

And he also mentioned that he wanted to solve the problem when he met, and he didn't mention asking for money.

Judging from these chat records, it is true that Huang Yiming did not directly ask Wang Sicong for money.

But through the conversation between them, it can be seen that Huang Yiming actually has an idea to meet Wang Sicong and wants to solve the problem by meeting.

You may be able to get the results you want.

If you really just want to solve the problem and don't want to see Wang Sicong's sister and other relatives and friends, maybe the problem has been solved for a long time.

Mr. Wang was scared of the sky, but he didn't dare to scare Wang Shanshan, one thing fell to one thing, and Wang Sicong stopped talking recently

But as time goes by, more and more people on the Internet begin to pay attention, does Huang Yiming want to take the opportunity to "hype"?

Actually, to some extent, it is!

Whether there is another purpose

Why did Huang Yiming expose it to netizens?

Although netizens are very clear that he wants to use traffic to obtain economic benefits.

But as time went on, netizens began to get bored and bored with this matter.

There are even many netizens who began to wonder if this matter is real?

In fact, it is precisely because everyone began to question that Huang Yiming continued to expose relevant content.

After all, every exposure can attract a lot of attention and discussion.

This is the fastest and most effective way to get traffic and popularity!

Of course, what other purpose is there?

In fact, from the current point of view, there is another purpose!

From the beginning of Huang Yiming to the present, the content has been continuously exposed, and the content involves many aspects!

Such as videos, texts, pictures, and more!

Among them, the most eye-catching is the content related to Wang Sicong's own daughter!

Huang Yiming proves that there is indeed a connection between himself and Wang Sicong by constantly exposing videos and pictures!

And there are also people who know and are familiar with their family members, etc.!

Indeed, in this way, you can attract everyone's attention and discussion about this matter!

And from another point of view, it can also have other effects!

Such as obtaining economic benefits, attracting social attention, and so on!

In essence, it is!

Mr. Wang was scared of the sky, but he didn't dare to scare Wang Shanshan, one thing fell to one thing, and Wang Sicong stopped talking recently

After all, netizens are very concerned about celebrities, rich second generations and other characters!

And there are a lot of controversial topics about them too!

Such as spending extravagantly, living a luxurious life, falling in love and getting married, and so on!

Indeed, many people like to follow such figures!

But over time, a lot of topics and controversial events have developed online!

For example, the Internet celebrity economy, the celebrity economy, the spirit of M and so on!

In fact, these events have indeed had an impact on society to some extent!

And it's really controversial!

If you are curious and concerned about these events!

What happens all of a sudden?

In fact, it is very simple that there will be relevant videos, ads, texts, pictures and other marketing methods!

For example, to gain financial benefits by winning everyone's sympathy, to obtain advertising revenue by attracting everyone's attention, and so on!

In fact, it is essentially a marketing tool!

Although these marketing tactics bring fun and joy to everyone to a certain extent!

But if it appears frequently, it will also bring disgust and rejection to everyone!

In the end, it backfired!

I believe Huang Yiming also knows about this matter, right? In fact, it comes down to marketing! If the marketing is reasonable and appropriate, everyone can accept it! But if you overuse it, it can be counterproductive! In the end, it didn't achieve the desired effect! Maybe it's a matter of time? As time goes on, when there are more and more videos and content? Maybe it will attract the attention of all walks of life? The end result is unexpected? But if marketing tools such as content and video are reasonable and appropriate? Maybe it will have the desired effect? Perhaps it will arouse everyone's curiosity? Maybe it will cause everyone's attention? The end result is the desired result? What do you think? #总之通过以上内容可以看出来? In fact, there are indeed many marketing methods in the network? What can be done to achieve the desired results? What can be done to be loved and welcomed by everyone? Perhaps there is a need to standardize marketing methods in the network? Avoid arousing disgust and rejection from all walks of life? What do you think? Regarding Huang Yiming's continuous exposure of Wang Sicong's daughter to netizens? What do you think? Is there any other purpose? Or maybe it's just a marketing tool to achieve the desired effect? Such as obtaining economic benefits, social concerns, etc.? Finally get traffic and popularity? What do you think?


It can be seen through this article that the marketing methods in the network are ever-changing, and how to do it to achieve the expected effect and arouse everyone's love and welcome does need to be standardized. What do you think of Huang Yiming's continuous exposure of Wang Sicong's daughter? Is there any other purpose? Or maybe it's just using marketing means to obtain economic benefits, social attention, etc., and finally get traffic and popularity? What do you think? Come and share your thoughts in the comments