
The Tianlong-3 sub-stage rocket fell and caught fire, and the original launch plan for July was affected, and Tianbing Technology responded

author:Trapped Beasts


Recently, an accident involving the fall and fire of the Tianlong-3 rocket occurred at the Comprehensive Test Center in Gongyi City, Henan Province, and this accident has aroused great concern from all walks of life. It is reported that the Tianlong-3 rocket is a large liquid carrier rocket developed by Tianbing Science and Technology, and the occurrence of this accident is bound to have a certain impact on its future launch plan. As a high-profile private commercial aerospace company, Tianbing Technology's development prospects have attracted much attention, and the accident has also aroused the public's attention and conjecture in the field of private commercial aerospace.

1. The Tianlong-3 rocket fell and caught fire, and the launch plan may be affected

Recently, a rocket accident at the Comprehensive Test Center in Gongyi City, Henan Province has caused heated discussions, and it is reported that the protagonist of this accident is the high-profile Tianlong-3 rocket. The accident occurred during the rocket test run at the center, and for some reason, the Tianlong-3 rocket suffered a structural failure, which eventually led to the rocket falling and catching fire, and the cause of the accident is still under further investigation.

The Tianlong-3 sub-stage rocket fell and caught fire, and the original launch plan for July was affected, and Tianbing Technology responded

The occurrence of this accident undoubtedly brought a certain impact to Tianbing Technology, as the development unit of the rocket, the staff of Tianbing Science and Technology also rushed to the scene of the accident to investigate and deal with the work as soon as possible. As for the first flight plan of Tianlong 3, the relevant person in charge of Tianbing Technology said that the company is currently fully cooperating with relevant departments to investigate the accident, and the specific launch plan needs to make corresponding arrangements according to the investigation results, so it may be affected to a certain extent.

Second, Tianbing Technology has attracted much attention or been affected by the accident

As a high-profile private commercial aerospace company, Tianbing Technology has been committed to the research and development of liquid rocket engines and medium and large liquid launch vehicles since its establishment, and its Tianlong series rockets have been attracting much attention. The occurrence of the Tianlong-3 rocket accident undoubtedly brought a certain amount of pressure to the relevant staff of Tianbing Technology, and also made the outside world full of attention and expectations for its future development.

It is understood that Tianbing Technology was established in 2018 and has now obtained a valuation of more than 15 billion yuan, and has successfully completed multiple rounds of financing, part of which will be mainly used for the first flight mission of the Tianlong-3 rocket and subsequent mass production. Prior to this, Tianbing Technology also said that it planned to carry out the first flight mission of Tianlong-3 at the end of 2022 or early 2023 to verify its reliability and performance and prepare for subsequent commercial launch missions.

The Tianlong-3 sub-stage rocket fell and caught fire, and the original launch plan for July was affected, and Tianbing Technology responded

Due to the impact of this accident, the first flight plan of Tianlong-3 may be changed, and the specific schedule will need to wait for the results of the accident investigation before making a decision. For the occurrence of the accident, the relevant person in charge of Tianbing Technology also said that he would learn lessons from the accident, further strengthen quality management and safety assurance measures to ensure the smooth progress of the follow-up work, and also thank all sectors of society for their understanding and support to the company.

Third, the commercial aerospace field is booming, and private enterprises are encouraged

Although the Tianlong-3 rocket accident has left a certain regret, on the whole, the development momentum of the commercial aerospace field is still very strong, and all work is being carried out in an orderly manner. In recent years, the commercial aerospace field in the eastern countries has developed rapidly, and more and more private enterprises have set foot in this field, and a series of important breakthroughs and progress have been made in technology research and development, commercial application, etc.

The Tianlong-3 sub-stage rocket fell and caught fire, and the original launch plan for July was affected, and Tianbing Technology responded

According to relevant data, by the end of 2023, there have been about 170 financing events in the commercial aerospace field of the eastern powers, with a total financing amount of more than 18.5 billion yuan, and this number is still growing, which can be described as a model of vigorous development. It is estimated that by 2024, the market size of the commercial aerospace field in the eastern countries is expected to reach 2.34 trillion yuan, which will involve a wider range of fields, including satellite communications, remote sensing observations, space laboratories and other aspects.

In this context, the development prospects of private commercial aerospace enterprises have been greatly encouraged, and have also received great attention from all walks of life, and Tianbing Technology, as one of the leaders, will become more important in its future development. With the continuous expansion of the commercial aerospace field, various tasks are also facing many challenges and tests, how to stand out in the fierce market competition, how to effectively manage and avoid various risks, enterprises need to have a clearer understanding and countermeasures.

The Tianlong-3 sub-stage rocket fell and caught fire, and the original launch plan for July was affected, and Tianbing Technology responded

Fourth, how can private commercial aerospace companies respond to challenges and demonstrate their advantages?

In the current situation, private commercial aerospace companies need to fully understand the internal logic of the development of the industry, and at the same time be soberly aware of the various challenges and risks they face, only on this basis, can they better cope with various complex situations and show their core competitiveness and development advantages.

Technological innovation is an important support for the development of private commercial aerospace companies, and only by continuously carrying out disruptive innovation and promoting breakthroughs and progress in aerospace technology can they remain invincible in the fierce market competition. At present, the commercial aerospace field of the eastern country is in the critical stage from "following" to "running" and then to "leading", various technical indicators and business models need to make breakthroughs, and private enterprises can respond to market demand more flexibly and provide them with more diversified and personalized services, so they should give full play to their own advantages in technology research and development and application exploration.

The Tianlong-3 sub-stage rocket fell and caught fire, and the original launch plan for July was affected, and Tianbing Technology responded

At present, the eastern countries have issued a series of policy documents to encourage and support the development of private aerospace enterprises, but in the specific implementation process, it is also necessary to further clarify the policy orientation and objectives, provide clearer guidance and support for the innovation and development of enterprises, and also strengthen the prediction of various risks and challenges, and create a more stable and sustainable policy environment for the development of enterprises.

In addition, private commercial aerospace companies also need to pay attention to the establishment of a complete industrial chain and business ecological clusters, only on this basis, can they achieve full integration of resources and complementary advantages, provide more complete and reliable solutions for the market, but also pay attention to the stability and timeliness of the supply chain, effectively respond to various emergencies, and ensure the smooth implementation and operation of the project.

The Tianlong-3 sub-stage rocket fell and caught fire, and the original launch plan for July was affected, and Tianbing Technology responded

In the face of the practical challenges of the coexistence of technical risks and market risks, private enterprises also need to have strong anti-risk capabilities, do a good job in long-term planning and risk management, and also need to take the initiative to embrace various cooperation opportunities, form a win-win cooperation situation, and jointly promote the healthy development of the commercial aerospace field.


The development of the commercial aerospace field is inseparable from the joint efforts and support of all parties, and it is believed that in the near future, the commercial aerospace industry of the eastern powers will surely achieve more brilliant achievements, and Tianbing Technology, as one of them, will also successfully cope with various challenges with the care and support of all parties, and contribute to the development of the aerospace industry of the eastern powers.

It is also hoped that the majority of private enterprises can take Tianbing Science and Technology as an example, continue to explore and practice, have the courage to innovate and take responsibility, inject stronger impetus into the development of science and technology in the eastern country, and make positive contributions to the construction of an innovation-driven modern economic system.

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