
Juancheng County Family Planning Association carried out health knowledge lectures into the community and collective birthday celebration activities

author:Luwang Heze

Luwang, July 2 - In order to let special family planning families truly feel the care of the government and the warmth of society, on June 28, the Juancheng County Family Planning Association carried out health knowledge lectures and collective birthday celebrations in the "Warm Heart Home" of Zuonan Community, Zuoying Town.

Juancheng County Family Planning Association carried out health knowledge lectures into the community and collective birthday celebration activities

At the event site, the Juancheng County Family Planning Association invited Yi Luping, an expert from the county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, to give a health knowledge lecture to the elderly. In order to better meet the needs of the elderly, Dr. Yi Luping conducted health consultation, blood sugar measurement, blood pressure measurement, etc. for the elderly in special family planning families, and carefully advised the elderly to develop good healthy living habits and healthy eating methods.

The County Family Planning Association and the Zuoying Town Family Planning Association bought birthday cakes for the elderly from special family planning families, and organized volunteers to prepare a "dumpling banquet" social activity. In the collective birthday celebration activities for the elderly, volunteers sang the song "Happy Birthday" with the elderly, and let the elderly share the birthday cake together in the joyful singing. The staff and volunteers of the Family Planning Association chatted with the elderly from special family planning families, the atmosphere was joyful and warm, full of strong love and blessings from the Family Planning Association, sending the warmth of home to the special family planning families, enhancing their sense of belonging, and truly feeling the care and love of the party and the government.

Juancheng County Family Planning Association carried out health knowledge lectures into the community and collective birthday celebration activities
Juancheng County Family Planning Association carried out health knowledge lectures into the community and collective birthday celebration activities
Juancheng County Family Planning Association carried out health knowledge lectures into the community and collective birthday celebration activities

In the next step, the county family planning association will make full use of the "warm home" platform to continue to carry out a variety of activities for the county's special family planning families, so that the special family planning families can feel warmth, enjoy happiness, understand the wisdom of life, establish a healthy and upward attitude towards life, and obtain a sense of happiness. (Correspondent Wei Zhenjie)

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