
This is the secret of a 60-year-old woman not looking old: her hair is not over her shoulders, her color is not more than three, and she is more elegant

author:Miss Yu's outfit notes

Age has never been a factor that prevents women from becoming beautiful, on the contrary, due to age, women's precipitated temperament has become more and more calm. For older girls, if they want to show their own temperament and charm, in addition to relying on their own temperament, they also need to be blessed with hairstyles and outfits!

This is the secret of a 60-year-old woman not looking old: her hair is not over her shoulders, her color is not more than three, and she is more elegant

And today, I will share with you some dressing ideas that women over 60 years old are worth learning from, from hairstyles to outfits, they will teach you to deduce elegant and advanced shapes, which can make you beautiful to the bones.

"Chapter 1" chooses the right hairstyle for you, and your temperament is on the next level

>> pay more attention to these small details, and the temperament will be more divided

Part one.头发的长度不要超过肩膀

This is the secret of a 60-year-old woman not looking old: her hair is not over her shoulders, her color is not more than three, and she is more elegant

Hairstyle is one of the most important points that everyone needs to pay attention to, and for older women, when choosing a hairstyle, you must pay attention to the length of your hair not too long, it is easy to look procrastinated, and it will also aggravate the aging state of the face.

However, if you choose a hairstyle that is too short, it is easy to expose the flaws in the face shape. Therefore, it is recommended that older women try shoulder-length hair or short hair under the ears, which can not only modify the face shape, but also show the gentleness and atmosphere of mature women.

Part two.多尝试扎发造型,更气质减龄

This is the secret of a 60-year-old woman not looking old: her hair is not over her shoulders, her color is not more than three, and she is more elegant

But if you want to create a more age-reducing effect, it is recommended that you try to tie your hair up. Whether it is tied into a low ponytail or casually coiled on the back of the head, it can add a lot of neatness and vitality, and it looks both age-reducing and high-end.

It is worth noting that when choosing a hair tie style, it is best to leave some broken hair on the forehead, which can have a more flattering effect on the face shape.

Part three.少选密集的小卷发

This is the secret of a 60-year-old woman not looking old: her hair is not over her shoulders, her color is not more than three, and she is more elegant

In addition, many older women, due to thinning hair, often choose small curls that are too dense, but this type of hairstyle, although it can make the hair volume look fuller, is also easy to look too tacky and greasy.

It is also recommended that you try more styles of medium or large volumes, which are not only shiny, but also can create a natural relaxation effect, and look more fluffy and advanced.

Part four.用配饰来点亮发型

✔ A three-dimensional hat

This is the secret of a 60-year-old woman not looking old: her hair is not over her shoulders, her color is not more than three, and she is more elegant

In addition, you can also use accessories to modify your hairstyle. If you are a woman with a thinning hair top or a high hairline, you may want to try a three-dimensional hat, such as a straw hat or a wide-brimmed hat. It can meet the needs of sunshade and sunscreen at the same time, modify the hairline well, and create the effect of slapping face.

✔ Gorgeous necklaces, watches

This is the secret of a 60-year-old woman not looking old: her hair is not over her shoulders, her color is not more than three, and she is more elegant

But if you want to make your temperament more luxurious and gorgeous, it is recommended that you try a silver pendant necklace with a sense of luster, or a pearl necklace, etc., which can add gorgeous and luxurious attributes while enhancing your complexion. But if you want to make your temperament more intellectual, you can use short hair with a watch to look more favorable.

"Chapter 2" pays more attention to color and detail when dressing

▼ Keep in mind the principle that color is not three, and the beauty is more advanced

✔ Try more "classic colors" with large areas

This is the secret of a 60-year-old woman not looking old: her hair is not over her shoulders, her color is not more than three, and she is more elegant

The combination of colors can be said to directly affect the visual perception of the overall shape, but if you want to create a more low-key and simple shape, it is recommended that you try it and cover a large area of the classic color throughout the body. For example, choosing a black or white dress can not only make the overall color scheme low-key and simple, but also create a high-end eye-catching effect.

✔ Use "neutrals" to match the same color

This is the secret of a 60-year-old woman not looking old: her hair is not over her shoulders, her color is not more than three, and she is more elegant

But if you want to wear a more gentle and decent look, it is recommended that you try more neutral colors with the same color. For example, an off-white top with an off-white long skirt, or an apricot top with a long skirt of a similar color, can not only avoid styling, too many color elements, look messy, but also add a sense of luxury.

✔ Choose prints that are clean and sober

This is the secret of a 60-year-old woman not looking old: her hair is not over her shoulders, her color is not more than three, and she is more elegant

If you want to make your look look elegant and eye-catching, then it is recommended that you try more dresses with simple printed elements. For example, choosing a blue and white color scheme or a black printed skirt with white as the background color can not only use printed elements to add vitality and romantic atmosphere, but also not look too complicated, and it will look more advanced and eye-catching.

✔ Use the principle of matching simple and complex colors

★ Printed elements + classic colors

This is the secret of a 60-year-old woman not looking old: her hair is not over her shoulders, her color is not more than three, and she is more elegant

If you're looking for a head-turning look, try pairing prints with classic colours. For example, the combination of a shirt with printed elements and a black or white long skirt can not only effectively enhance the color level, but also make the overall temperament appear more advanced and elegant.

★ Striped elements + neutrals

This is the secret of a 60-year-old woman not looking old: her hair is not over her shoulders, her color is not more than three, and she is more elegant

But if you want to make your outfit look more intellectual, try a combination of striped elements and medium-sized colors. For example, choosing a striped T-shirt with a long black skirt or apricot-colored trousers can not only strengthen the color level, but also use simple stripes to add an intellectual atmosphere, which can make your temperament more advanced and decent.

This is the secret of a 60-year-old woman not looking old: her hair is not over her shoulders, her color is not more than three, and she is more elegant

This is the end of the sharing content of this issue, women over 60 years old hurry up to learn these matching methods, not only to show their elegance and charm, but also to enhance the sense of temperament, to ensure that you will make a steady return rate!
