
Policy favor! A preliminary study on the development model of national agricultural science and technology parks

author:China Agricultural Futong Yangtze River Delta Planning
Policy favor! A preliminary study on the development model of national agricultural science and technology parks
Policy favor! A preliminary study on the development model of national agricultural science and technology parks

The agricultural science and technology park is the product of the mainland's reform and opening up and social and economic development, and is the carrier of agricultural technology condensation and radiation, and undertakes the important task of connecting the market and farmers. It mainly follows the principle of "government-led, market-oriented operation, enterprise as the main body, and promoting farmers' income", promotes standardized management, and vigorously develops agricultural science and technology parks has become an important way to promote the development of agriculture in the mainland. Next, the editor will carefully sort out the different development models adopted by the development of agricultural science and technology parks in the mainland for your reference.

01 Promote the regional development model led by the government

As early as the 70s of the 20th century, Israel, Japan, Singapore and the United States have gradually established various agricultural science and technology parks, and the development is currently in the stage of standardized development. The development of agricultural science and technology parks in mainland China started relatively late, and in the initial stage of pilot construction, it was mainly guided by the government to promote the regional development model. In the process of the development of agricultural science and technology parks, the government plays a role in policy guidance, platform building, gathering agricultural talents, and absorbing advanced agricultural technology. With the deepening of the understanding of the nature and connotation of production factors in the economic field, the agglomeration and innovation of production factors with talents, high and new technology, and scientific management as the core have become the main direction of the government to promote the development of various agricultural science and technology parks. By holding large-scale enterprise matchmaking meetings, agricultural economy and agricultural products exhibitions, farmers' technical training and other activities, strengthen and guide the docking of agricultural science and technology parks and scientific and technological innovation institutions and agricultural enterprises, on the one hand, actively attract advanced technology, on the other hand, show their own advantages in agricultural products, constantly build local agricultural product brands, and strive to create a good investment environment and image. At the same time, with the continuous introduction of modern agricultural high-tech such as biotechnology and information technology, the government-led agricultural science and technology park has begun to transform into a development model dominated by scientific and technological innovation parks.

02 A development model driven by leading enterprises

The model of leading enterprises to drive the development of national agricultural science and technology parks mainly refers to the leading enterprises in the construction of science and technology parks in a dominant, core and dominant position, through the development model of "company + base + farmers", the use of a variety of operation modes such as signing production and marketing contracts, order agriculture, land shares, etc., to build a "benefit sharing, risk sharing" connection mechanism between leading enterprises and farmers, and form a community of interests. The main mode of application is to establish a production base in the park by leading enterprises, carry out the promotion and industrialization development of agricultural scientific and technological achievements within the scope of the base, actively drive farmers to participate in market-oriented competition, and continuously enhance the competitiveness of farmers, so that the park can achieve rapid economic benefits.

Policy favor! A preliminary study on the development model of national agricultural science and technology parks

03 A development model driven by characteristic industries

The development model driven by characteristic industries mainly refers to the fact that the park should make use of the actual situation of local economic development according to local conditions, the mainland has a long history of agricultural industry, rich varieties of agricultural products, find out the positioning of the agricultural industry, take a characteristic advantage industry as a link, unite many small farmers, change from the relatively scattered production situation in the past to overall coordination, from inefficient homogeneous competition to efficient cooperation and win-win, and gradually make the characteristic industries bigger, stronger and better, and build a characteristic and advantageous agricultural industrial system, production system and management systemWith years of continuous development, characteristic industries will become an innovation point to accelerate local economic growth, and successfully transform resource advantages into economic advantages and competitive advantages.

Policy favor! A preliminary study on the development model of national agricultural science and technology parks

04 A development model based on agricultural science and technology innovation and promotion

With the overall decline in global economic trends, countries have begun to take the innovation, introduction and promotion of agricultural science and technology as the primary task of various agricultural science and technology parks. In this context, innovative park development models with agricultural science and technology as the core are also emerging. The development model of agricultural high-tech innovation leading and promotion mainly refers to the development of the park with the help of strong agricultural universities and scientific research institutions, but also can promote the scientific and technological innovation of agricultural universities and scientific research institutions, and the innovation and entrepreneurship of college students. With the participation of farmers as the docking, through the demonstration of technology, and then to achieve the effect of promotion. Operating in this development model can not only radiate and drive farmers in the surrounding areas, but also promote the economic income generation of agricultural science and technology parks.

05 The development model based on agricultural high-tech enterprise incubators

The development model based on the incubator of agricultural high-tech enterprises mainly refers to the goal of promoting the industrialization of agricultural scientific and technological achievements, taking high-tech enterprises as the service object, and the park is mainly to create a good entrepreneurial atmosphere and environment, as well as perfect infrastructure, the introduction of preferential policies and a series of service support, to help agricultural high-tech enterprises solve problems, help agricultural high-tech enterprises to grow and expand, and promote it to drive the continuous development and expansion of agricultural science and technology parks, and become the main force for farmers to increase their income and get rich.

The development model based on the incubator of agricultural high-tech enterprises mainly refers to the goal of promoting the industrialization of agricultural scientific and technological achievements, taking high-tech enterprises as the service object, and the park is mainly to create a good entrepreneurial atmosphere and environment, as well as perfect infrastructure, the introduction of preferential policies and a series of service support, to help agricultural high-tech enterprises solve problems, help agricultural high-tech enterprises to grow and expand, and promote it to drive the continuous development and expansion of agricultural science and technology parks, and become the main force for farmers to increase their income and get rich.

Policy favor! A preliminary study on the development model of national agricultural science and technology parks

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