
卡普空收购台湾动画制作公司Minimum Studios

author:Ranger Net

Capcom officially announced yesterday that it has acquired two-thirds of the outstanding shares of Taiwanese animation production company Minimum Studios, making it a subsidiary of Capcom. Minimum Studios has previously worked on Resident Evil: Village, Resident Evil 4 Remake, and Dragon's Dogma 2, working on in-game animations and cutscenes.

卡普空收购台湾动画制作公司Minimum Studios

"Minimum Studios' strength lies in the animation of video games, and the studio has been involved in the development of Capcom's major games in the past," Capcom said in a statement. Capcom decided to make the studio its subsidiary in order to continuously enhance its development and technical capabilities and achieve its long-term goal of annual sales of 100 million. In the future, Capcom will continue to explore and acquire the necessary technical capabilities to strengthen its game development division. ”

卡普空收购台湾动画制作公司Minimum Studios
卡普空收购台湾动画制作公司Minimum Studios

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