
The theme activities are wonderful! They in Yangpu celebrated the party's birthday → like this

author:Yangpu, Shanghai

This year marks the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. On the occasion of the Party Founding Day, the Sanyang organizations of Wujiaochang Street, Daqiao Street, Yanji Xincun Street, and Dinghai Road Street in Yangpu District, with the support of the Disabled Persons' Federation of each street, specially planned a series of unique theme activities for the Party Founding Day. Through educational and interesting activities, the students can have an in-depth understanding of the glorious history of the party, inherit the red gene, and stimulate patriotic enthusiasm.

Pentagona Street

Singing to express deep love and gratitude

On July 1, with the support of the Wujiaochang Street Disabled Persons' Federation, Yangpu Sunshine Community Service Management Center organized the students of the Sanyang Organization in Wujiaochang Street to carry out the theme activity of "Red Heart Singing to the Party" on the Party Day.

The theme activities are wonderful! They in Yangpu celebrated the party's birthday → like this

This activity integrates music and patriotic education, and the students feel the greatness of the motherland and the greatness of the party in singing. On the same day, under the guidance of the social workers, the students sang classic red songs such as "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China" and "My Motherland and Me". The melody of each song is full of passion and strength, and they express their deep love and gratitude to the party and the motherland with their singing voices. During the period, some interactive sessions were also interspersed to share historical knowledge related to the songs, so that the students could have a deeper understanding of the connotation of the songs and the stories behind them.

The theme activities are wonderful! They in Yangpu celebrated the party's birthday → like this

Through this theme activity of the Party Founding Day, the students not only expressed their love and gratitude to the Party and the motherland with singing, but also had a deeper understanding of the history and mission of the Party, and enhanced their patriotic feelings and national pride.

Bridge Street

When red culture meets intangible cultural heritage paper-cutting

On the occasion of the "July 1st" Party Day, in order to better promote the red culture, cherish the memory of the revolutionary martyrs, and inherit the red gene, the Daqiao Street Disabled Persons' Federation organized the students of Sanyang Organization to celebrate the Party Day together through the traditional form of intangible cultural heritage of paper-cutting.

The theme activities are wonderful! They in Yangpu celebrated the party's birthday → like this

At the beginning of the activity, the intangible cultural heritage teacher explained to everyone how to cut paper, the students were eager to try, followed the teacher's steps to operate, talking and laughing scissors flying up and down, confetti colorful, a piece of ordinary red color paper by the students skillfully carved, lifelike, delicate and chic red theme works presented in front of them, everyone appreciated and shared their works with each other, the scene was full of laughter and joy.

The theme activities are wonderful! They in Yangpu celebrated the party's birthday → like this

At the same time, through the traditional art form of paper-cutting, the students can feel the charm of Chinese intangible cultural heritage, and in the process of learning the art of paper-cutting, the students' hand-eye coordination ability will be cultivated and the rehabilitation ability will be improved.

Yanji Xincun Street

Barrier-free viewing conveys upward power

On the occasion of the founding day of the party, Yangpu Sunshine Community Service Management Center organized the students of Sanyang Organization in Yanji Xincun Street to carry out a unique barrier-free movie viewing activity, and the students had a deeper understanding of the party's glorious history and the great significance of the special struggle against gangsters and vices by watching the movie.

On the day of the event, the students of Sanyang Institution came to the viewing venue early with great expectations. The movie "Sweeping the Black Storm" is based on the special struggle against crime and evil, and tells the story of the public security officers and police fighting wits and courage with the underworld forces. The students were deeply attracted by the intense and exciting plot of the movie, and they watched with full attention, feeling the difficulties and challenges experienced by each character.

The theme activities are wonderful! They in Yangpu celebrated the party's birthday → like this

This movie-watching activity not only allowed the students to spend an unforgettable "July 1st" party founding day, but also made them feel the heroism and selfless dedication of the public security officers, and stimulated their positive attitude towards life and patriotic enthusiasm. At the same time, the activity further enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force among the students of Sanyang Institution, and laid a solid foundation for building a harmonious community.

Dinghai Road street

Sunshine walks to build a bridge of friendship

On July 1, the students of Sanyang Organization in Dinghai Road Street, a social worker organization of Yangpu Sunshine Community Service Management Center, and the volunteer team of Shanghai Pudong Development Silicon Valley Bank jointly held a special activity on the Party Day with the theme of "Red Heart to the Party, Sunshine Walk", which not only cultivated the students' patriotic feelings and sense of social responsibility, but also strengthened the communication and connection between Sanyang students and social volunteers.

The content of the activity covered many links such as knowledge sharing of party history, interactive games, and volunteer service exchanges. Through learning and sharing, the students demonstrated their deep understanding of the party's history and theory. The party members and volunteers of Shanghai Pudong Development Silicon Valley Bank shared their own stories of joining the party, expressing their love for the party and their yearning for a better life. Subsequently, the volunteers also watched the students make intangible cultural heritage works and gave them a thumbs up.

The theme activities are wonderful! They in Yangpu celebrated the party's birthday → like this

The party founding day activities not only deepened the friendship between Sanyang students and volunteers, but also further stimulated everyone's loyalty to the party and enthusiasm for community service. Everyone interpreted the spirit of "red heart to the party, sunshine walking" with practical actions, and showed the demeanor of Sanyang students in the new era.

Text: Dou Yuqi

Editor: Xi Yuxuan

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Yangpu

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