
People's Daily Online interviewed Xue Kan, Secretary of the Yangpu District Party Committee: Stimulate new quality productivity and let the seeds of innovation grow into towering trees

author:Yangpu, Shanghai

Editor's note: This year marks the fifth anniversary of the important concept of the People's City. As the first place to mention the concept of people's city, Yangpu has carried out a series of explorations and practices in cultivating new quality productivity and shaping the momentum of urban development. Recently, People's Daily Online specially planned the "Set Sail for New Quality Productivity". Shanghai in Action" series of interviews, today launched "Xue Kan, Secretary of the Yangpu District Party Committee: Stimulate New Quality Productivity, Let the Seeds of Innovation Grow into Towering Trees".

People's Daily Online interviewed Xue Kan, Secretary of the Yangpu District Party Committee: Stimulate new quality productivity and let the seeds of innovation grow into towering trees

Xue Kan, Secretary of the Yangpu District Party Committee:

stimulate new quality productivity,

Let the seeds of innovation grow into towering trees

The science and technology innovation park where industries are concentrated, the streets and alleys full of fireworks, and the riverside waterfront near and far...... This is the impression that many Shanghai citizens have of Yangpu today.

Yangpu is the largest and most populous central urban area in Shanghai. This year marks the fifth anniversary of the important concept of the people's city, as the first place to mention the concept of the people's city, in the face of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, how can Yangpu District combine its own characteristics and advantages to cultivate and develop new quality productivity according to local conditions? In the future, how to deepen and refine the track, improve the ability to deepen the subdivision of the field and cultivate the industrial ecology?

Recently, Xue Kan, secretary of the Yangpu District Committee of the Communist Party of China, pointed out in an exclusive interview with People's Daily Online that over the years, Yangpu has deeply implemented the innovation-driven development strategy, embarked on a road of transformation and upgrading from "industrial Yangpu" to "innovative Yangpu", and has become the first batch of national innovative urban areas, an important carrying area of Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center, a pilot urban area of "Science and Technology China", and a national innovation-driven demonstration zone. In the future, we will insist on stimulating innovation vitality through the whole process and the whole chain, and develop new quality productivity.

People's Daily Online interviewed Xue Kan, Secretary of the Yangpu District Party Committee: Stimulate new quality productivity and let the seeds of innovation grow into towering trees

Dachuang Zhi Innovation and Development Demonstration Zone

People's Daily Online interviewed Xue Kan, Secretary of the Yangpu District Party Committee: Stimulate new quality productivity and let the seeds of innovation grow into towering trees

Driven by innovation according to local conditions, focusing on grasping the three "new"

Xue Kan said that in the development of new quality productivity in accordance with local conditions, Yangpu District should focus on grasping the three "new" of expanding new industries, giving birth to new models, and stimulating new kinetic energy.

In Xue Kan's view, the development of new productive forces is inseparable from the support of traditional industries, and also requires continuous breakthroughs in new scientific discoveries and technological inventions.

"On the one hand, it is necessary to promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial chain and supply chain, focus on making up for the shortcomings, elongating the long board, and forging new boards, promote the high-end, intelligent and green transformation of traditional industries, enhance the resilience and competitiveness of the industrial chain and supply chain, and consolidate the industrial foundation for the development of new quality productivity." Xue Kan said, "On the other hand, it is necessary to actively cultivate emerging industries and future industries, firmly grasp the historical opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, accelerate the development and expansion of strategic emerging industries, seek new engines for growth, advance the layout of future industries, promote disruptive technological innovation, and create future technology application scenarios." ”

People's Daily Online interviewed Xue Kan, Secretary of the Yangpu District Party Committee: Stimulate new quality productivity and let the seeds of innovation grow into towering trees

Xue Kan (second from left), Secretary of Yangpu District Party Committee, visited and investigated the Shanghai International Joint Laboratory of Terahertz Technology Innovation for University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

"Strengthening original and disruptive scientific and technological innovation, and striving to create a good ecology of innovation, entrepreneurship and creation, is the core of the development of new quality productivity." Xue Kan said that it is not only necessary to smooth the virtuous circle of education, science and technology, and talent, consolidate the talent cornerstone for the development of new productive forces, vigorously promote the spirit of scientists, entrepreneurs, and craftsmen, and promote the rapid accumulation of knowledge, resources, technology, and talents. At the same time, it is necessary to cultivate an excellent innovation ecology in which scientists dare to work, capital dares to invest, enterprises dare to break through, and the government dares to support, so that the seeds of new quality productivity can take root and sprout, flourish and grow into towering trees.

Xue Kan said: "The generation of new quality productivity comes from scientific and technological innovation. At present, the paradigm of science and technology has evolved profoundly. Yangpu District should attach importance to the innovation of basic theories, grasp the new trend of international scientific and technological competition moving forward to basic research, optimize and improve the construction of basic disciplines and the layout of basic research systems, continue to steadily increase investment in basic research, and greatly improve the level of originality of basic research. At the same time, we should focus on promoting technological revolutionary breakthroughs, strengthening original innovation and disruptive innovation, and achieving more breakthroughs from '0 to 10'. ”

With the digital economy as the core leading, we will find the right track for deep cultivation

"Yangpu District should take the digital economy as the core, implement the long-term system of key industrial chains, and continuously enhance the competitiveness and leadership of the innovative modern industrial system." Xue Kan believes that under the new situation, the digital economy has become a key force in reshaping factor resources and reshaping the economic structure.

People's Daily Online interviewed Xue Kan, Secretary of the Yangpu District Party Committee: Stimulate new quality productivity and let the seeds of innovation grow into towering trees

Yangpu Riverside

First, the digital economy focuses on "upgrading and expanding". Based on the characteristic advantages of "scientific and technological innovation + digital economy" and "big factory + university", we will actively strive to create a demonstration zone for data element innovation in Yang's "data".

Second, key industries focus on "energy level jumping". Solidly promote new industrialization, and do a solid job in the cultivation of chain master enterprises, enterprise growth services, park carrier construction, capital fund support, innovation ecological cultivation and other service guarantees. Strive to enhance the leading force of the artificial intelligence industry.

The third is to focus on the "forward-looking layout" of the future industry. Strengthen original innovation and disruptive innovation, promote multi-path exploration and cross-integration of future technologies, plan a number of future industries in a forward-looking manner, and be a pioneer in scientific and technological and industrial innovation.

As one of the urban districts with the highest knowledge density and innovation concentration in Shanghai and even in China, Yangpu is home to more than 10 well-known universities such as Fudan University and Tongji University, gathering 180,000 eternally young college students and one-third of Shanghai's international students. Over the years, Yangpu has insisted on taking innovation as the first driving force to lead regional development, and has continued to promote the integrated development of university campuses, science and technology parks, and public communities. There are a number of high-level innovation platforms such as the Shanghai Institute of Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Studies led by Mr. Yau Chengtong and the Shanghai Center of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, as well as the free flow and efficient allocation of various elements in the innovation ecology that matches them, and the rich, diverse, inclusive and open innovation scenarios.

People's Daily Online interviewed Xue Kan, Secretary of the Yangpu District Party Committee: Stimulate new quality productivity and let the seeds of innovation grow into towering trees

Shanghai Institute of Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Studies

In Yangpu, a large number of high-level knowledge achievements are emerging, which are accelerating the transformation into cutting-edge technology and innovative products, and have also given birth to a new generation of unicorns, hidden champions and small giant enterprises in the fields of Internet, artificial intelligence, creative design, green and low-carbon, life and health, many of which have gone abroad and landed in the international market.

Xue Kan said that today's Yangpu is improving the competitiveness of innovative industries in an all-round way, and building an innovative modern industrial system with the digital economy as the core and "smart +" and "Internet +" as the basic support. The establishment of an industrial chain length system will help build "three 100-billion-level" industrial clusters such as online new economy, intelligent manufacturing, and creative design, and forward-looking layout of four emerging fields such as science and technology services, artificial intelligence, life and health, and green and low-carbon.

Stimulate new quality productivity and create new momentum for high-quality development

How can Yangpu District coordinate and do a good job in supporting work such as industrial development, carrier construction, and talent services to help high-quality economic and social development? Yangpu District has explored a number of "golden ideas" focusing on innovative services.

People's Daily Online interviewed Xue Kan, Secretary of the Yangpu District Party Committee: Stimulate new quality productivity and let the seeds of innovation grow into towering trees

The "Future Valley-Bay Valley Innovation Center" for collaborative innovation among districts, schools and enterprises was launched in Yangpu

"Yangpu District will focus on the implementation of four plans to create an organic system in which capital, technology and other innovation elements are intertwined and rely on each other, so that all kinds of innovation subjects and innovation elements can fully agglomerate, couple, superimpose and collide, and form a 'tropical rainforest' innovation ecology with strong vitality and strong roots." Xue Kan said.

The first is to implement the voyage plan for high-level enterprises. Improve the gradient cultivation system for high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises. Focus on improving the number of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises, strengthening the quality of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises, and amplifying the energy of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises. Implement the activity of "100 Specialized and Special New Enterprises", improve the mechanism of "Specialized, Specialized and Special New Visits" by small and medium-sized enterprise service specialists, and establish "one enterprise and one file" for specialized and special new "little giant" enterprises and enterprises in the key specialized and special new cultivation bank. Hold a series of brand service activities of "specialized, special and new gas stations", carry out symposiums on specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises, and demand release and docking activities, and serve enterprise policy publicity, bank-enterprise docking, and large, medium and small financial development through a variety of innovative channels. We will continue to hold a series of brand service activities such as "Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Gas Station", "Little Giant Afternoon Tea" and "Specialized, Specialized and New Gas Station" to promote the service work of small and medium-sized enterprises to the streets, sub-centers, parks and buildings, so as to achieve smooth flow up and down, departmental coordination, and joint efforts of government and enterprises, and reduce the cost of coordination between enterprises and multiple departments.

The second is to implement a full-cycle financial endurance plan. On the one hand, actively undertake municipal resources. Grasp the opportunity of the reform of the municipal state-owned capital operation company and the establishment of the three leading industry funds, form an agglomeration effect by exploring the establishment of industrial sub-funds or attracting the investment sub-funds of the parent fund to settle down, and guide patient capital to participate in the "early investment and small investment in hard technology" of the state-owned assets fund in the district, so as to create an equity investment system with Yangpu characteristics. On the other hand, we will improve the investment and financing service chain, set up a science and technology finance club, build an investment and financing service and resource docking platform for enterprises and financial institutions, and regularly carry out project roadshows, resource docking, and industry salons to enhance the ability of finance to support the real economy.

The third is to implement a comprehensive policy pilot plan. Focusing on the source of innovation, the "Several Policies and Measures for Yangpu District to Enhance the Ability of Scientific and Technological Innovation to Support the High-quality Development of Industries" have been promulgated, and the formulation of implementation rules is currently being accelerated. Focusing on key industries, a package of policies such as "Several Policies and Measures for Promoting the High-quality Development of Advanced Manufacturing Industry in Yangpu District" has been compiled. Focusing on the new track, we will organize research on special industrial policies such as "Several Measures to Promote Low-altitude Economic Development in Yangpu District (Trial)", "Several Opinions of Yangpu District on Promoting the Development of Artificial Intelligence Industry and Promoting the Agglomeration of Data Elements".

People's Daily Online interviewed Xue Kan, Secretary of the Yangpu District Party Committee: Stimulate new quality productivity and let the seeds of innovation grow into towering trees

"Forever 22! The 2024 bilibili graduation song party was held at Yangpu Jiangwan Stadium

Nowadays, walking along the Yangpu Riverside, the river breeze is still the same, and new ideas are emerging. About 90% of the users are post-90s Bilibili, which is building its global headquarters here; Qianxun has 3,700 enhancement stations at the location, making Beidou "within reach"; Dada, an instant retail and delivery platform, makes shopping "1 hour away...... Thanks to the continuous burst of enthusiasm for "entrepreneurship and innovation", a series of new economies and new forms of business have accelerated their layout.

"The new quality productivity is spawned by the revolutionary breakthrough of technology, the innovative allocation of production factors, and the deep transformation and upgrading of the industry, which in turn has become a strong driving force and supporting force for high-quality development." Xue Kan said that Yangpu District will insist on starting from dredging the source of innovation, accelerating the innovation process, and strengthening system support, and starting from optimizing the system and mechanism, improving the platform energy level, and accelerating the transformation of achievements, and strive to achieve quality change, power change, and efficiency change of innovation and development.

Editor: Wu Baixin

Source: People's Daily Online-Shanghai Channel

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Yangpu

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