
The 300MW agricultural and fishery projects have been postponed due to the nature of the land!

author:Able to invest in the Commission

1. Jinkai New Energy: The investment in the 300MW photovoltaic project has been postponed

On June 29, Jinkai New Energy issued an announcement on the postponement of some of the company's non-public offering of shares (the original text of the announcement is attached), and the grid-connected time of the two photovoltaic projects with a total of 300MW will be postponed from the end of 2023 to June 2025.

The two projects are Hubei Changhao New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Jianli City, Huangxiekou Town, Maxi Lake Fishery (West) 100MW Fishery-PV Complementary Photovoltaic Power Station Project, and Gangnanqiaowei Town, Guigang City, 200MWp Agriculture, PV Storage Complementary Parity Grid-to-Grid Photovoltaic Power Generation Composite Project. The two plants were extended once at the end of 2023 to June 2024, and construction is expected to be completed by the end of June 2025.

The total investment of the two projects is 670 million yuan and 800 million yuan respectively, and 70%~80% of the investment has been completed, as shown in the table below.

The 300MW agricultural and fishery projects have been postponed due to the nature of the land!

According to the announcement, the main reason for the delay of both projects is due to the change in the nature of the land. thereinto

The 100MW fishery-photovoltaic complementary photovoltaic power station project in Maxiehu Fishery Farm (West Section) in Huangxiekou Town, Hubei Province has been delayed due to the change of land nature of part of the land of Huangxiekou Town Government during the third national land survey, and the delivery time has been delayed. The company has set up a special team in this regard, and after many times of communication and coordination with relevant departments, the above-mentioned land problem has been basically solved. To date, 62MW has been completed and the remaining construction land is expected to be delivered by the end of September 2024.

The original planned leased area of the 200MWp Agriculture-PV-Storage Complementary Parity Grid Photovoltaic Power Generation Composite Project in Qiaowei Town, Gangnan, Guigang City has changed the nature of the land during the third national land survey, and the company has investigated, negotiated and signed a contract on the re-leasing of the land, which has led to a delay in the construction progress of the project, and the land in the photovoltaic area has basically completed the leasing work.

Since 2022, due to changes in the policies of agriculture-PV complementation and fishery-PV complementation projects, a number of projects have been cancelled and investment delayed.

2. Guangzhou Development: Terminate the investment in the 350MW agriculture and photovoltaic complementary project

On January 22, 2024, Guangzhou Development Group Co., Ltd. issued the "Announcement of Guangzhou Development Group Co., Ltd. on the Progress of the Framework Agreement on New Energy Projects". The announcement shows:

Guangzhou Development is implementing 12 new energy projects with a total installed capacity of 8,370MW. Among them, the 350MW photovoltaic project, due to the adjustment of the national land policy, the land cannot meet the company's investment needs. (For details, see "350MW Agricultural-PV Complementary Project, Terminated Due to Land Reasons")

The 300MW agricultural and fishery projects have been postponed due to the nature of the land!
The 300MW agricultural and fishery projects have been postponed due to the nature of the land!

3. Hubei Energy: Terminate the investment in the 80MW hydro-solar complementary project

Coincidentally, on the evening of August 22, 2023, Hubei Energy announced that as of June 2023, 80 MW of Huangshiyang Xinmu Port had failed to obtain the administrative approval opinion of the water conservancy department for flood control evaluation, and the company planned to terminate its investment in the development of the Mugang project.

The 300MW agricultural and fishery projects have been postponed due to the nature of the land!

Moreover, in 2023, more than 5GW of PV projects in Jiangxi, Hebei, Anhui, Guizhou and other provinces will be abolished by provincial energy authorities because the land policy cannot be implemented in the end. (For details, see "Consumption, Land, Electricity Prices, the Triple Mountain that Photovoltaic Projects Need to Face!") 》)

The 300MW agricultural and fishery projects have been postponed due to the nature of the land!

The original text of the announcement is as follows

The 300MW agricultural and fishery projects have been postponed due to the nature of the land!
The 300MW agricultural and fishery projects have been postponed due to the nature of the land!
The 300MW agricultural and fishery projects have been postponed due to the nature of the land!
The 300MW agricultural and fishery projects have been postponed due to the nature of the land!

Article source: Zhihui Solar