
Xiangxi Longshan: The children's graduation carnival starry sky fantasy night is full of rituals, July 2 Recently, Huangcang Kindergarten in Longshan County, Hunan Province successfully held the 2024 "Butterfly Dance Flying, Children's Dream Sailing" graduation carnival, in a special way, so that 141 kindergarten children can bid farewell to kindergarten life and open a new chapter in their lives in a special way.

Xiangxi Longshan: The children's graduation carnival starry sky fantasy night is full of rituals

During the two-day event, five carefully designed sessions unfolded one after another. "Memories - Retain the Beauty", make "Growth Commemorative Book", freeze the bright moments of children's kindergarten life; In "Thanksgiving - Thanksgiving Companionship", the children used the brush as the language to sincerely express their deep gratitude to the teachers and the campus; The climax of the "Commemorative Chapter - Don't Say Goodbye" activity is repeated; "Colorful Summer, Water Carnival" children enjoy innocent laughter; The "Starry Sky Fantasy Night" adventure stay is not only a testing ground for courage and self-care ability, but also allows parents to witness the growth and bravery of their children, and the wonderful experience of the night has become an unforgettable memory.

Xiangxi Longshan: The children's graduation carnival starry sky fantasy night is full of rituals

In the final "Ceremony - Tribute to Childhood", the children received their graduation certificates, and their eyes reflected infinite longing and pride for the future. This first certificate in their lives is like a lighthouse, which not only marks a glorious end to the kindergarten journey, but also illuminates a new journey for them.

Xiangxi Longshan: The children's graduation carnival starry sky fantasy night is full of rituals

The person in charge of the park introduced: "We hope that through such a graduation carnival with a sense of ceremony and far-reaching educational significance, children can feel the pace of growth in happiness, and learn to be grateful for the past and cherish the present." We believe that such an experience will have a profound impact on their future. (Author: Ran Jianhua, Zou Jiaqin)

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