
Forecast and analysis of the global brain-computer interface market size and structure in 2024

author:China Business Intelligence Network

As an important part of the future industry, brain-computer interface technology will provide important support for technological innovation. On July 1, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the preparation plan for the establishment of the Brain-Computer Interface Standardization Technical Committee, marking the official launch of Continental's standardization work in the field of brain-computer interface technology.

Market size

As an emerging industry, brain-computer interface is gradually emerging under the dual catalysis of policy and technology application, and the market scale is expanding. According to IMARCGroupe, the global brain-computer interface market reached $1.5 billion in 2021, increased to $1.74 billion in 2022, and is expected to reach $3.3 billion in 2027. At present, the mainland brain-computer interface market size is about 1 billion yuan.

Forecast and analysis of the global brain-computer interface market size and structure in 2024

Source: IMARC Groupe and China Business Industry Research Institute

market structure

At present, due to the constraints of brain-computer interface technology and ethics, safety and other factors, non-invasive brain-computer interface is the focus of research. Non-invasive brain-computer interfaces account for 86% of the brain-computer interface market, and invasive + partially invasive brain-computer interfaces account for 14%.

Forecast and analysis of the global brain-computer interface market size and structure in 2024

Data source: China Commercial Industry Research Institute

For more information, please refer to the "Research Report on Market Prospects and Investment Opportunities of China's Brain-Computer Interface Industry" released by the China Commercial Industry Research Institute, and the China Commercial Industry Research Institute also provides industrial big data, industrial intelligence, industry research reports, industry white papers, industry status certificates, feasibility study certificates, industrial planning, industrial chain investment map, industrial investment guidelines, industrial chain investment investigation & promotion meeting, "15th Five-Year Plan" and other consulting services.

Forecast and analysis of the global brain-computer interface market size and structure in 2024

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