
Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!

author:Shenzhen Longgang release
Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!
Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!

"The mountains are high because of the revolution, and the land is big because of the people"

There is no mountain in the world

Like Jinggang Mountain

With a country, a nation, a political party, an army

There is such a strong connection

This is the cradle of the Chinese Revolution

Since the beginning of this year, the Longgang District "Strong Youth" red research series activities sponsored by the Longgang District New Era Civilization Practice Center and the Longgang District New Era Civilization Practice Fund have been successfully held for three times, learning red classics and inheriting the red revolutionary spirit.

Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!
Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!
Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!
Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!

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The first phase of the "Strong Youth" red research series was launched in Honghualing Park and Dongjiang Chaohong Culture Museum, where 30 teenagers experienced red education, felt and learned the eventful years of revolutionary martyrs, and inherited the spirit of the red revolution.

Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!
Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!
Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!
Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!

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In the second phase of the "Strong Country Youth" red research series activities, we walked into Lianhuashan Park and Shenzhen Library to investigate red stories, listen to red lectures, read red books, and absorb the red spirit.

Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!
Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!
Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!

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The third phase of the "Strong Country Youth" Red Study Series went to Pinghu Foreign Chinese Language School, carried out red lectures, listened to the revolutionary stories of the ancestors, and encouraged students to continue to carry forward the revolutionary spirit and inherit the red classics in the new era.

Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!

From July 14th to 18th, 2024, the fourth phase of the Qiangguo Youth will climb Jinggang Mountain, go deep into the cradle of the red revolution, trace back to the source, and deeply and profoundly study and inherit the spirit of the red revolution.

Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!
Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!

Passing the torch from generation to generation

Ideals, lofty aspirations, heroic struggle, indomitable, the red spirit is passed down from generation to generation.

Itinerary features:

Step into the former residence of the great man

Step into the former residence of the great man

Learn about the history

From the bits and pieces of the life of great men

Learning is not afraid of hardship

The revolutionary spirit of striving for progress

Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!

Twinning with Mao Zedong's Red Army School

Studying is not a one-way trip

Two-way interaction creates more beauty

This trip to Jinggang Mountain

We will go to the local school in Jinggangshan

Pair up with local classmates

Engage and link deeply

And according to the theme of the Red Revolution

Paint a painting of the Red Revolution

Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!

Image source: Internet

In the process of studying, students will go into the depths of history and learn the heroic spirit of revolutionary martyrs.

After the research activity, students need to write a reflection on the research activity, and we will comprehensively select 3 excellent impressions for publication.

Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!


Study time: July 14-18, 2024

Suitable for: 10-15 years old students (the top 9 students with full scores)

Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!

(Scan the code on WeChat and participate in answering questions)

(Answering time: July 2 20:00 start)

Study location: Jinggang Mountain

Registration Fee: Free (including accommodation, board, and transportation)

Distribution location: Jinggangshan

Faculty ratio: 1:5

Each group is equipped with an outdoor safety instructor (with an outdoor first aid certificate), and a medical kit to deal with emergencies at any time

Departure and meeting point: Shenzhen North Metro Station Exit A1

Departure time: 6:40 on July 14, 2024

Sign-off meeting place: East exit of Shenzhen North Railway Station High-speed Railway Station

Check-out time: 18:50 on July 18, 2024


July 14th

Assemble Jinggang Mountain

Shenzhen north departure from Jinggang Mountain

Opening ceremony

Learn about the Three Bays Adaptation Curriculum and its historical significance

July 15th

Oi, Koi

Flowers were laid at the Martyrs' Cemetery

Jinggangshan Museum

The former residence of the great man of Oi and Koi, the mausoleum of martyrs

Roundtables, research diaries

July 16th

Yellow Ocean Boundary

Huang Yangjie studied the poetry of great men

Fieldwork "Changes in Social Life in the New Rural Area"

Hit the glutinous rice dumplings

BBK Roundtable Debate

July 17th

Co-created by Jinggangshan School

Twinning ceremony of Mao Zedong Red Army School in Jinggangshan

Pioneer project construction

Drawing a map of the Red Army's Long March with Jinggangshan primary school students

Little Reporter Research: Descendants of the Red Army

A letter to myself

July 18th

Warriors triumphant

Closing ceremony

Return to Shenzhen

Registration consultation|Teacher Guoguo

Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!
Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!

Source: Propaganda Department of Longgang District Party Committee (Civilization Office)

Editor-in-charge: Longgang Financial Media (Editor: Cheng Jiaxin)

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Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!
Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!

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Public welfare research activities, come and sign up!

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