
The "green gauze tent" in the city is such a terrifying existence, everyone must be careful

author:See the world in another light

The green gauze tent is no stranger to everyone. In autumn, the fields of the countryside are covered with large fields of corn and sorghum, like dense gauze tents, which block everything. It used to be a good place to fight guerrillas and devils. However, because of its secrecy, the green gauze tent has also become a danger.

The "green gauze tent" in the city is such a terrifying existence, everyone must be careful

I remember when I was in high school, I went to the countryside to play with my classmates, and the narrow country road was densely packed with one-person-high corn on both sides, like two walls. I was walking alone on my bicycle on the road, and suddenly an old man on a bicycle came across from me, and he was startled, and I was startled.

The danger of the green gauze tent lies in its secrecy and isolation. There are also many similar "green yarn tents" in the city, such as high-rise residential buildings with staircases and equipment floors. Unfinished construction sites, demolished urban villages, and so on.

The stairwell of a high-rise house is indeed a terrifying place, as if I have seen a news that no one knows that there is a person in it who has become a dried corpse. But I know a friend of mine who also insists on climbing 20 flights of stairs every day to exercise, and it is said that this is not good for his knees.

The "green gauze tent" in the city is such a terrifying existence, everyone must be careful

The evacuation floor is the equipment floor of a high-rise building. Generally, the downstairs shops and upstairs residences are separated, and people have to bend over when they walk inside. Some places have opened up parking areas. A few days ago, there was a high-rise fire, because of the fire of an electric car in the parking area. Some equipment floors are not managed, and they have become a secret place, setting up a paradise for the homeless, and if you accidentally enter it, you will be really scared.

The "green gauze tent" in the city is such a terrifying existence, everyone must be careful

Actually, this is not discrimination, this is a fact, and this is also human nature. They can't come into contact with women, and after a long time, they will have a sick psychology and become a potential danger. They may not be inherently bad, but just human.

The "green gauze tent" in the city is such a terrifying existence, everyone must be careful

This is sending sheep into the wolves. For a group of people who have not seen a girl for a long time, it is natural to see that the girl's eyes are red, and it is natural to coax, whistle, and knock on the door.

The "green gauze tent" in the city is such a terrifying existence, everyone must be careful

When I was in college, I also encountered it. A worker was spotted hiding in the middle of the night in the ladies' dormitory. A group of girls chase after each other with kitchen knives. The boy also ran to the women's dormitory with a stick. The worker jumped from the third floor to the hill behind the dormitory, rolled away.

The "green gauze tent" in the city is such a terrifying existence, everyone must be careful

People who steal at night are not terrible, but those who steal people are terrible. However, the public toilets are okay now, and there is basically no hiding place.

The "green gauze tent" in the city is such a terrifying existence, everyone must be careful

There are no green yarn tents in the city, but there are more abandoned places and they are less safe. No matter where you are, you must always tighten the string of safety.

The "green gauze tent" in the city is such a terrifying existence, everyone must be careful

The danger is that you can't prevent it. The one-meter-eight old man, if you are facing the gong and the drum, you will definitely not be afraid. However, they are sneak attacks, and when you're not looking, give it to you.

The "green gauze tent" in the city is such a terrifying existence, everyone must be careful

Fortunately, I was talking to the administrator at the time, otherwise I would have been frightened if someone suddenly appeared.

The "green gauze tent" in the city is such a terrifying existence, everyone must be careful

If the downstairs parking in the community is not safe, isn't the underground garage even more terrifying? Actually, the location doesn't matter. The key is time, it's not safe to be in that place at four o'clock in the morning.

The "green gauze tent" in the city is such a terrifying existence, everyone must be careful

There are more perverts in the city, so at night, try not to walk alone at night and not on the path where there are no people.

The "green gauze tent" in the city is such a terrifying existence, everyone must be careful

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