
The advertising market rose 14.6% month-on-month in May, with double-digit growth across multiple channels

author:CTR Insights

· Since the beginning of this year, the advertising market as a whole has maintained growth, with small fluctuations in monthly changes. According to data from CTR Media Intelligence, the advertising market increased by 2.9% year-on-year from January to May 2024. Monthly observation shows that advertising market spending in May fell slightly by 1.2% year-on-year; Monthly spending rose 14.6% month-on-month, an increase of 13 percentage points from the previous month. In terms of advertising channels, elevator LCD and cinema video advertisements both showed a year-on-year increase of 18.9%; Monthly spending on elevator poster advertising increased by 3.4%; The publication cost of other advertising channels decreased to varying degrees year-on-year. From a month-on-month perspective, in addition to the 32.6% month-on-month decline in advertising spending at train/high-speed rail stations, advertising spending on subways, elevator LCDs, elevator posters, cinema videos, and Internet stations all showed double-digit month-on-month increases, while advertising on TV, radio, street furniture, and airports also increased by single digits month-on-month.

Year-on-year change in advertising spend by media from January to May 2024

The advertising market rose 14.6% month-on-month in May, with double-digit growth across multiple channels

Data source: CTR Ad Cube Advertising Database; The year-on-year comparison is the N months of the current year and the N months of the previous year

Key industries

Advertising increased in a number of industries, while the food and beverage industry reduced advertising spending

· From the perspective of specific industry and brand performance, in the top list of the advertising market from January to May 2024, the advertising investment increase in cosmetics/bathroom products, alcoholic beverages, entertainment and leisure, commercial and service industries, and personal products industries is outstanding, and the year-on-year increase in publication spending has reached double digits; The high-volume food and beverage industry continues to show a downward trend in advertising.

The advertising market as a whole from January to May 2024

Changes in advertising spend in the top 10 industries (categories).

The advertising market rose 14.6% month-on-month in May, with double-digit growth across multiple channels

Data source: CTR Ad Cube Advertising Database; The year-on-year comparison is the N months of the current year and the N months of the previous year

* Key Industries - Beverage Industry

· The beverage industry has a large advertising volume, but the expenditure on publications decreased by 19.5% year-on-year, and the industry's advertising investment in TV, radio, subway, elevator LCD, and cinema video has decreased significantly, mainly due to the reduction of expenditure on these advertising channels in categories such as distilled water/mineral water, infant milk powder, and room temperature white milk.

· The beverage industry has been active in posters at train/high-speed rail stations, airports and elevators, mainly driven by the increase in advertising volume in the low-temperature yogurt and fruit and vegetable juice categories. The top brands in the industry that have increased investment include Jiaguoyuan, Cestbon, Beiliyou, Dongpeng, and Fruit Ripe.

Beverage industry publication expenses from January to May 2024

TOP10 brands

The advertising market rose 14.6% month-on-month in May, with double-digit growth across multiple channels

Data source: CTR Ad Cube Advertising Database; The year-on-year comparison is the N months of the current year and the N months of the previous year

* Key Industries - Cosmetics/Bathroom Products Industry

· The advertising expenditure of the cosmetics/bathroom products industry increased by 33.5% year-on-year, especially in the elevator LCD and elevator posters, which increased by 84.8% and 120.5% year-on-year, respectively.

· The growth of the industry was mainly due to the heavy advertising of skincare products, oral hygiene/care products, infant hygiene and bathroom products, with active brands such as Songda, Olay, Hanshu, Runbaiyan, Vinda, etc.

Cosmetics/bathroom products industry from January to May 2024

The top 10 brands spend on publications

The advertising market rose 14.6% month-on-month in May, with double-digit growth across multiple channels

Data source: CTR Ad Cube Advertising Database; The year-on-year comparison is the N months of the current year and the N months of the previous year

* Key Industries - Alcoholic Beverages Industry

· The alcoholic beverage industry increased its investment by 4.7%, 147.7% and 73.1% respectively in broadcasting, elevator LCD and elevator poster channels.

· The main reason for the year-on-year increase of 19.6% in the overall advertising spend of the industry was that China's table wine, medicinal wine/tonic wine, wine/fruit wine and other categories increased publicity efforts, and the outstanding brands included Zhen, Hongmao, Wuliangye, Maopu, Tinghua, etc.

Alcoholic beverages industry, January-May 2024

The top 10 brands spend on publications

The advertising market rose 14.6% month-on-month in May, with double-digit growth across multiple channels

Data source: CTR Ad Cube Advertising Database; The year-on-year comparison is the N months of the current year and the N months of the previous year

* Key Industries - Entertainment & Leisure

· The entertainment and leisure industry was active in advertising, with a year-on-year increase of 24.1% in magazine spending, and double-digit year-on-year growth in multiple advertising channels such as TV, street furniture, subways, airports, and elevators. The main driving force is to increase the promotion of tourism/regional image, teaching supplies and services, sporting goods and services and other categories in the industry. The tourism/regional image category has a large amount of investment in TV, radio, Internet stations, elevator LCDs, elevator posters and other channels, and all of them have shown an increase in spending, with active brands such as Chimelong, Disney, Fangte and other theme companies/scenic spots, as well as Shanghai, Jilin, Shandong and other cities image promotion.

· Teaching supplies and services are mainly advertised in TV LCD, train/high-speed rail stations, street furniture, etc., and the top brands in this category include Little Ape, Alpha Egg, Squirrel, Backgammon, Story Light, etc. Sporting goods and services mainly increased significantly in elevator LCD and cinema video, and the representative brands are Hongxing Erke, Adidas, Lululemon, Egg, Descente, etc.

Entertainment & Leisure Sector Publication Spending January-May 2024

TOP10 brands

The advertising market rose 14.6% month-on-month in May, with double-digit growth across multiple channels

Data source: CTR Ad Cube Advertising Database; The year-on-year comparison is the N months of the current year and the N months of the previous year

Brand performance

· In terms of brand performance, the top 20 brands in overall advertising spending from January to May 2024 are mostly brands in the fast-moving consumer goods industry such as food, beverages and alcoholic beverages, and also cover a total of 10 industries such as post and telecommunications, household appliances, entertainment and leisure.

· In addition, the advertising of cleaning products brand Blue Moon and alcohol brand Zhen increased by more than 10 times year-on-year.

Overall ad market ad spend from January to May 2024

TOP20 brand list

The advertising market rose 14.6% month-on-month in May, with double-digit growth across multiple channels

Data source: CTR Ad Cube Advertising Database; The year-on-year comparison is the N month of the current year and the N month of the previous year· For more information on industry and brand placement, please contact 👇👇👇 us.


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2024 China Advertiser Marketing Trends Survey Report

In June 2024, CCTV Market Research (CTR), together with the School of Advertising of Communication University of China and the National Advertising Research Institute, jointly released the "2024 China Advertiser Marketing Trend Survey Report" at the Academic Center of Communication University of China.

Released for the 16th consecutive year, the report surveyed more than 300 marketing leaders of companies of all sizes to gain insight into issues of market confidence, budget adjustments, marketing trends and other issues that concern the industry. The following is the core content of the report.

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The advertising market started the year with a slight increase: a year-on-year increase of 3.7% in January

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The advertising market rose 14.6% month-on-month in May, with double-digit growth across multiple channels

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