
It is difficult to break into the northeast cuisine in the south, the locals are not tired of eating it, and southern netizens: they dare not eat it at all

author:73 Divine Cow

#头条创作挑战赛# "Food has no definite taste, but the palatable is precious", China is vast and vast, and each region has different products and climates, so there are great differences in food and customs.

With the development of transportation and information in recent years, both the north and the south have begun to integrate goods and cuisines, in the north you can see Sichuan restaurants and Hunan restaurants everywhere, and in the south you will also see Northeast barbecue and iron pot stew, as well as restaurants that advertise Northeast cuisine.

It is difficult to break into the northeast cuisine in the south, the locals are not tired of eating it, and southern netizens: they dare not eat it at all

The land in the Northeast is rich in nutrients, and the frost-free period is relatively short throughout the year, so many crops can only grow once a year, but it is precisely because of this that many local products in the Northeast are well-known at home and abroad.

The food of the Northeast is as rough and bold as the character of the Northeast people, coupled with the extroverted character of the Northeast people, so in recent years, many Northeast foods have begun to become popular all over the country, but there are these 5 kinds of Northeast food, and the locals can't get tired of eating them.

1. Rice Pepper Cabbage

It is difficult to break into the northeast cuisine in the south, the locals are not tired of eating it, and southern netizens: they dare not eat it at all

When it comes to the table food that every household in the three northeastern provinces has to eat, then it must be dipped in pickles, which is a delicacy that Northeast people can't eat enough from snacks to big.

The Northeast dipping pickles are actually very simple, that is, a variety of seasonal vegetables, washed and served with a bowl of Northeast soybean sauce, of course, this sauce will taste better if it is scrambled with eggs.

Don't look at many places in the south are called "the land of fish and rice", there are seasonal vegetables on the market all year round, but southerners really dare not eat raw vegetables, basically fried and eaten, even if the northeast people love to eat cucumbers in this season, there are few raw ones in the south.

In fact, this is mainly related to the water, soil and climate, the temperature in the south is relatively high, and it is easy to leave insect eggs in the vegetables, so people here are used to eating cooked vegetables, and the annual frost-free period in the Northeast is very short, plus the land is fertile, and many vegetables that grow out have their own sweetness, plus the climate is relatively dry, so this dipping pickle is too popular.

2. Pupa

It is difficult to break into the northeast cuisine in the south, the locals are not tired of eating it, and southern netizens: they dare not eat it at all

Every summer is the time when the cicada pupae in Shandong are on sale, but almost no one eats the cicada pupae in the Northeast, but the cocoon pupa is a delicacy that Northeast people love all year round.

Every child in the Northeast has played "southeast and northwest" when he was a child, that is, he holds the silkworm chrysalis in his hand, pinching his head and its tail will move in the southeast and northwest, so that many children have a lot of fun.

The cocoon pupa in the northeast is the pupae of the silkworm, which seems to be only available in the north, so it is larger than the mulberry silkworm in the south, and the flesh inside will be more.

Crispy cocoon pupa is the favorite appetizer of Northeast people, and it is also a big dish on the table during the New Year's Festival, and because of the small production of cocoon pupae in the Northeast, it is difficult to get out of the Northeast, and like the cocoon chrysalis of a big insect, it also discourages many southern friends.

3. Pork skin jelly

It is difficult to break into the northeast cuisine in the south, the locals are not tired of eating it, and southern netizens: they dare not eat it at all

During the Chinese New Year, whether the family has money or not, an indispensable cold dish on the table is frozen in pig skin or pig's trotters.

This pork skin jelly is very simple to make, that is, the fat of the pig skin is scraped clean, and then boiled in the pot until the pork skin is crispy, and the soup connected with the pig skin and the boiled pork skin will condense into a freeze after naturally cooling, and this jelly is cut into thin slices and served with garlic paste.

The reason why pigskin jelly is not popular with friends in the south is estimated to be related to the climate in the south, because the winter weather in the northeast is cold, and the indoor temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large because of heating, so it feels hot and uncomfortable.

4. Three fried

It is difficult to break into the northeast cuisine in the south, the locals are not tired of eating it, and southern netizens: they dare not eat it at all

In the rural areas of Northeast China, every household has a big iron pot, and the stove of this big iron pot is connected to the kang at home.

Cooking in rural areas in Northeast China likes to be cooked in one pot, that is, the staple food and vegetables are put in a large pot, and then boiled out in one pot, which saves time and energy, and the ingredients are particularly crispy.

The so-called "Sanyan" is some vegetables that can be steamed and eaten after cooking, while "one fried" is the Northeast miso fried in oil, and "one fried" is dipped in "one fried" is a delicacy that Northeast people love to eat.

This "one fried" is sometimes replaced with egg stew, that is, the egg is mixed with sauce and pepper, and then steamed with the "three yang", which belongs to the Northeast people in the summer super favorite food, but this way of eating is too rough, people in many places in the south don't talk about eating, they don't even see it, and the appearance is really poor.

5. Stewed beans with potatoes

It is difficult to break into the northeast cuisine in the south, the locals are not tired of eating it, and southern netizens: they dare not eat it at all

If you want to say that Northeast people eat the most food on the table all year round, then there is no doubt that potato stewed beans ranks first, and this dish belongs to the delicious food that Northeast people can't get tired of eating from childhood to adulthood.

There are too many varieties of beans in the Northeast, and many locals in the Northeast can't name the beans sold in the market, but if you want to say that the best way to eat beans, it must be potato stewed beans.

Beans cannot be cut with a knife, but are broken by hand, and potatoes are also cut into large pieces and stewed with ribs, pork belly or large bones.

However, the potato stewed beans are black and slimy after coming out of the pot, which does not look very appetizing, and the beans and potatoes are not together in the southern period, so it is difficult for this practice to enter the southern region, and many southern friends can't think of this kind of matching.

"One side of the water and soil to raise one side of the people", the Northeast because of the special geographical location and climatic conditions, so the formation of their own unique eating habits, although now the Northeast cuisine has been popular all over the country, but the above five dishes are difficult to enter the southern market, mainly the difference in eating habits, what do you think?

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