
Guoyuan Exhibition: Display means to be considered in the design of multimedia exhibition halls

author:Guoyuan Exhibition

With the rapid development of science and technology, the generation of interactive media, multimedia technology and other high-tech means to join the display design, the multimedia exhibition hall design has broken through the static display means in the past, but in a dynamic way more intuitive, straight, vivid, vividly displayed in front of the visitors. Multimedia displays have many potential advantages, and making full use of them can make the extension of the exhibition hall more extensive. The following takes the most well-known multimedia exhibition hall design as an example to describe the four major display methods considered in the design of multimedia exhibition halls.

Guoyuan Exhibition: Display means to be considered in the design of multimedia exhibition halls

1. Large-screen projection

Generally, it is displayed in large meetings, where there are more people, and it can display a lot of information to achieve information sharing. The principle of large-screen projection in the design of the multimedia exhibition hall is to use multiple projections to project a seamless, unified, realistic and three-dimensional perfect image, and cooperate with the surround stereo sound system to create an immersive, immersive virtual simulation display environment.

2. Interactive projection on the ground

In the design of the multimedia exhibition hall, the ground interactive projection is also called ground interaction, which is the interaction between participants and ground images. When the visitor walks to the projection area, through the system recognition, the visitor can directly use his feet to interact with the virtual scene on the projection screen on the ground, and the interactive projection effect will change accordingly with your steps.

Guoyuan Exhibition: Display means to be considered in the design of multimedia exhibition halls

3. Touch the query

The design of the multimedia exhibition hall makes full use of the all-round comprehensive performance of pictures, texts, sounds, images and animations, which not only makes the query and display vivid and vivid, but also is easy to operate and use, suitable for all ages, so it is widely used.

4. Multimedia projection sand table

Multimedia projection sand table in the design of multimedia exhibition hall is a high-tech product, it combines the physical sand table model, the use of animation and multimedia software demonstration, through the way of projection, the dynamic effect is projected onto the physical sand table model, combined with lighting sound effects and dubbing explanation, vivid and intuitive display, so that visitors can vividly obtain concise, beautiful and realistic dynamic information. It can enable the audience to have a comprehensive, three-dimensional and intuitive overall understanding of the display object, which is more shocking and appealing than the traditional sand table.

Guoyuan Exhibition: Display means to be considered in the design of multimedia exhibition halls

5. Electronic flipbook

Excellent multimedia exhibition hall design is like an open book, which records a wealth of information (animation, video, pictures) can be freely flipped left and right, electronic flipbook is the use of infrared induction to obtain the visitor's action, and the action is transmitted to the computer for processing, and the application in the computer is based on the captured signal to drive the excellent multimedia display design to flip the effect of the book.

The above is the exhibition hall design information introduced to you by the concept exhibition hall. If you still want to know more about related knowledge, you can log on to the official website of Guoyuan Exhibition or the WeChat public account to view. In short, as long as you have a thorough investigation and detailed understanding, it is not difficult to choose a professional and reliable exhibition hall design company.

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