
The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots丨In order to develop the "grain" of food, they are "digging" in the fields

author:China Youth Network

In the front line of scientific research on the mainland, a large number of party members and scientific and technological workers are active, and they are practicing their oath to the party with outstanding achievements.

Zhang Lili, a researcher at the Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and secretary of the Party branch of the Agricultural Center, has led the team to take root at the grassroots level for many years and has made many achievements in the field of new fertilizer research, laying a solid foundation for promoting the development of green agriculture in the mainland and ensuring national food security.

In the past two days, Zhang Lili took advantage of the corn growth jointing period to come to the corn demonstration planting site in Tieling County, Tieling City, to conduct field research and prepare for the next scientific research work.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots丨In order to develop the "grain" of food, they are "digging" in the fields

Liu Qiang, the person in charge of a fertilizer production company: We use this stable compound fertilizer, its aerial rooting, and we see it relatively developed at present. The whole corn stalk is also relatively strong.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots丨In order to develop the "grain" of food, they are "digging" in the fields

Zhang Lili, researcher at the Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences: I'll take the soil back for it and test it again in the laboratory to see the form of the nitrogen. Then let's see if there are any problems, and then continue to adjust the formula.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots丨In order to develop the "grain" of food, they are "digging" in the fields

As the saying goes, "a crop is a flower, and it all depends on fertilizer". In agricultural production, chemical fertilizers are called the "grain" of grain. Therefore, it is extremely important to improve the quality and efficiency of green fertilizers through scientific and technological innovation. In order to understand the actual planting situation, get first-hand scientific research data, and collect soil samples in the field under wind and sun, it is the norm of Zhang Lili's team's work.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots丨In order to develop the "grain" of food, they are "digging" in the fields

Zhang Lili, researcher at the Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences: Although spring plowing is over, in fact, this period is also our busiest time. We have to go to various regions to see how the local products (fertilizers) are applied. Including the growth of crops, including the control of pests and diseases, bring the problem back to the laboratory, and then further optimize some work.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots丨In order to develop the "grain" of food, they are "digging" in the fields

Zhang Lili said that the traditional fertilizer is artificially blended and blended by growers, and there are problems such as rapid loss of nitrogen, low absorption and utilization rate, weak ability to resist natural disasters, and environmental pollution. To solve these problems, it is necessary to accurately supply nutrients to the crops themselves throughout their life cycle. As the team leader of the plant nutrition and fertilizer research group, Zhang Lili innovatively proposed the research direction of carbon and nitrogen coupling and carbon nitrogen conservation, which opened up a new path for the development of new fertilizers in the research group. Through these years of continuous research, gratifying results have been achieved.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots丨In order to develop the "grain" of food, they are "digging" in the fields

Qi Junmin, an agricultural grower in Tieling County, Tieling City, Liaoning Province: This compound fertilizer is particularly balanced in nutrition, and the growth is very good.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots丨In order to develop the "grain" of food, they are "digging" in the fields

In 2021, the Chinese Academy of Sciences' "Black Soil Granary" science and technology battle began. As a member of the Communist Party, Zhang Lili bravely took on heavy responsibilities and became the person in charge of the Shenyang Demonstration Zone. In response to the problem of "thinning, thinning, and hardening" of black soil, she organized experts to carefully demonstrate, and established three science and technology demonstration zones in Changtu, Fuxin, and Shenbei. Zhang Lili's team has also developed and promoted nine mature technologies, including new fermentation storage and safe application technology for full manure, and research and development and application of organic and inorganic fertilizer products. By the end of 2023, the cumulative promotion area will reach more than 2,800 mu.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots丨In order to develop the "grain" of food, they are "digging" in the fields

Wu Zhijie, researcher at the Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences: As a party member, she has a spirit of responsibility, that is, she is not afraid of hardship, not afraid of failure, and does things that are not famous, but are useful to the country and the people.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots丨In order to develop the "grain" of food, they are "digging" in the fields

Zhang Lili, researcher at the Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences: We want to focus on the reduction of soil barriers in the next step. It is also a mission to protect and make good use of every inch of land, so that the black soil in Northeast China can better play its role as a "ballast stone".

Source: CCTV news client

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